Entertaining Children

Chapter 890 1 of 3

Behind the stage is the backstage, but this backstage is not purely a waiting area, but also a photography area. After receiving the award, all the winners of this award ceremony will take some photos holding the trophy, which will be used in the official report of the Golden Dragon Award ceremony. The photo session was just after receiving the award. After the winners receive their awards on stage, they will then take pictures in the photography area backstage.

After the four of Xiao Yao and the two award presenters left the stage through the aisle behind the stage, the two award presenters who had completed their task circled back to the arena from the aisle next to them, returned to their seats and continued to watch the award ceremony behind, while Xiao Yao The four winners including Yao Yao went to the backstage photography area to take pictures under the guidance of the staff.

The winners of this award are four people, and the staff first took a group photo for the four people. After the photos of the four were taken, the staff suggested that Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui and Xu Fei should take another photo alone.

Knowing that the three of Xiao Yao and the others were a team, Kevin Scott was not dissatisfied with the staff's proposal, so he voluntarily withdrew from the photo area and asked Xiao Yao and the three of them to take another photo.

By the time the two photos were taken and Xiao Yao and the others returned to their seats in the auditorium, another award had already been presented on the stage. But that award was not nominated by their crew, and they missed it if they missed it.

After Xiao Yao and the others sat in their seats and watched the awarding of the two awards, it was time for the awarding of the awards that their crew was nominated for.

Among the awards that their crew was nominated for, the second to appear was the Best Editing Award. The nominees for this award are Mu Ying and editor Russell Seth.

Mu Ying is from China, and Russell Seth is from the United States. It is the first time for both of them to participate in a Chinese awards ceremony, and it is also the first time to be nominated for a Chinese film award, so they both have relatively strong reactions. Muying was nervous, while Russell was a little excited, but unfortunately, they were not the ones who won the award in the end.

The action scenes of their parkour movie are indeed very good-looking, with sharp editing, which is very exciting, but this feeling is more obvious during the action scenes. In terms of literature and drama, the editing of this film has nothing outstanding, and in terms of the overall narrative style, this film also has no outstanding features, so it is a pity that Mu Ying and Russell did not win this award, but also Not too surprising.

After the best editing award was awarded, a staff member quietly came to the side of Xiao Yao's crew and informed them to prepare for the performance. The five got up quietly, and quickly left the scene under the leadership of the staff, and went to the dressing room to get ready.

"This is Yang's last performance with us, everyone must perform well later!" After changing into performance costumes, Dean said to everyone in the dressing room.

"Do you want to say it so tragically?" Xiao Yao smiled, "I can still perform with you in the future!"

"But you have decided to quit the band, but we haven't officially announced it yet." Dean said, "So, this is the last time you will perform publicly with us as a band member, and if you perform in the future, you will cooperate with us form, so I did not make a mistake!"

Xiao Yao told the band members the night before that he would officially quit the band. During the rehearsal yesterday, Dean and others also asked Xiao Yao when he will officially withdraw, and whether he should make a public statement or not. Xiao Yao didn't want to make too much noise, and said that it was enough to remove his name from the introduction on the band's official website and social media accounts.

The band now belongs to Keith Craig's "Daydream" studio, and if the information on the band's official website and social media accounts is modified, at least Keith and others need to be notified. Dean and others want to go back to the United States and explain it to Keith face to face, Xiao Yao certainly has no objection to this.

Strictly speaking, Xiao Yao has not officially quit the band yet. However, Xiao Yao himself did not sign a contract with the "Daydream" studio, and Keith had no reason to disagree.

The band has no other work schedule in China, and will return to the United States after attending this awards ceremony. After Dean and others returned to the United States, once the band's official website and social media account information were changed, Xiao Yao would even quit. This time, it is estimated that it will not be too long. Therefore, if nothing else happens, this will indeed be the last time Xiao Yao will perform with them as a band member.

"Well, you're right!" Xiao Yao nodded and said, "This is indeed the "last time", so let's treat it as my farewell performance, let's perform well!"

"You~" Dean looked at Xiao Yao.

Although Dean agreed to Xiao Yao's withdrawal, he was still a little unwilling. At this time, I wanted to stimulate Xiao Yao with the "last time", but I didn't expect that Xiao Yao would not accept the move at all, and actually accepted it according to his own will, feeling very uncomfortable.

However, although the words between Dean and Xiao Yao did not stimulate Xiao Yao and make Xiao Yao change his mind, the "last time" and "farewell performance" that Xiao Yao said successfully stimulated people including himself. All members of the band.

