Chapter 552: A Side Hustle for Love!!

“Where did you learn the routine?”

Shu’er slapped Luo Shao with disgust.

“Still learning? Looking at your beautiful face every day, there are thousands of sweet routines in one second. ”


She liked that phrase.

After the class, he sighed: “Alas, in a few days I will go back to the cold country.” ”

“When you go back to the cold country, you won’t be able to drink milk tea, what should I do?”

Er’s worry just made Luo Shao think of something, and said to her: “Is there no milk tea shop in the cold country?” ”


Er shook his head and said he didn’t know.

“At least I haven’t seen a milk tea shop.”

Play said he had never seen it.

Since this is the case, Luo Shao said, “Then I will open a milk tea shop for you in the cold country.” ”


Luo Shao’s plan, however, startled him.

“Don’t you like to drink milk tea?” And there is no milk tea shop in the cold country, so I will open one in the cold country. ”

“This, this, isn’t it?” There are not many people in the cold country who will drink milk tea, right? ”

“Maybe they can accept milk tea?”

Play is worried about Luo Shao spending money indiscriminately.

“It doesn’t matter, a milk tea shop is just that, and the investment is 100,000 to 300,000 yuan.”

“Even if you don’t make money for a year, you won’t lose much money in a year.”

“It’s not much bigger, it’s enough to hire three employees at that time; According to the salary of the waiters in your cold country café, a month is 7000 ~ 10000rmb, three people is also 30,000 wages, plus shop rent, I calculate 50,000rmb a month, so calculated down, wages and shop rent even if it is ten thousand, the remaining 20,000 yuan, is the utility bill and cost. ”

“If you sell well, the cost is high, and if you sell well, the cost will not be high.”

“Anyway, 100,000 yuan a month, even if it is a loss for a year, it is only 1.2 million.”

“At the same time, when the time comes, the milk tea shop opens, and I will recruit international students from Zhongguo.”

“There are a lot of loyal people to study in Cyprus, when the time comes to hire them to be waiters, it is also considered a part-time job, so that even if it is a loss, the salary will also be paid to international students, and it can also help them be self-sufficient in the cold country, and they can earn wages part-time, which is not a loss in theory.”

Luo Shao’s idea was very simple, since his girlfriend wanted to drink milk tea, and there was no milk tea shop in The cold country, it was better to open a milk tea shop for her.

And Luo Shao believed that as long as someone set a precedent, there would definitely be someone to drink at that time.

Isn’t that still there? With her sales pitch, fans will definitely go and buy a drink.

He himself did not expect to make money, just opened a milk tea shop over there, so that his girlfriend could drink if she wanted, not to mention not only playing, wasn’t Cheng Xue also over there?

“Is this really good?”

Play or worry, I don’t know if it’s really okay.

“Just look at the investment, anyway, I don’t plan to open a side business in China.”

“Since there is no one in the cold country, then try to open a shop in the cold country.”

Saying that he would do it, Luo Shao began to arrange people very happily.

Let Lin Huan, who is in the cold country, his father-in-law, help see the location.

“What’s near your company?”

“The Fox Gull Pavilion Cave.”

Er told Luo Shao where his company was located.

“Then open a milk tea shop in Theogu Pavilion Cave, close to your company.”

So he decided to come down, Luo Shao sent a text message to his father-in-law, asking him to help find a shop near the company, suitable for opening a milk tea shop.

Or rather, it is appropriate to be generous with the paving of a small café.

After Lin Huan received WeChat, he also asked him what he was looking for this kind of shop.

Luo Shao said that he would open a milk tea shop in the cold country, and the name would be: YunCha.

As for the decoration style of milk tea, Luo Shao will find someone to design, and there are various equipment for making milk tea.

He will also arrange people to prepare, as well as employees who make milk tea, Luo Shao will also arrange people to learn.

Luo Shao, who said and did it, did not Luo Shao at all, it was so painful.

“Huh? Open a milk tea shop for you in a cold country? ”

At lunch, Reba was very surprised.

“Well, I’m just saying that there is no milk tea to drink when I return to China, and he will open it for me immediately.”

“Persuade him, or he will lose more than a million rmb a month.”

I don’t want to play like this.

Only Xiao Tong shook his head: “Forget it, what he decided to do for us, even if we persuade it, it is useless.” ”

This matter was also broadcast.

After watching this paragraph, the audience sighed even more that Luo Shao was really spoiling his girlfriend too much.

Play just sigh a little, immediately open a milk tea shop for her in the cold country?

Such a boyfriend, why can’t they meet? It’s also too spoiled.

Although it is true that it is going to be opened, it will not be opened for a while and a half.

Renovations, the purchase of equipment, and the arrangement of employees to learn to make milk tea all add up to at least two to three months.

That is to say, the fastest time is also until March, and this milk tea shop is also only.

I can open a store.

Luo Shao calculated the time, if he opened the store in March, it was just when the album was released in April.

At that time, you can also take advantage of the opening and hold an event in your own milk tea shop to open up your popularity.

Since it is going to open, Luo Shao will prepare carefully, recruit employees, and must do a good job in the service attitude.

The most important thing in the catering industry is the quality of service and food.

There may be no expired food or poor hygiene.

Luo Shao contacted shangren and also posted recruitment conditions online: Loyal people need to go to college in the cold country.

For this, Luo Shao also arranged for a person to go over there as the store manager.

At the same time, we must also find Lin Huan to help, after all, the Cold Country is more chaotic, and there must be black forces.

The procedures that need to be taken are still all completed, so as not to have anything bad happen at that time.

Since you are recruiting employees, you have to take responsibility for the safety of employees.

For the next three days, Luo Shao discussed this matter with his friends when he was in class.

Soon someone went over there to open a shop, and at the same time found a local decoration company in the cold country, implemented the decoration style they wanted, and accelerated the progress of decoration.

The time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was December 30th.

Tonight is the school’s New Year’s Day party, and all the teachers and students of the school will participate in the uprising.


Jia Ling asked them if they were nervous.

“It’s okay, but sister, you’ve all been to the Spring Festival Gala, why are you still nervous?”

Reba was surprised.

“It’s different, the people watching the party today are all children.”

Even Shen Teng was a little nervous.

In preparation, Luo Shao was very calm, and there was nothing to be nervous about on this small stage.

Relax your mind, just go up and play normally, after all, he is singing a song and does not have to dance.

A song, by yourself according to the rhythm, should have no problem.

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