While the uncle and nephew were talking, a group of people poured into the vestibule through the fence. Although there was only a dim light as the light source in the dark night, it was difficult to see the appearance of these people, but judging from this scene, It must be His Majesty the Pope.

Lucien and Aigron quickly stopped the conversation, and then a group of their own immediately stepped forward.

As the distance approached, they gradually saw clearly the appearance of this group of people.

Surrounded in the middle is an elderly man with wrinkled face, wearing a white robe and a small white cap on his head, and his footsteps are quite flimsy. He looks old, but the arrogance is enough. Prove his identity; and standing next to him is a middle-aged man wearing a red robe, who looks energetic and ambitious. At this time, the cardinal is supporting the old man intimately, looking extremely respectful .

It only takes half a second for Egron to judge—this is His Majesty Pope Leo XII and his confidant Cardinal Vittorio Esposito.

At this moment, Prince Lucien Bonaparte turned his head and nodded heavily to him. Then he quickened his pace and greeted His Majesty the Pope who was coming.

Aigron also looked at Teresa next to him. After the two of them looked at each other, they understood, and then walked side by side in front of the oncoming people.

And this group of people had obviously noticed this outstanding-looking young couple, so they stopped in their tracks.

Everyone was watching them. Although they had different expressions, they didn't make a sound, as if they were waiting for something.

"Holy Father!" Aigron did not disappoint them. After walking in front of the old man, he bent down and bowed his head to salute His Majesty the Pope with a respectful attitude. "I can't thank you enough to see you."

And Teresa also bowed to the Pope at the same time. Compared with the calm Eggron, she was a little more excited, "Holy Father, thank you for always taking care of our couple!"

Because it is already night, the cold wind in early spring is a bit colder, and it hurts everyone's face, but even so, it can't dampen the enthusiasm of the couple.

The people around the pope glanced at each other. Although their expressions didn't change much, they seemed to have reached some kind of consensus—for this sake, everyone at least had enough face.

A kind smile appeared on the face of His Majesty the Pope. After a moment of silence, he looked around and sighed, "What lovely children, God really favors the descendants of those great families."

He spoke in Italian, of course, but Aigron and Teresa had received a similar royal education since they were young, so there was no obstacle to it.

After finishing speaking, he took trembling steps, and then helped the boy and girl up together.

Aigron raised his head obediently, knowing that after such a set of etiquette, the two sides had at least temporarily harmonized.

With the help of the dim light, Pope Leo XII looked at Aigron and Teresa again, and then spoke again, "My children, on behalf of all Christians who have freedom and peace, thank you for saving all that our Christian friends have done.”

"I can't bear to see the righteous indignation of pagans slaughtering Christians, which guided me and led me to Greece. I think this is also the mission God gave me." After staying in the Austrian court for a long time, Egron would of course say, "Before going through fire and water, I didn't think about my own safety, and I didn't care about my own success or failure. I just wanted to save those poor people from the fire and water. Even if I sacrificed my life for this, I have no regrets. Fortunately, God With your blessing and your ardent support, I was lucky enough to succeed. Your praise inspired me to move forward, and I will never forget the spiritual encouragement you gave me and my subordinates. are the pillars of our faith,

It is because of faith that we can create miracles. "

The pope couldn't help but smile. Although he knew it must be just a superficial talk, he still felt very good in his heart.

Just like that, the group walked from the vestibule into the mansion while exchanging greetings.

With the help of the bright candles in the living room, Aigron could see His Majesty the Pope and the Cardinal more clearly.

Both of these two people had serious faces, and because they had maintained a solemn expression for a long time, their faces showed a stiff blue-gray color, as if they would open their mouths to say endless religious admonitions at any time.

Regardless of whether they are doing good or bad things in private, these senior monks are professionals who have undergone decades of rigorous training, and they definitely look dignified on the surface.

However, there are some differences between the two.

His Majesty the Pope's expression was serious and even a little serious. Although he was old, he still showed an indifference from time to time.

But Cardinal Vittorio Esposito looked at him much softer.

Aigron knew why the attitudes of the two of them were so different——

Because the cardinal's "nephew" Leon Esposito was acting as Aigron's personal secretary at this time.

Regardless of whether the Cardinal is willing or not, his nephew is already bound to Aigron's future at this time, and he is very motivated to see Aigron's career go smoothly.

It is precisely for this reason that he has been secretly interceding for Aigron these days, and His Majesty the Pope was able to agree to this private meeting because of the persistent suggestion of this confidant.

But of course the Cardinal cannot do everything, let alone make decisions on behalf of the Pope. There is only so much he can help, and Egron needs to find a way to fight for the rest.

After returning to the living room, Prince Lucien Bonaparte called all his sons and daughters away, so the number of people in the living room at this time was much smaller, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious and stiff. The warmth and excitement just now All gone.

Of course, none of them came here for "family fun".

"My child..." After a moment of silence, King Leo XII spoke again in a solemn tone, "You have already made great achievements, but I want to know where you plan to go in the future?"

Aigron knew that the other party was asking the question knowingly, but he still answered the other party respectfully, "Holy Father, I want to inherit my father's achievements, let a great country bathe in the glory of the Lord, enjoy wealth and prosperity, of course... My end is at the feet of God, and I will be his humble servant."

The Pope pretended not to hear the last sentence, and he frowned slightly.

