Entertaining Children

Chapter 63 Immortality in a sense

"Tj, Paul, what do you two say?" Several team members who doubted Xiao Yao looked at a bald black youth and a fair-haired white youth in the crowd. These two people and Zhou Jingyi are the backbone members of this team. This team was pulled together by the three of them.

"I think this guy's proposal is good." The bald black youth shrugged and spread his hands.

"I also agree." The white young man with light blond hair also said, "Why don't we wait three days to see what he can come up with, and then the whole team will vote to decide whether to invite him to be our choreographer and soundtrack .”

"Well, if that's the case, let's see you in three days." Seeing that both of them agreed to his proposal, Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"By the way, Jin, when I go to the supermarket tomorrow, please ask old Robert for leave." Xiao Yao said to Zhou Jingyi again.

Seeing Zhou Jingyi nodding, Xiao Yao and Samien turned and left.

On the return trip, Samien, who was driving, couldn't help but asked Xiao Yao, "Is it worth it? They don't trust you, so why do you have to put your heart and soul into helping them? Is it because of that girl named Jin? "

"Part of the reason." Xiao Yao said.

"You like her?" Samion said as calmly as possible, "I remember when Dean asked you if you had a girlfriend. Although you said no, you also said that the situation was complicated. What you said was complicated, right? That is, you like her, but you haven't chased her yet?"

"Ah?" Xiao Yao laughed, "I like her quite a bit, but not the kind that wants her to be my girlfriend. She is a girl with dreams, and in order to stick to her dream of dancing, she has been alone since Kangzhou came here and has been working hard for her dream, I admire her a lot, so I want to help her realize her dream."

"Helping people realize their dreams? Do you want to be a god?" Samien curled his lips.

"I'm not and don't want to be God. She's the first friend I've had outside of school since I've been in Calabasas in so long, and I happen to have the ability to help her, so why not ? Helping people realize their dreams is also a very interesting thing." Xiao Yao spread his hands and said.

"You just said that girl was part of the reason you did this, what else?" Samien continued.

"That's the National Street Dance Competition." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "If the dance I choreographed and scored can appear on the stage of the finals and let the whole United States see it on TV, what a sense of accomplishment it would be. .I want to try to challenge."

"The final stage? Are you so confident in that dance team?" Samien asked in surprise.

"I have confidence in myself." Xiao Yao said, "I also choreographed for a dance team when I was in Huaxia. China's dance scene has been popular for a while. The final stage is my goal, but I think I can at least help another dance team become popular in the United States."

"So, you are also very talented in dancing?" Samien said with a glance at Xiao Yao.

"I don't know about dancing, but I still have some ideas about choreography." Xiao Yao said immodestly. At the same time, he said silently in his heart: "The main reason is that I have a lot of inventory in my mind."

"You're such a monster!" Samien finally commented.

"Hey, shouldn't you praise me as a genius at this time?" Xiao Yao teased with a smile.

"Okay, genius! Shouldn't you put more thought into the band? Our band can't just have this one song, when will we write another one? You just want to help the dance team on TV, just Didn’t you think we’d get our band on TV too? To be an opening guest for “Daydream” would be an entertainment news at most.” Samion teased.

"No hurry. Am I already teaching Dean how to write songs?" Xiao Yao said, "And judging from our current situation, it's not suitable for a second song yet. Our "immortals" We haven’t fully exerted our strength, releasing another song will only distract everyone from us.”

"Not fully exerting our strength? Now we have nothing to do except waiting for the "Daydream" concert in Los Angeles to be the opening guest. How can we exert our strength? I don't understand." Samion said with some doubts.

"We don't have to do anything now, we just need to wait." Xiao Yao said, "The opening guests of the "Daydream" concert are just side dishes for us. The real big meal is the animated movie. We have to wait." Yes, it was the explosion of that movie."

Seeing that Samien's puzzled expression didn't ease much, Xiao Yao continued to explain: "The quality of this movie is really great, and it was only released at the end of the year. So far this year, there has been nothing exciting. Surprise animated movie, so their Oscar-winning animated feature film is not empty talk, but it is very likely to come true. I think this movie will not only be well received, but also very popular. The theme song of the movie will naturally be One of the focuses of everyone's attention."

"The theme song of an Oscar-winning movie is the work of a middle school student band. Such a good gimmick, do you think the film's producers will miss this publicity point? So we don't need a second good song now, let's We were exposed to the media and the public prematurely, which made us lose our sense of mystery and freshness. When the movie is about to end, it happens to be the time for the "Daydream" concert in Los Angeles. We will take the opportunity at that time Show off our live stage expressiveness, then!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yao opened his hands and made an exaggerated gesture, and continued: "The stage at the Oscars ceremony will open the door to us."

