Chapter 641 Company Welfare Causes An Uproar!!

June passes and July arrives.

The movies released on May Day are also going to be taken down, but the box office of the movie and the reputation are not picked.

Spider-Man ended at $1.27 billion and The Matrix ended at $610 million.

Two science fiction films written by Luo Shao ended up at $1.88 billion.

According to the share, the two films add up to $1.88 billion, and Luo Shao can share $720 million.

If it is 4.6 billion yuan, deduct about 1.5 billion costs and taxes.

In these two movies, Luo Shao can earn 3 billion rmb, which is already very good.

Some money is earned, of course, it is still wanted, and this is still 3 billion.

Taking advantage of the return of Marvel special effects, Luo Shao said to the supervisor here: “Oh yes, as I said before, Spider-Man’s global box office exceeded $100 million, and it would send 20,000 red envelopes to all of the two special effects teams of this movie, or buy a car.” ”

“Now that the box office is also divided, you are ready to send 20,000 red envelopes to the employees of the two special effects teams, as for the car, after sending them the red envelopes, let them buy it themselves.”

“After all, some people need money and don’t need a car, what car they want, let them get the bonus themselves, and then look at it and buy it.”

“Of course, you can also count to see who wants a car; After all, ordinary people are now buying cars, and it is difficult to get a license in the capital. ”

“See if someone needs a car, what car is reported, if the price of the car exceeds the red envelope reward, let them make up, and the license plate our company will help to get it.”

Luo Shao explained the matter and let the supervisor take charge.

“Directors, in fact, have been counted, there are more than 50 people to buy a car, this is the list.”

“So fast?”

After learning about it, Luo Shao was very surprised.

“Yeah, just when it hit $100 million at the box office, people started choosing cars.”

“And we all know director Luo’s personality, everyone believes that you will not deceive people, so you chose the car early, and after choosing the car, there was not enough money to make up.”

It turned out to be so, Luo Shao understood.

“Then arrange for someone to purchase, as for the license plate, then I will arrange someone to help with the license plate.”

Luo Shao smiled and asked the supervisor to arrange for someone to help with the procurement.

When the supervisor announced the news, the special effects artists of the two special effects teams of “Spider-Man” cheered collectively.


Not only that, after getting the red envelope, these employees have told this good news on Weibo.

“Spider-Man” grossed more than $100 million, and Luo Shao promised to send 200,000 red envelopes to each of the two teams of the film and 800 people, or cars within 200,000; Red envelope rewards in hand! ”

“I’m going, is it really fake?”

Someone immediately commented.

“Really, 800 people, all got it, only the people who bought the car, and now they don’t get the car.”

“Are the benefits so good? 200,000 red envelope reward? ”

“Weakly asked, how much does the special effects artist of Marvel special effects pay?”

Someone also inquired about it.

“Before our boss, didn’t he say on the fast book, the salary of the special effects artist, on average, is 10,000 monthly salary, but in fact, there is a difference; The monthly salary of the special effects engineer for fresh graduates is 6000~7000; Work 3~”

5 years of special effects engineer, the monthly salary is about 10,000; There are 15,000 for more than 5 years, and there are also particularly excellent and better technical special effects artists, with a monthly salary of more than 20,000 “I go, yes, I am also a special effects artist, but not in Marvel Special Effects, I have been doing this line for 5 years, and now my salary is only 8,000, this gap is too big, right? ”

There are peers who admire.

“In fact, our boss is really very good, he knows that the young people now come out to work to earn money to support their families; Especially those who do special effects are men; People who understand us out to work; So as long as we complete the task well, the salary will be higher than that of our peers; This is also to know that the special effects of our loyal country need to be proved too much, and giving high wages is actually to motivate us to do better. ”

“But your prize money is 20,000, is it an exaggeration, the year-end bonus?”

“It’s not the year-end bonus, the year-end bonus is the year-end bonus, and the red packet is the red packet; In our Marvel film and television there is such a rule; Any special effects produced by our Marvel special effects, the special effects team responsible for this movie, has the rule of red envelope rewards; Watch this movie at the box office to give a reward. ”

“Can you elaborate on the box office reward conditions?”

Someone asked curiously.

Not to mention, there are really employees who stand up and say something.

“Science fiction films, our boss invests basically in the production cost of 100 million rmb; Box office of 500 million US dollars, that is, 3 billion rmb box office; This is basically the return of the money; So there is no reward for $500 million at the box office; Box office 600 million US dollars is 3.7 billion rmb so, calculate out 2 billion shares, 1 billion costs, about 700 million rmb box office share, the film’s special effects team employees, each person can get 20,000 rmb red envelope; $700 million box office, 40,000 rmb red envelopes; $800 million box office, 60,000 red envelopes; 900 million US dollars box office, 80,000 red envelopes; $1 billion box office, 200,000 red envelopes; Because of the global box office of $1 billion, there are fewer films that can be achieved, so the red envelope will double. ”

“Oh my God, the marvel special effects perks are also too good, love love.”

“I want to jump ship.”

Some of my peers have said that they want to jump ship.

“The welfare is good, but the competitiveness is also great.”

“Now every year we will recruit some fresh graduates to come in, and every year we will brush off a group of employees; After all, the welfare is good, which means that the competitiveness is strong, there are some old employees who do not perform well, and every year there are fresh graduates who come in, basically they will brush off some; Do not raise idle people. ”

“That’s for sure, every company has this situation, there are new people coming in, there must be old people leaving.”

“We are all out to work, as long as the salary is high enough, we will definitely work hard to do a good job; Unfortunately, in some companies now, we work hard and get less wages, which is the most terrible. ”

“It seems that Luo Shao is really good to the employees under the opponent; Ordinary employees can get 20,000 bonuses? If this is placed in other large companies, it is estimated that only the level of supervisor or above can get this kind of bonus, right?! ”

“We Marvel special effects, do not discriminate; It is true that the supervisor’s salary is high, and it is also true that the year-end bonus is high; But the rewards are equal. ”

With the employees of Marvel Special Effects Company breaking the news, a good boss like Luo Shao has once again become the object of many people’s discussion, and a boss like Luo Shao is estimated to be quan Zhongguo.

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