The band performed the nominated movie theme song "It's My Life". It's not the first time the five have performed the song live in public. They performed this song together at the premiere of the film last year and the All-Star Celebrity Game in the United States and other promotional activities for the film, but at this year's Golden Dragon Awards ceremony, the five members of the band performed exceptionally well Work hard.

Although this is an English song, the popularity of the song is already very high. Although the Golden Dragon Award Ceremony is a more serious occasion, this rock song is really a very burning song that can mobilize the atmosphere of the scene. With their extraordinarily hard performance, the five people successfully ignited the atmosphere of the scene. Many spectators and even celebrity guests stood up from their seats, waved their hands and roared with them.

After the band's performance, the awards ceremony process continued.

The film "Parkour Boys" received a total of three nominations. At present, they have won the "Best Action Design", and after the "Best Editing" regrettably failed, the last suspense left is the "Best Original Song" award.

The band members changed back to their dresses and sat in their seats for a short time, and soon it was time for the "Best Acoustic Song" award.

Best Original Song is a relatively new award in the history of the "Golden Dragon Award". In the previous Golden Dragon Awards, there was only the best film soundtrack, and there was no award for the theme song of the movie, such as the original soundtrack. When Xiao Yao won the best new actor with "127 Hours" the year before last, the Golden Dragon Awards did not have this award.

Although the Golden Dragon Award is a relatively conservative award, it is not rigid, and the types and numbers of awards are not static. Since last year, the Golden Dragon Awards have complied with the demands of the market and audience, adding such an award that is not uncommon in other film festivals or film awards.

The best film soundtrack song must be a song specially created for the film. Even if the song is not required to be released after the film is released, at least it must be marked as the theme song or episode of the film when it is released, which means that the song is Only works created for the film are eligible for nomination.

During last year's Golden Dragon Awards, two songs that were originally nominated were disqualified because the organizers found out that they were not the original soundtrack of the movie, but were released a long time ago.

Xiao Yao was nominated for an animated feature film at the Golden Dragon Awards last year. The theme song of an animated film can also be nominated for best original soundtrack, but there is no soundtrack in that animated film. The theme song used in Xiao Yao's animated movie is a very popular old English song, and it didn't even need to be checked to know that it was not made for the movie, so he didn't even get a nomination.

This year is the second time in the history of the Golden Dragon Awards that there is an award for "Best Original Song", and it is also the first time that Xiao Yao has been nominated.

Although Xiao Yao and others did not immediately award the "Best Original Song" after the performance, there were two awards in between, but Xiao Yao and others had to change back to their dresses after the performance before returning to the scene. If Xiao Yao were to present the award after the performance, the band would not even have time to change their clothes and go on stage to receive the award. There were two awards in between, which just gave them time to change back into their dresses. More importantly, between their performance and this award, there is no other song performance.

In terms of the song's popularity and popularity, not to mention the world, even in China, Xiao Yao's "It's My Life" is the highest among all the nominated songs, but because of this The song is an English song, so in the previous predictions of various media and institutions, the possibility of this song winning is not high.

Xiao Yao and others didn't have much expectation for this award, and felt that it was a surprise to be nominated. However, after successfully winning the "Best Action Design", Xiao Yao and others brought an old beauty to the stage to accept the award. Coupled with such a process arrangement by the organizer, Xiao Yao and others unconsciously had another Looking forward to more.

The presenters of this award are also a combination of a man and a woman. One of the male award presenters is a composer and well-known soundtrack artist in the film industry, named Cao Zhongyun. Another female award presenter is Liang Xueying, a young female singer who has sung many famous movie theme songs.

Liang Xueying has cooperated with Xiao Yao many times, and the relationship between the two is well known. But what few people know is that Cao Zhongyun and Xiao Yao are also closely related.

Cao Zhongyun met Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao and his son when he participated in the variety show "Everyday Upward" of Shonan Satellite TV. After that, he bought the copyrights of "The Original Scenery of Hometown" and "Insects Fly" from Xiao Siqi to make the soundtrack and episodes of the movie. Through those two encounters, Cao Zhongyun and Xiao Siqi became very good friends, and later helped Xiao Siqi accompany him on "Singer".

Although Xiao Siqi did not tell Cao Zhongyun that the author of the ocarina song and nursery rhyme was his son at first, but made up a mysterious friend of XY, Cao Zhongyun saw Xiao Yao playing the ocarina on the show when he first met them Playing the ukulele, and later watching Xiao Yao sing "Insects Flying" in "Where Are We Going, Dad", I am also very interested in Xiao Siqi's enchanting son. Cao Zhongyun and Xiao Siqi are friends, and have been to Xiao's house often, so the relationship with Xiao Yao is naturally very good.

