Elemental Archer

Chapter 142: Both a Narrow Victory and a Complete Victory

Seeing the thief who had gone into stealth and disappeared into the arena, Lin Ye quickly adjusted his position, leaning against the stone wall of the arena.

In this case, the thieves can only attack themselves frontally, and cannot go around their backs.

The thief player on the side looked at Lin Ye and was very surprised, because he knew that Lin Ye could sneak, but at this moment, he appeared directly without hiding.

It seemed that he was a little contemptuous of himself, and the thief suddenly became a little angry.

After Lin Ye stood in his position, he stopped moving. The BUFF that the shooter focused on gradually increased, and soon reached full value. Lin Ye's basic attack power remained at around 500.

And at this moment, the opponent launched an attack.

Rogue's move speed is the fastest among all professions.

The high-sensitivity profession is one reason, and the other is the weapon used, the dagger is short, compact, very flexible, and has a very fast attack speed.

The opponent's strength is no weaker than Lin Ye's, and with his professional advantages, it is not difficult to get the upper hand.

The thief suddenly accelerated his charge, his body half-rotated, and the dagger in his hand took advantage of the situation to attack.

Blood flashed, and the dagger hit Lin Ye.


This is one of the rogue's signature skills, and it can only be used for frontal attacks. Gouge can stun the opponent for three seconds, during which time he cannot perform any actions.

The thief was overjoyed, he successfully got the upper hand, and once the gouging was successful, then he was sure to kill his opponent in a very short time.

Even if the opponent masters high-end skills to escape and release control, he can still catch up in an instant, and as long as he stays within five yards, he really can't think of how this archer can fight back.

Just as the thieves were about to launch an attack with a gouge attack, a roar of a tiger suddenly came from behind, resounding throughout the arena.

In fact, Lin Ye had already summoned Naixin the moment the thief sped forward and launched a gouging attack.

Because of mastering the imprint of the elves, and under the psychic connection, Naixin did it perfectly no matter when he was summoned or when he cast the roar of the tiger.

Tiger Roar up to five seconds of control time,

If the opponent doesn't release the control, then a frail thief will be killed in an instant like the last swordsman player under the point-and-shoot of a high-attack archer like Lin Ye.

"Pet? This... How could this be a pet!" The thief was caught off guard by this sudden accident, and broke out in a cold sweat.

This control time unexpectedly lasted for a full five seconds.

And the white tiger behind him had such a high attack power, it knocked out more than 200 points of his blood in just one blow.

The thief didn't have time to think about it, he quickly used the release control to remove the stun effect of Naixin's Tiger Roar.

He hit with a backhand, attacking Naixin.


The thieves who major in killing specialization have endless control skills, so many that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Blindness is a more domineering control skill than Tiger Roar, lasting ten seconds.

Of course, strictly speaking, blindness is not a perfect hard control, because in the state of blindness, once the target is damaged, the negative effects of blindness will be removed directly.

Nessing suddenly lost his vision and could no longer make any movements.

Lin Ye's gaze was like a torch. He had been observing the movement of the thief's hand. The stun time of the gouging was still close to half, and Lin Ye's hand was still holding wild anger.

Looking at the stunned Lin Ye, the thieves naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity and suddenly launched a second attack on Lin Ye.

Lin Ye was a little helpless, the opponent seemed to not want to give him a chance.

In 1.5 seconds, the thief quickly used several skills, and Lin Ye's blood volume was blown out, half of which was directly knocked out.

The rogue's single-hit damage is not overbearing, but the number of attacks of the rogue is terrifying, and it is a high-sensitivity profession. In an instant, Lin Ye lost half of his blood.

Just when the dizziness from the gouging was about to dissipate, the thief struck again, continuing to knock Lin Ye unconscious to the ground.

This is the thief's finishing move "Relentless Slash", the base damage is very low, but it is also an extremely domineering hard control skill.

With the blessing of full combo points, this finishing move, which lasts a full five seconds of stun control, is generally the same as Naixin's tiger roar.

At this time, Lin Ye naturally couldn't save his skills anymore, otherwise, with the high explosive ability of the thief, he could directly press himself to death.

A bloody red glow rose from the bodies of Lin Ye and Naixin at the same time.

Wild Rage!

Wild Rage can remove all control effects of Lin Ye and Naixin, and has a 20% damage increase buff for 15 seconds.

At the moment the dizziness was removed, Lin Ye turned around, used escape, and jumped backwards. At the same time, during the jump, he shot an arrow at the thief.

After removing the blindness, Naixin became furious and attacked the opponent brazenly.

However, both Lin Ye's arrow and Naixin's basic attack failed.

The thief's figure disappeared in an instant, and Lin Ye could clearly feel a sudden gust of cold wind coming from the back of his head.

Thief's Shadow Step!

It was indeed a headache for the archer to face the thieves, and his face suddenly popped too fast.

Although the opponent has no control skills at this time, facing a thief who has turned on acceleration, the situation of the archer is very dangerous.

Seeing that his master was in danger, Naixin jumped up and rushed towards the thief.

