Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 599: Sense of crisis of falling out of favor

Chapter 599 The sense of crisis of falling out of favor

 It turned out that Mr. Wen and his wife moved here.

Seeing Mr. Hou and others from a distance, Mr. Wen leaned against the car window and waved, "Master Hou, uncle, why are you here?"

Li Laoer smiled and replied: "I just came back. If I had known you were coming, I would have turned around and left with you."

After a while, Mr. Wen jumped out of the carriage, and then carefully helped Mrs. Wen down.

Mrs. Wen saluted Mr. Marquis and Mr. Li. When she saw them smiling narrowly at Mr. Wen, she blushed and said to her husband, "You guys talk, I'll go find Auntie and Hongying."

“Okay,” Mr. Wen quickly ordered, “don’t you want to eat egg dumplings? Just tell your aunt, don’t be afraid to bother her. I will go to the city tomorrow to buy some good ingredients for your aunt to thank her.

“At this time, you have to eat whatever you want, and you can’t say anything wrong, otherwise you will be thinking about it and feeling wronged for the rest of your life..."

After saying that, he asked Aunt Tian, ​​who was following him out of the car, "Is that so, Aunt?"

“Yes, yes!” Aunt Tian said with a smile: “Sir, I remember it very clearly. Women are like this when they are pregnant, they are very talkative and greedy.

  "If a husband cares about his wife so much, she will definitely give birth to a fat boy smoothly."

“Okay, okay, as long as the birth goes smoothly, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a boy. Look at how smart and cute our Fu Niu is. If I can give birth to a girl like this, I can laugh out loud even in my dreams!”

Mr. Wen fortunately sent his wife and grandma inside, then turned back to look at the Marquis and Uncle. Suddenly feeling a little embarrassed, he coughed twice and asked, "I heard that Baiyuan Garden is very lively today?"

Li Laoer laughed and couldn't bear to tease him, so he said: "Let's go to the Marquis's yard first. Our family is dominated by women at the moment!"

Master Hou also smiled and nodded, and then led them into his yard.

There were originally a few seriously injured soldiers living here. However, their injuries have improved a lot in the past few days and they have moved out to live with their companions.

 Dongmei and Yeshan heard the commotion and came out to prepare tea and snacks.

As a result, as soon as the Marquis and others sat down, Jiayin ran over carrying a rabbit and a little fox with a little fart, "Father, let's roast the rabbit for Fu Niu'er to eat! When my sister-in-law saw the rabbit, she was about to vomit, and the second sister-in-law also Cover your nose, grandma kicked me out!”

Jiayin is very depressed. Even if she has a second sister-in-law at home, with the addition of a junior sister-in-law, she has clearly felt that she is in danger of falling out of favor...

Seeing a few fat girls with a fat girl, she was holding a rabbit in her hand, and a little pitiful look abandoned was distressed and funny.

So, as soon as Ye Shan put down the teapot, he went to find firewood and cook the rabbit.

Soon, he set up a bonfire under the steps.

The Marquis took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and started roasting the rabbit himself.

He actually doesn't know how to cook, but after so many years of wandering around and often catching wild animals to fill his stomach, he has developed a skill at barbecue.

The rabbit in this season is not short of grass. The long is fat and dudt. After a while, the oil began to split oil, and the fragrance gradually spread.

 The fat girl and the little fox sat next to the Marquis, one on the left and the other on the right, their eyes gleaming and they swallowed frantically.

The little fox’s tail waggled and swept the steps away from any dust.

Jiayin rolled his eyes and thought of an excuse to deceive the little fox, "Santiao, why does my house seem to smell like chicken soup? Go and have a look. If it is true, come back and report the news. I will take you back to ask for the chicken legs!"

The little fox blinked its small black bean-like eyes twice and fell into a difficult tangle.

 The roasted rabbit is delicious, but the chicken legs are also delicious!

 In the end, the chicken legs defeated the roasted rabbit. It climbed over the wall and disappeared.

“Father, hurry up! Give me all the rabbit legs!” Jiayin hugged the Marquis’s arm and wanted to eat alone! The Marquis was so funny that he quickly pulled off the rabbit's legs.

As a result, before the good news could take a bite, the little fox actually ran back again, just in time to see this scene...


The little fox stood up angrily, waving its little paws desperately and barking non-stop.

If it could speak human language, it would probably have a lot of swear words!

Jiayin felt guilty and quickly threw the rabbit leg in his hand.

 The little fox immediately caught it, blocked his mouth, and immediately turned into a cute baby!

Jiayin rolled her eyes, took the other rabbit leg handed over by her adoptive father, took a big bite, and complained: "You heartless Sanjou, you usually eat so many good things from me, but now you don't even want to let me have a single rabbit leg." ”

When the little fox heard it, he simply turned around and pointed his **** at the good news, looking like a scoundrel.

 Everyone in the yard was amused by the fat girl and the little fox.

Li Laoer rubbed his niece's hair and said with a smile, "If you like rabbits, you can catch a few more ones tomorrow."

Jiayin quickly waved her hand. The rabbits in the space were like leeks. Occasionally, she would have to harden her heart and let them kill themselves in batches. It was easy to eat them.

 But this rabbit is different. It was brought back by her adoptive father in partnership with her, although she only handed over the stones...

The fat girl and the fox both had their mouths shut, no one was making any fuss, and everyone started talking about business.

Li Laoer told the courtiers and dignitaries that they wanted to donate money and food in exchange for children and grandchildren at home.

Mr. Wen smiled and said: "This is a good opportunity. New grain will be harvested soon, and the old grain of each family should be sold at a reduced price. At this time, it is easier to get more grain."

"We both thought of going to the same place, as I said just now." Li Laoer clapped his hands and said: "I have briefly inquired about these families. There are two dyeing shops in the next state capital. I can ask for more coarse cloth.

“There is another family whose ancestral land is in the west. I heard that there is a lot of cotton there! For the sake of my children and grandchildren, I will certainly be willing to give them more cotton this time.”

“Okay, uncle, now you know everything about the courtiers and dignitaries?!” Mr. Wen joked, “I’m not afraid that you won’t know anything in the future and will be easily plotted by others.”

Li Laoer didn't hide anything from him and said: "My eldest brother had some people in the city before, and I took over them. In a few days, the relief department will be able to add more."

“If you want to know someone’s secrets, it’s not easy, but if you want to know a general trace, basic details and origin, it shouldn’t be difficult..."

At this time, Li Laosi came back from the second village and came to join in the fun after hearing the news.

When the Marquis saw him, he said: "These people can use money, food and materials to exchange for the lives of their children and grandchildren, but they cannot completely get what they want.

"There must be sons of powerful men in the army. Firstly, they are responsible for protecting Tianwu. Secondly, they also ensure that such things as the deduction of pensions cannot happen again in the future."

Mr. Wen and Li Laoer both nodded.

Li Laosi thought that his plan would not work, so he called Dongmei for some sweet potatoes, roasted them with the residual heat of the campfire, and ate them with his daughter.

Li Laoer continued to ask: "Does the Marquis have any regulations? Please tell me carefully. I will talk to those people tomorrow."

The Marquis thought for a while and said: "Each family must have a son to join the army, regardless of concubine. And after entering the military camp, you can choose whether to stay at the dock or go out to fight.

"Of course, the number of people who go out to go out or stay behind will be half, each will account for half. Whoever wants to stay behind depends on their sincerity."

 Li Laoer and Mr. Wen understood instantly and couldn't help but laugh.

Mr. Wen said: "Master Hou, this is a good idea. These people are probably going to fight to keep half of the quota!"

 (End of this chapter)

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