Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 121 Guan Ji

Chapter 121 Guan Ji

Fortunately, Tony and Sol got along well, and with the Thunder God power bank, Tony finally made a big noise.

Therefore, the US team was able to quickly launch assistance to intervene in the battlefield, and played the first combined shield and hammer attack of the two superheroes.

"Look, look... so many good trees have been destroyed by you.

Normally, I'd have to hang all of you from trees to breathe fresh air for a week. "

Oakes appeared on the edge of the battlefield carrying the unconscious Loki, and tsk-tsk:

"By the way, guys, you've been beaten, can you speak calmly now?"

"Ox Consultant!"

Sol, who just got up, saw his dear brother being dragged over like a dead dog. He was startled at first, and then he was relieved when he saw Oakes, and hurried forward:

"It's nice to see you again, friend..."

"By the way, I was on the plane just now, didn't you see it?"

"...Really? Hahahaha...Maybe I'm blind?"

Thor scratched his hair:

"After all, I'm over fifteen hundred years old..."

Seeing that Lord Thor, who had beaten him so embarrassingly just now, looked embarrassed like a fool in front of Oakes, Tony and Steve, who got up, couldn't help but glanced at each other.

"Xie Te, this guy has acquaintances everywhere!"

Too concerned about the cute little brother, so the somewhat dazzled Lord Thor quickly skipped this embarrassing incident, and stretched his head to look at the quiet Loki:

"Is he... all right?"

"It's okay, I just passed out, you guys had a great fight, no one cares about this guy."

Oakes threw Loki in his hand to Sol, who looked worried, and the latter hurriedly dropped the hammer to take his brother over——

Knowing the powerful healing ability of Ochs, he felt relieved, raised Loki up, and accompanied him with a smiling face:

"It was just an accident just now - it seems that you are in the same group? Then we are still allies."

"Hey! You didn't even put down the hammer just now!"

Tony's strange scream sounded, and he opened the mask and began to complain:

"With your attitude towards your brother, you still tell us that you are here to smash his conspiracy?!"

This special horse is simply a drama of the arrogant brother acting coquettishly and throwing a temper tantrum, the younger brother accusing the elder brother of offending the whole world and choosing to forgive him!

"Uh...he seems to have a big opinion on me?"

Sol twitched the corner of his mouth, as if that was the case...but he still couldn't bear to let go of his brother.

"Because he tried to open the door for you on the plane, but you knocked him down with a hammer."

Steve picked up his shield and looked at Tony, who was also bursting out with arrogance and arrogance, with a funny look:

"We don't know each other, do we?"

"That's right, for the Asgardians, the proof of becoming a good friend is to fight once."

Sol immediately nodded vigorously:

"Or, have a drink."

"I've beaten it, so let's drink it."

Tony put on his mask again, looked at the top of his head, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jets were already landing:

"There are still things to do. The whereabouts of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube are still unknown. We have to find a way to make him speak."

"Indeed, then Sol, bring Loki back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base with us, and all his interrogations will be conducted under your watch."

Oakes patted Sol on the shoulder, and by the way, applied a rejuvenation technique to each of the three:

"In addition, I am no longer a consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now we are a small team with the big green guy last time. You are welcome to join."


S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sea base.

"It's really good. The scenery looks very comfortable."

Oakes got off the fighter plane, glanced at the red sea horizon, and showed a satisfied expression:

"It's great to be able to catch a wave of sunrise over the sea. This world-class office environment is great. There are so many unsightly buildings on my side when I see the sea."

"Isn't it enough for you to have a tree?"

Tony dragged his helmet, which was a bit deflated by Thor's head hammer, and the armor on his right hand was still sparking—

It was deformed by Sol's bare hands.

"Mark 7 must speed up, and my body needs to be repaired."


Thor can only pretend that he didn't hear anything - Loki is already awake, and he is busy being a younger brother and controlling his elder brother:

"Where are you going to lock Loki? A normal cell can't hold him."

"Oh, you really care about me, Sol..."

Before Loki finished speaking, his hands were bound by green magic vines:

"Damn it!"

"At least like a prisoner?"

Oakes shrugged and turned to greet Captain America, who was admiring the great technological achievements of this era:

"Steve? Your fans are here."

Natasha was explaining something to Coulson who was walking quickly. Although Coulson saw that Captain America was obviously absent-minded, his excellent agent qualities still made him nod repeatedly.

"Everyone, we have prepared a suitable cell here for Loki.

Captain please...and Mr. Oakes and Saul with me, Mr. Stark, Natasha will take you to the laboratory, Dr. Banner has already started working. "

"Oh, I remember you, Coulson..."

Saul is always happy to see acquaintances, he slapped Coulson staggeringly:

"But it's a ship? It's not a good idea to keep Loki in an underwater prison."

Odin has already told him about Loki's life experience. As the prince of the Frost Giant family, although Loki has not learned freezing magic, he still has to guard against it——

He couldn't figure out what his younger brother was thinking, and with the simple arrest this time, both Steve and Tony could see that something was wrong, and of course Saul could see it even more.

"Don't worry, we are... a special ship."

With Coulson's smile, everyone noticed that the staff on the deck began to clear the field, and then the sea fluctuated violently, four huge floating engines were turned on, and severe wind pressure hit——

This is an aerospace carrier that has begun to lift off!

"Words from heaven are much better."

Saul nodded subconsciously:

"Loki can't fly."

When Tony took off his armor and joined Banner, who arrived earlier, Oakes and the others locked Loki and returned to the control room, while Nick Fury came to meet the god of trickery who had a chance .

"This cell looks pretty good."

Loki paced gracefully in the cell. Of course, if it weren't for the wound on his forehead, it would appear that he wanted to go in on his own initiative:

"However, I don't think it was specially prepared for me."

"Originally we built it for someone who is stronger than you, but before we built it, we found that it was no longer needed. Just in time for you to come, we dug it out to make do with it."

Nick Fury's poisonous tongue is no worse than Tony:

"Then now you are ants and we are boots, Your Excellency the God of Trick."

After a bit of arguing about strength and peace, Loki finally ended the conversation with "You don't understand real power at all."

With the departure of Nick Fury, everyone who was watching the monitor fell into deep thought.

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