Naixin's damage was very high, and he scratched the thief's blood by hundreds of points.

But the thieves did not dodge or evade, and made up their minds to press Lin Ye to death.

He was one yard away from Lin Ye. At this distance, archers would not be able to play any role.

No matter how much the pet's damage was, it would definitely be Lin Ye who died first, because the thief still had more than 70% of his health, while Lin Ye only had about 30% left.

As long as a maximum of two seconds, the thief hits a few combo points and uses an aggressive finishing move to instantly kill the opponent.

The thief from the Frost Alliance Guild was stabbed with a dagger in his hand. Looking at the bloody Lin Ye, his heart became more and more excited. He really couldn't think of what other cards his opponent could have.

"Xinhuo is beautiful. At this distance, this archer is going to be finished."

"Sure enough, no matter how strong the opponent is, under the absolute restraint of the profession, there is no way to recover."

"This is the firewood. If you are an ordinary thief, the shadow step is absolutely useless."

A few teammates looked at the field and talked about the salary of the victory.

Only Jiutian Xiaoxiao frowned slightly. Just now, she seemed to see Lin Ye's mouth slightly raised. It's already at this point. Could it be possible to fight back?

He even used up the archer's core movement skills to escape, how could he get out of the attack distance of a thief player who turned on acceleration.

As for his pet, it was indeed surprising, but according to the trend on the field, it would definitely be Lin Ye who fell to the ground first.

"No, the opponent still has a displacement skill!" Jiutian Xiaoxiao's eyes widened suddenly. She recalled Lin Ye's movement of displacement before, which was obviously not an escape.

Sure enough, at this moment, while the opponent was holding the dagger and stabbing forward, Lin Ye used the secret method, his second displacement skill.

The thief was stunned for a moment, his skills were in vain.

Then, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a huge force knocked him back.

Knockback is a half-control skill, and the player cannot use any skills during the knockback.

Therefore, before the thief could use Disappear, he was hit by a rapidly approaching ice arrow.

"It's over." The thief felt cold, his release was gone, looking at this Frost Arrow, he was terrified, and thought of the scene where his teammates were killed in seconds.

The Frozen Arrow froze it, and Lin Ye opened it with a hundred shots, and the surrounding fire element mysteries began to gather, and Lin Ye slowly drew the bow.

A huge flaming arrow suddenly formed, glowing with heat waves, and attacked the thieves.

At this time, Lin Ye, although he didn't have the effect of the shooter's concentration, but with the triple blessing of the perfect shot, the secret method and the wild anger, and then hit the critical strike and ice breaking, it should be enough to instantly kill this murderous thief with only 60% of his health left. .


Crit effect!

This thief had a little less blood than Lin Ye. He was just in his early 2000s, and with only 60% of his blood remaining, how could he withstand the damage of the explosive arrow.

Under the dual effects of critical strike and ice breaking, he fell to the ground and died directly.

On the field, Lin Ye's health was fixed at around 7% due to the bleeding damage from the thieves.

It seemed that Lin Ye had won by a narrow margin.

In fact, it is not the case, because Lin Ye did not use all means, and his suspended animation has not been used yet.

Once suspended animation, combined with the passive recovery effect of the spirit mark, Lin Ye's blood recovery is stronger than the treatment.

The thief is not a mage and has no group damage skills. Even if he knows that Lin Ye is feigning death, he can't hurt Lin Ye. He can only watch Lin Ye recover his blood.

"I tried my best." Xinhuo smiled helplessly. He really couldn't understand the opponent's injury, and he didn't reason with you at all. As long as he was charged, he would be in seconds. Who can stand it.

"The other party seems to have not done their best." Jiutian Xiaoxiao served as the commentator on many occasions, so she is very good at detecting people's demeanor.

She found that Lin Ye on the field looked too relaxed, as if he had anticipated the ending, and she had to suspect that the other party might still have a backup.

"You intentionally hit me, right? Killing people is killing you!" Xin Huo gave Jiu Tian Xiaoxiao a blank look.

In this group arena match, in the end, Lin Ye and the others won the victory.

Freeze a meal and get one head, You De Biao You Shi and Lin Ye each get three heads.

"I'll just lie down and win?" Luo Ye pointed at herself.

When Lin Ye was teleported out of the arena, he froze for a while and immediately surrounded him. He really admired Lin Ye and threw himself on the ground.

"Brother, you are too arrogant, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger." He paused and said.

He always thought that Lin Ye's strength should be a little stronger than his own, and he was not as good as old players like You De Bi You Shi and Luo Ye, but the fact is that his deduction was completely wrong. This guy is a real The hidden master.

"You are too fierce!" Luo Ye gave Lin Ye a thumbs up.

"Good luck, I got some good equipment." Lin Ye said with a smile.

Several people were noncommittal. Indeed, Lin Ye might have the advantage in equipment, but the equipment of the Hanmeng people is inferior?

Equipment is indeed one aspect, but more is awareness, techniques and combat experience.

Through the duel just now, it is not difficult to see that Lin Ye is top-notch in terms of technique and consciousness, and has rich combat experience. He is definitely a veteran of the game.

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