Cao Zhongyun is mainly working behind the scenes, Xiao Siqi is a singer, and the two publicly collaborated on stage only once in "Singer". Not many people know that Cao Zhongyun and Xiao Siqi have a good relationship, and even fewer know that Cao Zhongyun and Xiao Yao have a relationship. up. However, as a friend who grew up together, Zhao Rui knew the relationship between Cao Zhongyun and Xiao Yao.

Seeing that the award presenters were Cao Zhongyun and Liang Xueying, Zhao Rui introduced them to the others in a low voice, and the crew had a little more confidence in Xiao Yao and the others to win this award.

After the two award presenters came to the stage, they greeted each other as usual, and then chatted briefly.

One of the two award-presenting guests is a composer and film soundtrack, and the other is a singer. Their careers are all related to music. Naturally, they are talking about the role of movie theme songs in a movie. What the two said was not very new to most film practitioners, and it was not very attractive to the star guests and audiences at the scene. Instead, Liang Xueying was chatting with another award presenter. The eyes glanced in Xiao Yao's direction intentionally or unintentionally, which was even more noticeable.

However, Liang Xueying and Cao Zhongyun did not mention Xiao Yao's name, nor did they mention the language of the song, so it is difficult for everyone to judge whether this award will eventually fall on the band formed by Xiao Yao and four foreign teenagers.

After the simple chat, Liang Xueying read the name of the award according to the cover of the envelope, and then guided everyone to look at the clip of the nomination list played on the big screen behind the stage.

Since the live performance of Xiao Yao's band just now was very effective, when the movie clip of Xiao Yao's song was played, the applause was the biggest.

After the nomination segment was played, Cao Zhongyun opened the envelope, read the beginning of the award, then stopped at the winner's name, and handed the envelope to Liang Xueying.

Liang Xueying took a look at the envelope, then subconsciously glanced at the direction where Xiao Yao was sitting, and then lowered her head and read the information about the award-winning song.

After the nomination segment was played, the big screen at the scene cut into a close-up of the two award presenters on the stage. Although Xiao Yao was sitting some distance away from the stage, he could clearly see the expressions of the two award presenters on the big screen at the scene.

When Xiao Yao saw Liang Xueying's expression looking towards his direction on the big screen at the scene, he knew that this award should still be missed for him.

Sure enough, the award-winning song that Liang Xueying read was not "It's My Life" by Xiao Yao and the others.

In the end, it was a Chinese song on the nomination list that won this award.

Among the five songs nominated for this award, apart from Xiao Yao's "It's My Life", the other four songs are all Chinese songs. Among the other four nominated Chinese songs, the winning song is not the one whose movie received the most nominations, but the movie with the highest box office and the most popular song itself. In addition, it is also the most likely to be awarded by the media before.

When the media analyzed and predicted the final ownership of each award before, it was analyzed when this award was mentioned. Whether it is the artistry of the song itself, popularity, or its effect on the theme of the movie, this song by Xiao Yao and the others is the most worthy of the nomination list. The only problem with the award-winning, is the language of the song. It doesn't mean that English songs must not win awards in China, but compared with Chinese songs, this is a disadvantage that cannot be ignored. In addition, the identity of the singer is also a big problem.

The "Best Action Design" award may be big because their nominees for this award are three Chinese and one American, and Chinese people account for the vast majority. And the core of this nominee is obviously Xiao Yao's parkour team composed of all Chinese people. And "Best Acoustic Song" was sung by a band. Although Xiao Yao is a member of the band, there are four Americans and one Chinese in the band. Even if Xiao Yao is the core of the band, the band has signed a contract with an American studio and mainly develops in the United States. It's still an American band.

Judging from this result, it seems to confirm the previous media's prediction analysis. The Golden Dragon Award is still a relatively conservative award, and the award will not be easily awarded to foreigners or nominees including foreigners.

From this point of view, it shouldn't be surprising that Xiao Yao and the others didn't win the "Best Original Song", but they should feel lucky that they won the "Best Action Design". After all, the other nominees are all Chinese!

After "Best Acoustic Song", the next awards are basically the highlight.

Best supporting actor and supporting actress, best leading actor and leading actress, best director, best film, each is a very important award, but these awards have nothing to do with Xiao Yao and the others. Not only has nothing to do with the crew, it has nothing to do with them themselves.

Xiao Yao and his elders are not young anymore. Although they have faded out of the film and television industry, the number and speed of their works have dropped a lot. Not only did Xiao Yao’s film not get nominated for the prestigious Golden Dragon Awards this year, Ye Jiaying, Zhao Tao and the others didn’t have any films released last year, and they didn’t even get any nominations this year, and they didn’t come to the awards ceremony .

The following awards are purely for them to watch.

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