Chapter 141 Ambitious

“Let’s go, let’s pack up and go up the mountain to have a look.” The village chief greeted everyone and waved the pipe pot in his hand.

The old man had to fight off two barbarians, and his left forearm was chopped off. He had to nurse it for a few days. Although his life was no longer in danger, he was still a little weak, but it couldn't stop him from running around for the village.

Everyone quickly responded and turned around to go back.

 In the Li family shack, Dr. Zhang was changing the dressing for Mrs. Li.

The old lady suffered a penetrating injury on her shoulder, and it is not easy to recover from it. However, the old man’s hemostatic medicine is very powerful, and Jiayin also feeds the old lady anti-inflammatory tablets and freeze-dried powder every day.

 So, it seems that the old lady’s recovery is much better than expected.

Jiayin walked over and squatted next to her grandma. Her well-behaved and worried look made Mrs. Li feel soft and comforted her in a low voice.

 “Don’t be afraid, Fu Niu, grandma is already well.”

Jiayin hugged grandma’s neck and kissed her on the face.

The old lady smiled even more, "My Fu Niu is doing much better, and she is acting like a spoiled child to grandma. Tell me, does she want to eat something good, or is she getting into trouble again?"

Jiayin grinned, showing a few white teeth, "Grandma, I want to go up the mountain with daddy!"

Mrs. Li frowned, "Your injury hasn't healed yet. The wind on the mountain is strong, so don't go. Grandma will ask your mother to steam the egg custard for you later, okay? The kind with minced meat. Your second uncle bought meat yesterday!"

Jiayin persisted, pouting and shaking grandma’s arm.

Doctor Zhang rarely supported the little girl and said with a smile, "Let her go. Children are afraid that they will lose their energy. If they are naughty, they will become softer. The injury on her head is almost healed, and only the swelling is left. She slowly recedes and is completely healed." never mind."

Sure enough, after hearing this, Mrs. Li stopped stopping her and called Tao Hongying to cover her granddaughter tightly. The mountain breeze was still very cold.

Jiayin liked the old man Doctor Zhang so much that she stepped forward and smeared his face with saliva, making the old man "disgusted" and laughing from ear to ear.

Soon, everyone was tidying up. Li Laosi carried the bamboo pole on his back, and behind him lay his daughter who was covered in cotton **** with only her eyes exposed.

Liu Biao carried the village chief on his back, and Li Laoer and several villagers followed behind, and they went up the mountain together.

 Broken Gold Beach is full of gravel, so it stands to reason that the mountains on both sides should be rocky.

But what’s rare is that the hills on both sides have very deep soil layers.

Perhaps the sparse dwarf pine trees on the mountain have scattered pine needles for many years. The pine needles were mixed with dead grass and worked hard to rot and accumulate year by year, which resulted in this result.

 In terms of height, slope, and even size, the two hills are almost the same.

And they are all the kind with short shady slopes, steep terrain, and long and slow sunny side.

Of the 400 acres allocated to the village, the two hills account for 300 acres, and the gravel beach in the middle occupies 30 acres. The remaining 70 acres are outside the valley, which is considered a plain, but it is close to the river beach and can only be opened out. It can be used as a low-grade field.

Everyone stood on the mountain and had a panoramic view of the entire dustpan-like valley, and their moods were a bit complicated.

 Speaking of the advantages, this valley is completely sunny. The hills on both sides are very gentle and the soil quality is good.

 Building villages in valleys provides shelter from the wind, warmth and safety. There is a small river flowing not far outside the valley. Beyond the small river is the official road, which is convenient for water and transportation.

But the disadvantages are also obvious. If the two hills are to be reclaimed, all the dwarf pines must be dug out and the wasteland cleared, which will take a lot of effort.

The gravel beach in the middle of the valley. If a village is to be built, it will be extremely difficult to lay a foundation for a waterway to flow from the mountains and rain.