"Oscar?" Samien's eyes widened and he turned to look at Xiao Yao. "Aren't you awake? What kind of live stage? Just say we can win the Oscar for Best Original Song."

"No, our song is not deep enough, and it is difficult to nominate it, let alone win an award." Xiao Yao shook his head, "But with the potential of our song, it will definitely be popular enough by then. The gimmick of the band membership is enough, and the song itself is very suitable for the occasion, so it is entirely possible to be a guest performer on the live stage of the Oscars."

"Dean gave our band a good name," Xiao Yao continued on his own: "There have been teenage nominees and winners at the Oscars, and even younger ones, but as middle school students There has never been a guest on the Oscars as a live performer in history. We will create a history of the Oscars and become immortals in a sense in this rather alternative way."

"Okay, I'm home, it's time to wake up. If you want to dream, go back to the bed in your room and continue doing it." Samien stopped the car, rolled his eyes at Xiao Yao and said.

Although on the surface he disapproved of what Xiao Yao said, Samien couldn't help but imagine the scene Xiao Yao described, and there was a surge of excitement and anticipation in his heart. It's just that she felt that the Oscar stage was too far away from them, and her rational cognition still made her suppress her inner excitement and expectation.

"Are you home?" Xiao Yao looked out the car window, only to realize that he had indeed returned to the door of Smith's house. "No, I'm not going home. I'm going to where we rehearse, and I'm going to do the dance soundtrack with Mike's electronic keyboard."

"Then I'll take you there." Samien said to Xiao Yao.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yao still shook his head and said: "Forget it, I just remembered that I don't know how long I will stay there, Dean should have sent my bicycle back, I still ride it Let’s go, feel free to go back and forth, lest you have to come pick me up when you get it.” Xiao Yao said, and was about to open the door and get out of the car.

"It's okay, I'm fine today, so I'll stay with you there. I just want to see what you look like when you create music." Samien stopped Xiao Yao from saying.

"Hey, why don't you go into the house when you get home, what are you talking about in the car?" Before Xiao Yao could answer, there was a knock on the car window next to the passenger seat. Xiao Yao looked sideways and found Dean standing outside.

After pressing the car window, Xiao Yao said to Dean: "I'm going back to our band's rehearsal room, and I'm discussing with Sam whether I should ride there by myself or she will send me there. By the way, is my bicycle back? "

"Of course I'm back," Dean nodded, and then asked curiously, "But isn't our band's rehearsal over today? Why are you going back?"

"He's going to make the soundtrack for a friend's dance team," Samion replied instead of Xiao Yao, "He's going to be the choreographer and soundtrack engineer for that team, and help them get a good score in the American Street Dance Competition."

"Really? Then I'll go with you too. I want to see what it's like when you create music." With that said, Dean opened the car door and sat directly in the back seat.

"Why are you joining in the fun? Do you want to call Mike and George?" Samion looked at Dean in the back seat with dissatisfaction and said, "Yang is going to write a song and needs to be quiet."

"I'm learning songwriting from Yang now. Since he wants to write a song, of course I'm going to watch and study on the spot." Dean said as a matter of course.

"By the way, now that we're talking about Mike and George," Dean also thought of a question, "Now you've helped compose the music for the hip-hop team, but our band's second song hasn't been released yet. When are you going to help?" Our band will write another song."

"Aren't you already learning to compose and write lyrics? I'll leave it to you as soon as I prepare the second original song of our band." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"Ah? Me, my current level is still far behind, so when will I have to wait?" Dean grinned.

"I asked this question just now," Samion said, "Yang said that our band will not release a second song for the time being, and let us wait for the performance of the "Daydream" concert in Los Angeles. The live stage of the Oscars.”

"The Oscar stage?" Dean was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile on his face: "Really? I never thought that we would be able to be on the Oscar stage one day."

"Hey, do you really believe it? There's a dreamer here who hasn't woken up yet. How come you are also dreaming?" Sammy said, glancing at Dean in the back seat through the rearview mirror.

"Since it was Yang who said it, of course I believe it." Dean said, "I remember that when our band rehearsed before the school anniversary, Young said that we could make a blockbuster on the school anniversary, didn't we do it? Now our songs are all It was chosen as the theme song of the movie, and this movie can still hit the Oscars, so why can't we be on the stage of the Oscars?"

"Dreams are still necessary, what if they come true?" Xiao Yao turned sideways and bumped fists with Dean in the back seat, and said with a smile.

"Well said." Dean praised.

"Dream?" Samien repeated in his heart, remembering that Xiao Yao is now working so hard to help the street dance team with the soundtrack and choreography, isn't it also to help Jin realize her dream? So is it his dream to be on the Oscar stage? (To be continued.)

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