Elemental Archer

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters destroy the opponent again

The spawn point in the Misty Forest.

More than 30 players from the Scarlet Guild gathered here, and they were hung up.

"Leader, the two gem fragments on my body have been exploded." A priest in the team said with a pale face.

Hearing these words, the warriors who were the leaders of this team burst into flames. This was the biggest loss they had ever suffered since they entered the game.

"Kill me back, they must not have gone far, these bastards!" The soldier almost roared.

The rest of the players also agreed one after another, and even said that they must kill each other and quit the game.

These people are usually used to bullying and fearing the hard, but they are naturally quite uncomfortable when their roles change suddenly.

So, the Scarlet Guild almost didn't even think about it, and just killed back in such a threatening manner.

They knew that there were only about ten people on the other side, and the reason why they were hung up was that they were taken first, and the second was a command error.

But now, they won't give their opponents any chance. In a direct fight, more than 30 people fight ten people, and it is impossible to lose.


On the other side, in Lin Ye's team.

Lihuo is gearing up, although the sneak attack can deal a ton of damage, but for someone like him who likes aggressiveness and excitement, head-to-head combat is more interesting.

"I said brother, let's just rush up to them and finish the job." Li Huo looked at Lin Ye and said.

Xueran Shanhe also nodded, expressing his agreement. Although the Goblin Dragon Spear was fun just now, it was far from as happy as charging into battle.

"Don't underestimate the opponent's strength. Besides, it's not that I'm afraid of death, but we can have a better way, so there's no need to fight to the death." Lin Ye said.

Lin Ye had seen the reactions of the previous Scarlet Guild players on the spot. To be honest, they were really not bad.

Coupled with the fact that the opponents are well-equipped, it's really hard to fight. If they fight head-on, Lin Ye and the others may not be able to take advantage of it.

The reason why he was able to easily annihilate the opponent just now was completely due to the favorable time, place and people, and if he underestimated the opponent because of this, he would be the one who suffered.

"Brother Mingyueye is right,

The members of the Scarlet Guild are really not weak. "Casting a sword for a plow said straightly.

"If we fight head-on, even if we can win, I'm afraid each of us will die a few times. It's not worth it. If you believe me, we'll kill them again, and we won't suffer any casualties." Lin Ye smiled.

"Let's talk about how we should do it." There is a virtue and a corpse asked.

He absolutely believed in Lin Ye.

At this time, Lin Ye looked at Li Huo and said, "Remember our kill count in the Thorn Canyon?"

Li Huo was startled for a moment, then thought of something, he opened his eyes wide and said, "You still want to use that trick, right? It's not night now, the risk is very high."

What Li Huo was talking about was naturally Lin Ye's use of wild monsters to kill people with a knife. Otherwise, an archer would never be able to kill more people than a mage.

"So, I need your cooperation." Lin Ye smiled slightly.

Forest of mist.

Filled with anger, the Scarlet Guild rushed to the Misty Cave without stopping.

Suddenly, the Scarlet Guild's team stopped in their tracks because they had already seen their opponent.

Not far away, a nine-member team appeared, which was the same group that made the sneak attack before.

"What, little brother is not convinced? Want to get back the stage?" Li Huo in the team sneered.

The commander of the Scarlet Guild took a small step forward, looked at Lihuo's group of people, smiled angrily, and said, "You guys really have courage."

The other party seemed to be here specially waiting for them.

Did they really think that just nine people could kill a team of more than 30 people at will?

It is undeniable that there are indeed a few people with mediocre skills and equipment in the team, but most of them are elite players in the game.

There wasn't much verbal battle, and almost instantly, the two sides entered into a fierce team battle.

In the absence of a sneak attack first, the strength of the Scarlet Guild's team was displayed.

The players in the front row stepped forward, and the output professions behind them began to throw skills without money.

In this case, neither side dared to go too deep into their assault professions, and it was all about who had more flesh in the front row, who had more long-distance, and who had more healers.

Obviously, the Scarlet Guild has a numerical advantage, and it must have an advantage in such a battle.

Where there is virtue, there must be corpses and Forging Swords into Plowtops are in the front row, while several mages in the rear are constantly condensing magic.

The skills of the two sides are intertwined, and the entire forest is in turmoil.

The Scarlet Guild relies on its large number of people, and there are already Rogue Druids sneaking into the back row. If they can get rid of the charming eyes or clouds in seconds, the situation will be overwhelming.

This requires super personal strength.