The seventy acres of land outside the valley are river floodplains with sandy soil. Even if they are reclaimed, they can only grow sweet potatoes and not produce food at all.

Taken together in one place, if you want to survive, everyone must step up and open up the barren mountains! No matter what, we have to plant food before the farming season.

Jiayin stretched her neck hard and took a closer look at this new home. She was very satisfied and had more ideas than the villagers. Opening land on the hillside to grow crops is certainly a way to ensure that the whole village does not go hungry, but long-term benefits must also be considered.

It is best to plant fruit trees on a hilltop with good drainage, plenty of light, and good ventilation. They will definitely grow good fruits with high sugar content.

There are apple trees in her space, but there are no apple seedlings. She will have to figure out a way later.

 As for the fruit saplings in this time and space, she didn’t consider them at all. Because there is no improvement, the fruit produced is small and sour.

There are also river floodplains outside the valley, and it would be a pity to only grow sweet potatoes.

If you can grow watermelons, they will be big and sweet.

In the vegetable garden of the small courtyard of the space, there seemed to be a few watermelon seedlings, which grew up after she occasionally ate watermelons and dropped the seeds.

 It is simply unrealistic to plant dozens of acres of watermelon seedlings now...

Jiayin became more and more discouraged as she thought about it. She couldn't help but touch the back of her head. The swelling had shrunk to the size of a date, but she still couldn't get into the space.

Li Laosi heard his daughter sigh, so he untied the bamboo basket on his back and held his daughter in his arms.

"Fu Niu, don't look at it, but there is nothing here, but dad has the strength! We will clear out the barren hills and riverbanks this year. In autumn, the mountains and plains will be covered with millet and sorghum. And there will be no food tax here for two years. Even if The harvest is not much, but it’s enough for us. Dad won’t let you go hungry!”

 “Yes, the fourth child is right!” The village chief held Biao Liu’s arm and looked at the entire valley, equally ambitious.

"There is no place in this world where everything goes well. Now that we have successfully settled down and escaped the pursuit of the barbarians, this is already the best result. As long as we are willing to endure hardship and work hard, life will definitely not be bad!"

The other villagers also nodded together, "We are from farmers. We are afraid of anything but hardship. Uncle village chief, please make arrangements!"

“Let’s go down the mountain and discuss it with everyone. We must hurry up and do the work that needs to be done. The weather waits for no one.”

The village chief waved his hand proudly, got on Liu Biaotou's back again, and everyone went down the mountain.

The women of each family were already busy making fires to cook, and the smoke from cooking was everywhere in the valley, making everyone speed up their pace.

For no other reason than for the sake of the elderly and children, we must muster the courage to build a new home with all our strength!

Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru were busy cooking, and Mrs. Li rarely sat aside to bask in the sun and chat.

 Seeing her son come back with his granddaughter in his arms, and her granddaughter was still a little wilted, Mrs. Li felt heartbroken.

"Hurry up and send Fu Niu to the shed and let her have a nap. I'm afraid she'll be tired from going up the mountain."

Tao Hongying said with a smile, "She is just a little child, always on her father's back, what's the point of being tired?"

But even so, she still hugged her daughter, then carefully carried her into the shack, patted her gently until she fell asleep, and covered her with a fine gauze to block mosquitoes, and then went out to continue her work.

The Li family gathered outside and talked about opening up wasteland, but no one looked into the shed.

Of course no one noticed, but Jiayin disappeared as soon as he fell asleep...

In the small space courtyard, Jiayin turned over and covered herself with the quilt. The softness in her hands made her suddenly feel that something was wrong.

She suddenly turned over and sat up. She was covered with a large double goose down quilt and a fresh green milk velvet quilt, which felt warm and soft. There is a soft mattress underneath, and a princess-style bed curtain with snow-white lace hangs beside the bed...

 Everything is so real, there is no invisible barrier at all.

 She has...entered space? !

 (End of this chapter)

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