Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 224: Free mode start

The so-called mode of joining the army is really joining the army. Become a member of the army, the army will be responsible for various weapons and various training, etc., the participants must strictly follow the rules and regulations.

It can be said that after joining the army, there is no freedom, everything can only obey orders.

The advantage is that it can get help from the military and it can be more secure. There are also more opportunities to participate in battles, and it is easier to gain military merit, which is the easiest route to follow.

But the disadvantage is that everything must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the military. Many aristocratic children simply cannot bear this method, so the second method will appear later.

This second method is almost the same as the situation Du You encountered in the Northern Territory Contending for Hegemony.

The people involved are similar to the situation of mercenaries, and the military directly sends some tasks with little impact to them. They can choose, but they must complete one every month, otherwise they will be eliminated.

This kind of employment mode can participate in the form of an individual or in a team mode, all free.

They can choose where they live, as long as they are not in the military restricted area. The military will not take care of them, but it will not provide them with any effective help.

"This method is very suitable for the strong to do it." Du You said to himself.

"Huh, what a strong one, those idiot nobles just used this method to avoid the hardships in the army. Everyone with thin skin and tender flesh is just like waste."

"That is, every time we use a team approach to bring a large group of masters sent by the family. Let them go if they have a task, and hide behind them all day to enjoy. Some people even bring women. When we are here what is the place."

When it comes to these nobles, the surrounding soldiers are very angry, and it seems that they are very angry.

"Those noble brothers, you'd better not associate with them. People with good talent like you will definitely be attracted. But if you really join those noble families, you can only become their thugs in the future."

Du You nodded lightly. Although he thought differently from them, he was the same as they thought in this respect.

"It can't be said that this is the case. There are some masters who use this method, but there are too few such people."

"Yeah, by the way, you should just join the army directly. Although your strength is good, if you don't feel wrong, you should still be Tier 1. If you are found by the enemy, you will definitely become a key target. If you join the army , I believe that within three years, you will be able to grow to our status."

Du You rolled his eyelids and joined the army. If he left suddenly, when he comes back next time, I don't know if he is regarded as a deserter or as a traitor.

This world is not a derivative world, and there is no such thing as plot succession. One day away, here is twenty-four days, next time you come back, let alone rely on their power, it would be nice to be able to guarantee not to be hunted down.

"I'll choose the employment model. Don't worry, although I am a little weaker, I have my own means."

"You're talking about the golden eagle, don't be too careless. The ability to fly in the air is not a big deal in a small place, but here is White Rock City. The sand sculptures of the Quicksand Empire are still very powerful.

Sand sculpture? Flying creatures? It seems that there is air power on the opposite side.

Du You didn't say anything, but still chose this mode.

"Well, since you insist, then use this. If you can't persist, you can change it back at any time." The other party saw Du You insisted, so he put it on Du You's record, but it was not very optimistic.

Suddenly, Du You said with some doubts: "By the way, you just let me join? Don't you want to check it. What if an enemy spy comes in."

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly laughed, is there something wrong with their own problems.

"Hahahaha, you are really, you have never paid attention to the border, so you don't know anything." The Pegasus Knight captain patted Du You's shoulder. The tremendous power made Du You feel pain in his shoulder.

"Yeah, it's the first time I'm here." Du You walked aside with some grinning teeth.

A soldier guarding the city said, "Let me tell you, the people of the Quicksand Empire are so different from us, you can tell at a glance."

"Is there a big difference? What's the difference?" Du You was even more strange.

"Forget it, you'll know when you see them. The tasks for the first month should be completed as soon as possible. If your talents are good, we won't force the allocation. Take a look at these tasks and choose one by yourself. "

Well, before I entered White Rock City, did I already have a task in my hands?

Du You looked at these tasks and suddenly said a little weirdly: "How come there are tasks like slaughtering the village? Is this kind of task really appropriate here?"

"It's okay, I said earlier, those guys are different from us, they cannibalize people, you say you should kill them."

eat human? This is a very serious issue, and it has reached the bottom line.

"If this is the case, then of course it should be killed. I will take this task."

"Wait, those villages are not that simple. You'd better be Well, I will keep this task for you, and you can take this task again. This is the one who hunts the black goats. task."

"Yeah, who knows what's going on in their village? It's not impossible in case of accidents and the ship overturns in the gutter. Although this task is highly meritorious, you can't take risks. You are still a newcomer. This black goat is different. Their horns are the best material for bows and arrows, and wool is the best material for clothes."

A soldier next to him pulled his clothes and said: "We use black goat wool clothes here. This clothes is dry and breathable, and it is dustproof. You should also change your clothes as soon as possible."

It turned out that collecting horns and wool was used for this. After thinking about it, Du You followed this task.

"Okay, go in quickly and choose a house yourself. Since it is a form of employment, we will not provide accommodation, you need to come by yourself. If you don't have money, you can owe it first. Anyway, the merits of the mission are all here. Hard currency. Merit cannot be passed on to others, but it can be used to exchange services and exchange items."

This feat has been turned into currency. Who on earth came up with this? Du You has an amazing feeling.


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