End Times Dust Light

Chapter 696: Self in dream

Although Lorland didn't know what a medical repair warehouse was, she saw that the robot was also **** Lu Ziming. Whether she wanted to or not, she could only choose to believe Lu Ziming's words, but she was ashamed to see the naked body of the three people. His face flushed, but the blood on his face covered the hot flush.

In order to avoid Lorland’s embarrassment, Lu Ziming himself first lay in the cold medical repair room, feeling a kind of warmth from the mother’s body extending in the body, and couldn’t help but have the urge to whisper. This feeling was very strange. , I don't know if it is different from the real mother body, but soon I have no idea, because Lu Ziming has fallen asleep deeply.

  Luo Lan saw Lu Ziming lying in the medical restoration warehouse, and suddenly found that she seemed to be a thief, with a sense of shame but unwilling to look away from the naked Lu Ziming.

She saw the pale white and some viscous liquid, as if there were countless small black dots moving fast, the evolutionary eyesight was very good, but because of this, she didn’t see exactly what those black dots were, only the tiny ones. The small black spots to the extreme covered the wounds of Lu Ziming's whole body, as if he was doing something, but there was no chance to observe it, because Luolan was also carried into the medical repair room.

Lu Ziming felt that he had slept for a long, long time, so long that he even interpreted everything he saw in his dreams countless times. It was like a person walking on the street, again and again in the same scene. Seeing things is the same and seeing people. It's still the same, the things experienced are still the same, boring to the point of going crazy.

  Of course, all of this is an illusion. Although you can see a lot of things and hear someone talking in your ear, all of this is an illusion and a dream.

  I actually know that I’m dreaming. It’s the same as if I can hold my hair to lift it up. In other words, the fetus has thoughts and consciousness in the mother's body, which is strange and absurd, but it really happened.

I clearly remember that I was lying in the medical repair room, and the next moment my mind and consciousness appeared in another world, that is to say, my body has not left the medical repair room yet, why do I feel this way, Lu Zi Naruto was standing on a crowded street, and the scene in front of him was exactly what he had done during work-study. This moment unexpectedly appeared again.

Lu Ziming pinched his thigh and found that it didn't hurt. He even took a bite on his arm, bleeding from the bite, but still didn't feel it. He was really still in a dream, but who could know him? Is it in a dream?

At this time, I found that I was caught in a logical paradox. I actually knew that I appeared in my dream. It was impossible to happen. If it did happen, wouldn’t I be trapped in a strange circle of thinking? It's ridiculous and crazy.

  Lu Ziming yelled desperately, but just as he thought, the surrounding crowd glanced like a fool and left in a hurry, for fear that the lunatic would affect him.

  All of this is very funny. It is so funny that people can't believe it. I know that all of this is an illusion, but it is no different from the real. What is the matter, can't I be mad?

  Standing on the street like this, watching the crowd gradually decrease, seeing the lanterns come on, seeing the lights of thousands of families, seeing the dark night covering the earth, and seeing the whole city slowly calming down. Someone hurriedly glanced at himself standing still, as if no one had ever asked what he was doing, just standing there, once again saw the golden sunshine of Chenxu flooding the earth, and the whole city once again showed its vitality. .

I don’t know how many people pass by, speeding cars, workers rushing to the factory, and students carrying schoolbags. All sorts of people just disappear from front of them, as if they are superfluous in this world. that.

I don’t know how long it took, and I finally saw a figure I was familiar with, "Ms. Cao, do you still know me?" An extremely absurd idea came into my mind, grabbing the high school history Cao who had passed by in front of him. teacher.

  "Aren’t you classmate Lu Ziming? Why are you here, why don’t you go to school, do you want to miss school?"

Actually knowing yourself, it seems different from what you think. Did you understand it wrong again, "Do you really know me?" Lu Ziming couldn't be sure: "Am I your student? Why did I appear here? Here? Don’t you feel strange?"

   Teacher Cao with a shocked face looked at Lu Ziming, his eyes full of confusion and perplexity, "Lu Ziming, are you uncomfortable there? I will take you to the hospital to see...".

  In Teacher Cao’s heart, I’m afraid that Lu Ziming has been stimulated, otherwise, how could he ask such a silly question? I’m afraid I would think so even if I changed someone else.

   "No, I am in good health, I just want to ask." Lu Ziming was afraid to continue to ask. If I keep asking, I am afraid that Teacher Cao will actually send himself to a psychiatric hospital. However, it was hard to see a person familiar with him. If he didn't ask clearly, he would obviously not be reconciled. This is not to say that I believe all of this is true, but to prove what kind of changes will happen in the dream.

  This is a very strange feeling. Feeling like a sober outsider exists in this dream. This is the truth that people usually say that the bystander is clear and the person involved is fascinated.

  Why when others dream, they don’t know that they are dreaming, but they know that they are dreaming. There is another reason, that is why such a strange feeling is produced at this time, why not before, as if my mind and consciousness are completely separated from the body at this moment. Because I was still myself, and the thinking in my mind was controlled by my instinct, I pulled myself back into the dream.

  This is the most convincing explanation after a day of speculation, otherwise there will be no way to justify all this.

  If you say these things to the people in your dreams, I wonder if they think they are really crazy, "Teacher Cao, have you discovered that everything here is fake!"

"Fake!" Teacher Cao looked at herself stupidly: "Lu Ziming, I know your grades are good, but if you continue to think about it, your life will be ruined. Now go back to school. In class, otherwise, I will contact the school and your parents and send you to the hospital for a good examination. I don’t know what to say...” Obviously Lu Ziming treated Teacher Cao as an idiot, which made Teacher Cao very unhappy. .

   (This is a very important chapter in several chapters, which will pave the way for the future plot!)

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