Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 323 Sensational Movie

The next night.

The main entrance of Times Cinema.

Posters of recently released movies are placed everywhere.

Luoyang, Liu Qin, Hua Qi, and Hu Hu came to the cinema hall.

Originally, he wanted to drag Long Wanchun along, but Long Wanchun would rather stay in the car. In his opinion, watching movies on a mobile phone is more comfortable than in a theater.

"'First Close Encounter'."

"I also want "First Intimate Encounter"."

"Give me three movie tickets for Aquarium."

"Give me a ticket to the movie 'First Encounter.'"

Luoyang carefully observed the guests and found that there were quite a lot of people buying tickets for the movie "First Close Encounters". At least there would be no problem with the attendance of "First Close Encounters" tonight. After all, it was titled "Those Movies". The banner of "The Girl We Chased Together in Years" is a pure love sister chapter.

In addition, on the promotional poster for "First Intimate Contact", the name of the original work, Luoyang, is very clear.

"It seems your name is quite useful." Liu Qin, wearing sunglasses and a silk scarf, whispered in Luoyang's ear.

Luoyang smiled. There is nothing wrong with Noon Sunshine using his name to promote it. The success of "Those Years" was also mentioned repeatedly by Noon Sunshine, just to leave an impression on the audience: our "First Intimate Contact" , is a good movie on the same level as "Girls We Chased Together".

"It's about to start, let's go in."

Hua Qi opened his mouth and said that ticket checking had already started at the door.

Several people from Luoyang passed the ticket gate and entered Theater No. 1 of Times Cinema.

Speaking of which, Noon Sunshine also invited Luoyang to attend the premiere, but Luoyang rejected it. In order to appease the other party's heart, Luoyang helped promote the movie on a small amount of money.

Noon Sunshine is very satisfied with this, because after Luoyang handed over the film and television rights to them, it did not act as a screenwriter or invest in the film. It was enough to help them promote it. Luoyang's pure fans are obviously the biggest fans of this film. audience.

After entering the cinema, Luoyang and the others were seated in the eighth row.

This location is good for watching movies, and several people are not short-sighted, so there will be no impact at all.

"I don't know what the movie will be like. I have researched Noon Sunshine's previous works, and the reputation has always been pretty good. I hope this time it won't disappoint." Hua Qi glanced at the screen playing the advertisement and whispered. .

Liu Qin took off his sunglasses and said with a smile, "It's okay if the filming sucks. The copyright is with them anyway."

"After all, it is an adaptation of my work. You have to hope that it will be good." Luoyang glared at Liu Qin angrily.

Amber covered her mouth and chuckled: "Bai Da, you have forgotten that the heroine of this movie is Li Tianyin. Li Tianyin has always regarded her sister as a competitor. It seems that her album sales are not as good as her sister, but in terms of movies But she is one step ahead of her sister.”

Hearing this, Luoyang glanced at Liu Qin: "You have learned to be competitive."

"I am the champion of [Next Queen]. It would be embarrassing to be overtaken by the runner-up." Liu Qin said plausibly.

Luoyang smiled, but in fact it was just a habitual insult. With Luoyang here, it is not difficult for Liu Qin to act, but the other party has no idea of ​​​​attacking film and television yet.

"here we go……"

Hua Qi suddenly said something.

Sure enough, as soon as the big screen went dark, the logo of the noon sun appeared.

After a burst of rustling music, a man with an ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes appeared on the screen. He was sitting in front of the computer typing. While the man was typing, a narration also sounded.

"If I have ten million, I can buy a house. Do I have ten million? No. So I still don't have a house. If I have wings, I can fly. Do I have wings? No. So I There is no way to fly. If I pour out all the water in the Pacific, it won’t extinguish the flame of my love for you. Can I pour out all the water in the Pacific? So I don’t love you.”

This narration was exactly what the ruffian Cai was typing, and when this classic quotation from the novel was uttered by the male protagonist, many in the audience looked nostalgic.

They remembered the time when they first saw "First Intimate Contact" - Luoyang also recalled the sensation this novel caused on WeChat when it was first released. The number of clicks, reposts and comments were surprisingly high. , which is completely a phenomenon-level sign.

And the look of this movie. Luoyang was also slowly examining it.

Different from the shoddy Hong Kong version in my previous life, the graphics in this life are very refined.

Although the protagonist Cai's dormitory is messy, it is not dirty. It is more like the dormitory of an ordinary otaku.

Immediately afterwards, Artest appeared with lipstick marks on his face. He came back and talked about love theory with the ruffian Cai Da. He heard that the ruffian Cai was ready to make a move, but he didn't have the courage to really try it.

This plot is completely different from the movie played by Jordan Chan in the previous life - it would be strange if it were the same. The last time "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" was written by Luoyang himself, so he could highly restore the plot of the previous life.

Soon, Qingwu Feiyang, played by Li Tianyin, appeared on the stage.

As soon as Li Tianyin appeared, there was a lot of noise in the cinema.

"She's so beautiful. I never noticed how elegant she is before..."

"I really liked her when I was a queen in Next Station. Her camera skills are great."

"I was a little worried at first, but now it seems that Qingwu Feiyang, played by Li Tianyin, at least looks good..."

Li Tianyin is indeed very beautiful, otherwise she wouldn't have been so inseparable from Liu Qin in the fight. This woman is not simple.

"I danced gently. Among the crowded crowd, the strange look you cast towards me, whether it was surprise or admiration, did not mess up my dance steps, because what made me fly was not your gaze, but It’s my young heart.”

Qing Wu Fei's lines came out through Li Tianyin's mouth.

The expressions of many viewers have become excited. Obviously, Li Tianyin's dialogue skills are also quite good.

Even Luoyang was nodding his head at this moment. In the movie of his previous life, Luoyang was not interested in the actor who played the role of Qing Wu Fei Yang - to put it another way, there was no point in the trend, and his acting skills were also very average. In comparison, Li Tianyin The performance is fully qualified.

It's not that Li Tianyin's acting skills are that good.

Li Tianyin's acting skills can only be said to be average and need to be improved.

But overall, it's pretty good, especially that pretty face which adds a lot of points to her.

If you think about it carefully, the movie "First Encounter" in the previous life was a movie made two thousand years ago. The picture quality was very poor and the director's skills were very poor. It was obviously a popular work on the Internet, but the filming was a mess and was even criticized by the media as bad. piece.

In this life, although I am not particularly clever...

But the sensational part of the plot is obviously well done.

Especially the scene where Qingwu Feiyang, played by Li Tianyin, is hospitalized at the end, is simply sensational to the extreme.

The most sadistic part in the novel has unfolded, Qingwu Feiyang passed away, and many girls' cries could be heard at the scene.

Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart - he knew that this movie had been successful. The fact that so many people cried showed that the director had captured the core of the movie. Yes, the core is sadism and sensationalism, as well as the touching words between the lines.

"It's quite smart..."

When Luoyang said smart, he was referring to the screenwriter of this movie.

This screenwriter barely changed the plot, and even deliberately exaggerated the parts that should be sensational.

There is a suspicion of using too much force, as if it is sensational for the sake of sensationalism. However, this novel is very sad. People who have read the original work are very good at thinking about it, and they burst into tears after watching the movie.

As long as Noon Sunshine's subsequent publicity is in place, the box office of this movie will not be much lower no matter what.

Luoyang was both emotional and relieved that his big IP plan had been completed again, and he was one step closer to the explosion of IP.

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