End Times Dust Light

Chapter 289: Secrets (2)

  "I see, what you mean is that the dark energy leaking from the enclosed space caused the emergence of zombies around the world, and also caused the appearance of so-called dark creatures. Does that mean?"

"It can be understood in this way, but it is not comprehensive or profound," David said in an old pedantic way: "Dark energy is an imperceptible form of energy that fills space and increases the expansion speed of the universe. Dark energy and dark matter are both. An invisible energy that can promote the motion of the universe. The motion of all stars and planets in the universe is driven by dark energy and universal gravitation."

"It can be said that there would be no this world without dark energy. Without the existence of this universe, you should now understand the importance of dark energy. Of course, things are not as simple as you believe. The universe is full of dark energy, but in the solar system. It is difficult to detect the existence of this energy in China, do you know why?"

   "Closed space is a closed space that prevents dark energy from entering the solar system." Lu Ziming immediately thought of what David wanted to say.

"The answer is correct", David cast an appreciative look: "Indeed, physicists have always guessed that the universe is full of 68% dark energy, but it is difficult to find evidence of dark energy in the solar system, isn't it? Isn’t it weird? Not only dark energy, but dark matter is also difficult to find in the solar system. Isn’t the universe empty and without boundaries? This has violated the foundation of matter that constitutes the universe. The solar system is like a place carefully transformed by humans. Everything is so reasonable, natural and coordinated, without any flaws... Road! Do you think there might be such a perfect place in the universe?"

Lu Ziming scratched his head. In fact, he didn't hear clearly what David was talking about. He just looked at David's expression and reminded him of the teacher who taught and educated people on the podium in high school. The same concentration, the same persistence, and the same inspiring Admire...

  My own obsession is not worth mentioning in front of these scholars. In a sense, these scholars treat knowledge like their own children, taking care of them carefully, observing and studying carefully, without being discouraged, only persevering.

"Lu! Do you know the reaction of those astrophysicists after knowing the boundaries of the solar system? It was frustration, confusion, and sorrow that is difficult to understand." David fell into a state of obsession, Lu Ziming doubted If he left at this time, David would not find out.

  David frowned, his cloudy eyes gleaming brightly: "Lu! Do you believe in God?"

  David’s question was so unbelievable, it was completely beyond Lu Ziming’s expectation, so that he was very surprised and was stunned on the spot.

  After a few seconds, Lu Ziming came back to his senses and said: "No, I am not a Christian."

   Obviously David didn't care about his answer. He might have expected it, his voice was still steady, and it sounded like he was reciting a scripture.

Genesis 9:12-17 God said: "The eternal covenant between me and you and all living creatures here is marked. I put the rainbow in the cloud, and this can be a sign of my covenant with the earth. . When I make the cloud cover the ground, a rainbow will appear in the cloud, and I will remember the covenant I made with you and all living creatures, and the water will not overflow and destroy all flesh and blood. The rainbow will be now. When I saw it in the clouds, I would remember the eternal covenant I made with every living creature on the earth." God said to Noah, "This is the sign of my covenant with all the flesh and blood on the earth."

"That is the end of the story about Noah’s Ark in the Bible. After the flood receded, the agreement made by Jehovah and mankind. In earth civilization, there are many stories about gods, and the most widely spread is in Maya civilization. The legend of the end of the world."

"According to the Mayan prophecy, the earth we live on is already in the so-called fifth solar period. So far, the earth has passed four solar periods, and at the end of each period, a thrilling performance will be staged. The plot of destruction.

  The first solar period was MATLACTILART, and the last was destroyed by the only flood. There is a saying that Noah’s flood.

  The second solar period is Ehecatl, scattered by wind snakes.

  The third solar period is Tleyquiyahuillo, Tleyquiyahuillo, on the road to destruction due to fire from the sky, which is the ancient nuclear war.

  The fourth solar period is Zondrilic Tzontlilic, which also caused the land to fall under the raging fire and rain.

   The Mayan prophecy also said that from the first to the end of the fourth solar epoch, the earth has fallen into unprecedented chaos, and in a series of horrible betting tragedies, before the earth’s extinction, the earth will surely issue a warning.

The last chapter of the Mayan prophecy is mostly records of ages, and the records of these ages are like colluding, all of which came to an end in the "fifth solar period". Therefore, Maya predicted that the earth will be complete in the fifth solar period. The end of destruction. When the fifth solar period ends, the sun will disappear and the earth will begin to shake. According to the prophecy, there are only five cycles in the solar period. Once the sun has experienced 5 deaths, the earth will be destroyed. The solar period began in the year 3113, and after 5125 years of the Mayan cycle, it is heading towards the end. The end date of the current Western calendar is now around December 22, 2012, and we are now living in the end of the Fifth Solar Age. "

   "I can tell you with certainty that the earth will be destroyed, but as for when it will end, it has not been accurately calculated. There is nothing to worry about. This is the law of nature, where there is birth and there is death."

“Marlouf, a geologist at Princeton University in the United States, believes that certain signs of magnetism in the rock indicate that the Earth may have undergone such drastic changes in the magnetic field, but this process is a slow process that lasts for millions of years and is so slow that mankind is fundamentally slow. I can't feel this change."

"Many people think that the Great Flood did not exist, but in the 1980s, American spy satellites discovered some objects sealed under the thousand-year-old glacier in the Caucasus, and they began to think that they were secret bases established by evil countries. Later, They sent several batches of'study missions' to the local area to conduct research, and secretly approached the base through so-called scientific research and'mountain tourism', and collected a lot of intelligence."

"Through two years of uninterrupted'investigation', these'expedition groups' did not find any so-called secret bases, but they got another unexpected thing. It was a wreck of a very old-looking ship. Some people It is proposed that these ship-shaped wrecks may be the "Noah's Ark" that has been searched for thousands of years. Do you know what it means to prove that the "Noah's Ark" really exists?"

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