"My child, I will support everything you do out of Christian piety, but I cannot support you to replace a legitimate monarch-don't forget that as early as ten centuries ago, the Capet family had France is now ruled. Their orthodoxy is unmatched, and their vindication of the Catholic Church is evident. It must be the Lord's will that the reign of their family is so long that the worst calamities do not end but only temporarily interrupt it. "

This is to make it clear that he does not intend to do anything to help him regain the throne.

To be honest, this result did not surprise Aigron at all.

Aigron knew that the two people in front of him had accepted a large amount of bribes from him, especially His Majesty the Pope himself, who was even more greedy, but this did not mean that they would definitely support him unconditionally. It is even more impossible for them to get anything they want, especially since they have no way to coerce the Pope by force now.

"However, as far as I know, since ancient times, the kings of the Capet family have not been particularly respectful to the Roman Church. They have tried to invade Italy more than once, insulting the Pope, and even installed another Pope outside of Rome for a time, causing the Church to fall into a trap." In unprecedented chaos..." Eggron replied slightly mockingly.

The corner of the pope's mouth twitched suddenly, as if he wanted to refute, but he knew it was true. The most embarrassing dark history of the Roman Church was really given by the Capetian royal family.

However, as expected of the Pope, the old man soon regained that kind face, and then answered him in a gentle tone, "But similar evil deeds, your father did the same, he caught my predecessor Humiliation in Paris. I have even witnessed such a disaster...how can I expect anything from the Bonaparte family in this situation?"

Indeed, this is also true.

Emperor Napoleon shouted at Pope Pius VII. The Pope was first forced to crown Napoleon I, the First French Emperor, but Napoleon took the crown away during the enthronement ceremony, and crowned himself and his queen himself, which greatly humiliated the Pope. self-esteem.

In 1809, Napoleon attacked Vienna and annexed the states under the Papal State. Pius VII was furious and announced that Napoleon would be excommunicated (a common operation of the church in the Middle Ages against monarchs who disrespected the church). After Napoleon heard about it, He was also furious, and sent troops into the Vatican on July 6, 1809, and then arrested Pius VII, and escorted him back to France for captivity. He was not released until Napoleon abdicated for the first time in 1814, and the Restoration Dynasty released him.

The prisoner of Avignon created by Philip IV was already 500 years ago, but the shame and humiliation caused by Napoleon is just around the corner. Those who witnessed it at that time are still there, and the latter is obviously more impressive—— That being the case, how could His Majesty the Pope have any expectations for the Bonaparte family?

"Yes, my father did get carried away and committed these blasphemous atrocities, which is one of the reasons why he was finally abandoned by God." Aigron had been prepared for this interrogation, so he immediately Then he continued, "But he is him, and I am me. I clearly understand why God cares for me and what he wants me to do. I also clearly understand that the Roman Church is the agent of God's will in the world. I Respect for the church, and respect for you and any church person."

"Anyone can say such words." His Majesty the Pope certainly did not believe his words, "but it is very difficult to put into practice."

"But I don't see what Capet's kings have practiced." Aigron shrugged, "Since Capet and Bonaparte are not much different anyway, why do you care who sits on the throne? At least I've given my heart and soul to prove how much I respect you—"

At this time, Aigron finally brought out the fact that he had given the Pope a heavy bribe to show his sincerity in cooperating with the church.

The pope's face was cloudy and uncertain. Of course, he would not be fooled by a young man's bright mouth, but there was no logical error in what the young man said.

Most of the previous kings of the Capet family did not respect the church very much, and all kinds of unhealthy tendencies and "piety" seemed to be out of touch. The most hateful thing is that they control the Gaul church to form a self-contained body, and they are always in harmony with Rome. They fought against each other all the time, and even invaded Italy many times to plunder the Papal State.

In terms of emotions, although the church doesn't like Bonaparte, it is impossible to say how much it likes the Capet family (that is, the current royal family of Bourbon).

"I know the weight of your piety, and my Lord must also appreciate it deeply." Although the Pope was a little confused, he still maintained a gentle attitude. He hinted that he was satisfied with Eggron's bribe, and then changed the subject "However, as a church that is detached from the state, we cannot and are unable to feel the change of the throne of the most powerful country in the Catholic world. If you want to find clear support from me, I can only deeply Regret."

"Naturally, I don't dare to expect the Church to help me!" Aigron suddenly emphasized his tone, as if he felt humiliated, "I am confident that I am destined to rule France. If God decides to give it to me, then it will be It will definitely fall into my hands, and I just need to execute God’s will, so how dare I bother others?”

The sudden outburst of the young man, apart from his strong personal will and arrogance, the old man seemed a little intimidated for a while—after all, although he was young, he had already led people to fight several times, and he was used to life and death. Well, the respect and humility just now was just a deliberate appearance.

It does have a bit of the style of the past... Looking at this young man, the Pope thought to himself.

Although this kind of behavior can be called a bit rude, considering that the young man had given him a lot of "donations", the Pope also forgave this little offense.

Of course, the more important reason was that the young man himself said that the Pope and the church would not need to help him, which greatly reassured the Pope.

"My child, what do you hope for?" The Pope calmed down again, and then asked leisurely.

"Holy Father, what I want is very simple." Aigron smiled again, and then bowed to the old man again, "Can you bless my wife and me in public in the public ceremony, and then promulgate What about an edict recognizing our service to God as devout Christians?"

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