However, there are Qianyu and Bloodstained Mountains and Rivers in the team, even with four or five dashing professions, it is difficult to get close, and they even lost their lives because of it.

This is the gap in personal strength.

The Scarlet Guild was startled. Although they already had the upper hand in the frontal battle, and even defeated the opponent steadily and kept retreating, the opponent's personal strength was really too strong.

If it wasn't for the guild medal on the other party's chest, they really thought they had encountered some super guild.

"Press it up!"

Taking advantage of the weakening of the opponent's skills, all members of the Scarlet Guild rushed forward, and even several ice spells flashed forward and cast ice and snow magic to keep people away.

And just as the Scarlet Guild pressed forward, and Li Huo and the others retreated and pulled, suddenly, the ground trembled.

Even, this jitter is getting stronger and stronger, and the frequency is getting faster and faster.

Afterwards, the players of the Scarlet Guild saw a scene that made their scalps tingle.

An archer, followed by a large group of wild monsters, most of them are lions and scorpions, and some are wild monsters spawned in the misty forest.

Lin Ye was extremely fast, rushing into the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the commander of the Scarlet Guild seemed to understand something, he yelled frantically: "Stop output, don't open AOE!"

But it's too late, many people's skills can't be recovered, or some skills are continuous damage in a large area, and you don't stop when you say it.

For example, Flamestorm, which causes fire damage once per second to a certain area.

The ground is scorched by flames, and as long as it is in the area, it will continue to lose blood.

Even if the skill is no longer used, the continuous damage does not disappear immediately, and one can only wait for the skill to end.

Therefore, even if he yelled, a considerable part of the range skills fell on Lin Ye and the monster behind Lin Ye.

Lin Ye suddenly rushed into the center of the battlefield, like a man with a time bomb.

Scrambled and Charming Eyes conveniently put a shield on Lin Ye and a continuous recovery spell.

Lin Ye continued to charge forward to ensure that more monsters would be hit by the skills of Scarlet Guild team players.

"Kill him!" The commander of the Scarlet Guild slashed at Lin Ye with a huge sword.

Since it is no longer possible to avoid the damage caused by skills to monsters, the person who caused the monsters must also pay the price.

But the next moment, Lin Ye fell to the ground in feign death.

Behind him, the monster's hatred instantly transferred from Lin Ye to the Scarlet Guild team.

All the members of the Scarlet Guild turned green at this moment. They really couldn't figure out how it was possible for someone to bring so many lions and scorpions here.

"Press him to death!" This hatred will naturally be vented on Lin Ye.

After all, the Scarlet Guild is powerful. In addition, in order to let more monsters suffer damage, Lin Ye went too deep and lost touch with the teammates behind him. At this moment, he was charged in the face by several fighters.

Even, three ice spells flashed over and froze Lin Ye in place.

In this case, no matter how many skills there are, it is a bit overwhelming.

Lin Ye was hanged up once naturally.

But Lin Ye completed his mission, and before he died, he also killed the commander of the Scarlet Guild with a one-for-one limit, which was not a loss at all.

System: Dazzling and charming eyes want to resurrect you, do you accept it?

Lin Ye was resurrected without any loss. This is the resurrection technique that comes with the Mesmerizing Eye weapon, a god-level skill that can pull people in a combat state.

The battle situation began to change, and dozens of lions and scorpions mixed with members of the Scarlet Guild.

Normally, they could handle it with a large number of people, but now they are in PK with people, and they suddenly provoke such a group of monsters, it is impossible to play at all.

Most members of the Scarlet Guild ran away without looking back.

At this time, a woman in a white dress stepped forward at a high speed, and an ice ring technique froze a large group of people.

The two instant spells of Ice Whirlwind and Ice Storm suddenly fell down.

At least ten or more players were immobilized and slowed down. Needless to say, they definitely couldn't outrun the lion and scorpion.

"I'm fighting with you!" One of the swordsmen rushed towards Qianyu.

But as he slashed down with his sword, he found that the opponent didn't move at all.

Extremely cold and frozen!

He was dumbfounded, and before he could react, he was torn to pieces by the two scorpions next to him.

"Strong, Ice Mage can still play like this!" Seeing Qianyu who flashed into the arena to keep people away, Li Huo felt admiration.

In this situation, it was impossible for the Scarlet Guild's group of thirty to struggle anymore.

Lin Ye's team, in cooperation with the lion and scorpion, once again wiped out the arrogant and boundless Scarlet guild group.


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