Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 1056 The doctor said

As Xiao Yan said, the process of inviting Xia Ying went smoothly. When the movie queen learned that it was Luoyang's intention to take over Liu Qin's role in the movie, she agreed without much hesitation.

This is not surprising either.

After looking at the actresses in the Dragon Kingdom, even if they are actors and actresses, almost no one can refuse Luoyang's request. No one will doubt that Luoyang will be one of the top figures in the entertainment industry in the Dragon Kingdom in the future. Even now, Luoyang's influence on the entertainment industry No less than some long-established industry giants.

Luoyang didn't care about it.

Some of his ways of thinking can never be changed. He can consider career development from the perspective of a qualified superior, but he will never look at others from the perspective of a superior, so when Xia Ying agreed to star in "Qin Empire" "After that, he made a special phone call to thank the other party.

Xia Ying was pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Luoyang called him to thank him.

This actress, who was rated as having a "cool temperament" by the media, almost smiled sweetly when talking to Luoyang on the phone. She did not have the cold side in front of the media at all: "If there is a chance in the future, it would be great if Luoyang University could give me an autograph. !”

Luoyang agreed with a smile.

Ordinary people like to regard celebrities as their idols. In fact, celebrities are also people, and they also have their own idols. Luoyang is obviously the idol in the minds of countless celebrities.

Ding Yi's side.

After learning that Xia Ying was willing to star in the movie, his breathing was obviously rapid. He said excitedly: "Teacher Luoyang, thank you so much. I didn't expect that Teacher Xia Ying would actually be willing to star in our movie!"

"It should be done."

Luoyang smiled, exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

Next, Luoyang fell into a long wait. In fact, it was only two days. Liu Qin would be able to return to Tiandu in two days, but the days in Luoyang were like years, so it gave the illusion that two days were very long.

Two days later.

Liu Qin is back.

Luoyang, who went to pick up the plane, supported him almost the whole time, which made Liu Qin laugh: "I said you are serving Lafayette. I am not pregnant yet, and you are not afraid of reporters taking pictures..."

Before he finished speaking, Luoyang pursed his lips and said: "It has been photographed."

A few paparazzi not far away were hiding behind a tree, pressing the shutter of the camera furtively, unable to hide the excitement on their faces. Apparently they had guessed something through Luoyang's support to Liu Qin.

Liu Qin said: "If you don't care, then just shoot whatever you want."

Luoyang nodded and said with a smile: "My parents also clamored to come over, saying they wanted to take care of you, a pregnant woman, but I refused. It's better to wait until the belly gets bigger before letting the second elder come over."

"Listen to you."

Liu Qin said sweetly, she liked the way Luoyang cherished her.

The next day, Luoyang accompanied Liu Qin to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. When he saw the doctor announcing that Liu Qin was pregnant and in good health, Luoyang almost jumped three feet high.

Seems a bit childish.

But Luoyang is happy from the bottom of his heart!

In the following days, Luoyang didn't attend class very much. He spent almost most of the time at home with Liu Qin. He even drew three comic strips and completed them by Liu Qin's side. In addition, he also invited Liu Qin to A nanny who is very good at taking care of pregnant women in case anything unexpected happens.

Naturally, the news of Liu Qin's pregnancy was soon known to the outside world.

All of a sudden, all the major media were rushing to report: [Luoyang took Liu Qin to Tiandu Hospital for examination], [Liu Qin suddenly quit the crew of "Qin Empire", suspected of being pregnant], [National writer Luoyang may be a father] !

News of Liu Qin’s pregnancy flooded the screen like crazy!

"Congratulations to Luo Da. After half a year of marriage, we finally have a child. I hope it's a girl. This way I will have the opportunity to call Luo Da my father-in-law in the future, hehehe!"

"What a happy couple!"

"Yes, judging from the footage taken by the reporter, Luo Da and Qin Ye can barely conceal their smiling faces."

"The way Luo Da carefully supported Liu Qin was so loving. I envy Liu Qin. Some media say she is the happiest woman in the world, which makes sense!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Qin for becoming Mom~~~"

"I have liked Luo Da for eight years. I didn't expect that Luo Da's child will be born soon. This year I will also get married to my boyfriend. I hope I can be as happy as Luo Da and Qin Ye in the future!"

"Every LSU fan will be favored."

In addition to fans, celebrities in the entertainment industry who have friendships with Luoyang and those who have no friendships also sent blessings: "Congratulations to Luoyang and Liu Qin for their love child!"

Luoyang was in a good mood and specially replied with many blessings.

I don’t know what he thinks, but he posts some pregnancy precautions on Weibo every day, such as “Keep a happy mood during pregnancy”, “Avoid slipping”, “Avoid the fatigue of traveling”, “Avoid drugs, tobacco and alcohol” "etc……

"Pregnancy expert!"

"Hahaha, is Luo Da really a writer?"

"If I hadn't known that Luo University was writing books, I would have thought that I had followed a doctor who specializes in fetal health care."

"Suddenly I feel that Luo Da looks so cute like this. I guess I have already learned the doctor's advice by heart. He also provides science education to fans every day. Is it because he wants everyone to have a little baby?"

Many fans laughed at Luoyang's sudden change in Weibo style.

In fact, not only the online style has changed, but also in reality. When Liu Qin plays with his mobile phone for too long, Luoyang will seriously take away Liu Qin's mobile phone and say: "The doctor said, don't expose to radiation or high-voltage waves."

Liu Qin wants to be paralyzed?

Luoyang Hui said: "The doctor said not to maintain the same position for too long to avoid poor blood flow and stimulate uterine contraction, and you also need to avoid inappropriate abdominal pressure."

Liu Qin complained: "You might as well change your profession and become a doctor."

However, complaints are complaints. Looking at Luoyang who talks about "the doctor said" every day, Liu Qin will not feel annoyed at all. On the contrary, he will feel very happy.

"By the way, what will the child be called when he is born in the future?"

Sometimes, Liu Qin would take Luoyang to discuss the name, and Luoyang would often put down what he was doing at this time and think about it seriously. Finally, Luoyang said: "The boy's name is Luo Yuan!"

"Luo Yuan?"

"This name is in the hope that he can go further than me in the future."

"Go further than you. This goal is not an easy one to achieve. For me, as long as the children can grow up safely, it is better than anything else."

"That's right."

"What if it's a girl?"

"The girl's name is Luo Meili. I hope she is as beautiful as my mother."

Liu Qin rolled his eyes: "Is this the standard of naming for a national writer? I'm not afraid of people laughing at me when I say it. I'm going to call her Luo Meili. Let's just call her Luo Cuihua. She's obviously more down-to-earth than Luo Meili."

"Hey, why don't you call me Luo Tianyi?"

The two smiled at each other and held each other's hands tightly.

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