Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 636: Which one is more important, name or destiny?

Chapter 636 Which is more important, name or destiny?

Jiayin is not a stingy person, so he directly ordered the boy to go to Cyclamen to order a banquet, and asked shopkeeper Peng and Chen Xi to take everyone in the shop to have a good meal to celebrate the good start.

 As for the end of the month, there will definitely be rewards besides wages.

 Having a generous master is the luck of all slaves.

  From shopkeeper Peng to the boy, everyone responded happily, grinning from ear to ear.

When the family was going out, Mr. Hou and Mr. Wen happened to come together.

 It turns out that the shop they were also interested in opening up today, so they came to take a look.

Hearing that the goods in the shop had been sold out, and seeing the fat girl's proud look, Mr. Marquis and Mr. Wen were also happy, and they all took the carriage back to Suijintan.

 At this time, it was not long after noon, and Broken Gold Beach was still busy.

 In with with with with with Income Injure202 thereon, except for the necessary patrols, everyone went up to the mountain to pick fruits.

It was inevitable that outsiders had entered the village and the village was in chaos. All the fruit sellers who contacted the village took a detour from Xiaowangzhuang to the outside of the hot spring valley.

 So, when everyone arrived in the village, everything was quiet.

Jiayin didn’t feel hungry after eating a full stomach of snacks, so he simply took the pony and went to graze outside the village.

 The pony is the one that Li Laosi brought back on Jiayin’s birthday.

 Because of the red color of her fur, she was named Xiaohong.

The little fox was the most naughty. He jumped out of nowhere, squatting on Xiao Hong’s back and waving his big tail.

Xiaohong has a good temper and doesn't care about it. She rubs Jiayin's hand affectionately and begs for food.

Jiayin secretly picked a fruit from the space and fed it to it. The happy little red horse turned its lips and ate it quickly.

On the way, the Marquis went to see the noodle shop and the residence of the wounded soldiers in the second village. When he came back, he saw the fat girl and the pony fox together. Such a weird combination made him laugh.

 He took the pony to the river and taught Jiayin to wash the pony's fur.

 The river water is a little cool in autumn, but it sparkles in the sunshine and is very beautiful.

A wounded soldier, missing half of his arm and one leg, came to the river to wash himself on crutches. He was very happy to see the Marquis here and stepped forward to salute.

The Marquis motioned for him to sit on the big stone, and then asked a few simple words, "Is there anything you're not used to when settling here?"

“No, Lord Marquis!” The wounded soldier was very excited and said quickly: “Every day I live in a new house, sleep on a hot bed, and eat at midnight, I feel like I am turning into a fat pig.

“Now I hope that the workshop will start working soon, otherwise I will feel guilty and waste food!”

The Marquis smiled, patted the little red horse, and said: "Don't worry, after picking the fruits in the village, it's time to set up a noodle workshop for you with free hands. Don't spend the wages you earn in the future.

"If there is a chance, I will send people to the poor areas in the south to find women who are willing to start a family. By then you will also have a family, and you will be more stable for the rest of your life."

The wounded soldier was very excited and responded with a red face: "It all depends on the arrangement of the Marquis."

  After a few idle words, the wounded soldiers retreated.

Perhaps he saw hope in his life. He was walking very fast with a cane in his remaining hand!

Jiayin pulled the tail of the little fox and said to the Marquis: "Father, I also know some ways to make vermicelli from potatoes. When there are more potatoes next year, we can open another workshop and we can take in more by then. some people."

The Marquis shook the water droplets on his hands, smiled and rubbed her hair, and finally sighed softly and said: "This was originally a matter for the court, but now it has fallen on your golden beach. All the civil and military officials What a waste!"

Jiayin didn't want his adoptive father to be angry, so he quickly said: "Isn't my father training those new soldiers? They will definitely tell their families after they have suffered, and then they will all know that it is not easy to be a soldier."

The Marquis smiled and said nothing. If it were so easy, he wouldn't be trapped in Xindu every day, arguing with various yamen...

On the second day, Good News did not let grandma and mother follow her, but only took Grandma He and Shui Ling to Baiyunjian. With yesterday’s experience, the store has twice as much stock as yesterday.

 But it was still full as soon as it opened, and the customers almost stepped over the threshold.

There were many repeat customers who bought yesterday. They all took cakes and snacks home. The elderly and children liked them, and they were urged to buy some more today.

Even after hearing the news, they came to see and taste something new.

 There are also guests starting to stay on the second floor, and all four private rooms are full.

 One box contains several young men, and the other three boxes contain women and little girls.

 Yesterday, Shui Ling and Shui Yun helped to greet the guests. Today, it is a bit inconvenient to have a boy to take care of the female guests.

 Shopkeeper Peng was in a bit of a dilemma, but at this moment, good news arrived.

Jiayin also felt that she lacked consideration, so she immediately asked Shui Ling to go to the Hou Mansion to find the housekeeper, and temporarily transferred two maids to help.

The little maid was very smart and immediately put herself into the work. If she didn't understand anything, she would ask questions and quickly took care of the second floor.

Shopkeeper Peng was speechless with envy, but he also knew that this was a loan, so he still wanted to find people, train them quickly, and replace them.

The shop has just opened, and a small problem here or a little trouble there is inevitable.

 Shopkeeper Peng has a lot of experience, and Chen Xi and others are willing to work hard, which makes up for most of it.

It really can't be solved, and there is still Jiayin as the owner.

 So, I managed to survive the second day smoothly.

 As soon as guests enter the shop, because of the novelty, they rarely leave empty-handed.

Of course more people stayed in front of the door for a longer time, and even looked at the plaque until their necks became sore...

 “It’s really the emperor’s calligraphy treasure!”

“Yeah, I thought it was spread by ignorant women, but I didn’t expect..."

 Two middle-aged men stood in front of the door, talking in low voices, with a bit of disapproval in their expressions.

 They are the censors of the court and have the power to report events.

Originally they thought that someone's new shop was spreading rumors and building publicity for the shop, but they also wanted to show their presence to show the value of their existence.

How did you expect that the emperor really awarded a plaque to a small dessert shop, and even... participated in the management?

 Should this... be played?

Are you saying that the emperor is competing for interests with the people and reminding the emperor to be careful in his words and deeds?

They couldn't help but touch their necks and immediately gave up the idea.

Although the imperial court moved to the new capital and lost half of its territory, the emperor took advantage of the situation to gain military power and held it tightly in his hands through the Marquis of Xinting. He acted much more powerfully than before.

Your Majesty may not be able to touch certain people, but it is too easy to attack these two talkative censors!

 The two looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

“That... new snack seems very sweet. Can you buy some to take home to comfort the children?”

 “Okay, okay, me too, I’ll buy some for my grandson.”

The two of them entered the shop and each spent a few taels of silver before they dispersed.

 Shopkeeper Peng and others have seen many such situations and have no time to pay more attention.

Jiayin remembered that the Jia family would come to visit her home tomorrow, so she closed the shop in the afternoon. She temporarily asked the master to fry some more potato chips and popcorn, and then took them back home...

 (End of this chapter)

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