Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 127: Don't use the treasure mountain if it's empty

Chapter 127 The treasure mountain is empty and cannot be used

 The wooden box was closed, quickly covered with earth, and then covered with floor tiles again.

If no one had checked carefully, they would probably not have found anything wrong with the basement of the house and would not have disturbed the peace of the Guo family.

After being so busy, the sky has turned white, and the morning light has once again enveloped the earth. If the blood in the yard and house hadn't reminded everyone of the danger last night, they would have thought it was just a nightmare.

Everyone was eager to return home, so they started searching everywhere without the instructions of Li Laosi and Liu Biaotou.

Everything that could be used was carried into the yard.

· Grain bags, vegetable oil, various sundries, even pots and pans, teapots and bowls, thick bedding, all gathered together in a pile.

Everyone was happy but also worried about how to bring such things back.

In the end, Liu Biaotou came up with a good idea, "Remove the door leaves of each room, tie the ropes and make a sledge. Put the food first, stuff it with small things, if you can't hold it, throw away the pots, pans, etc." come out."

 Everyone responded and quickly gathered together.

Nearly a hundred people, old and young, settled in the mountain stream. Except for people, they were lacking everything.

 So, Liu Biaotou's words were clear, but everyone was "acting against the will" when it came to execution.

 Not to mention leaving the pots and pans behind, I even took the chopsticks with me...

  After finishing their busy work, the sun was almost over their heads. Everyone had a quick bite of dry food and was about to return.

Liu Biaotou was worried, fearing that someone would follow the traces and find the other side of the mountain stream, so he discussed it with Li Laosi.

He will stay with Jiayi and Liu Yang for two days to make sure that these bandits have no helpers or foreign aid, and then they will rush back to the mountain stream.

Li Laosi also wants to stay, "I'll be with you. I can help you if anything happens."

But Liu Biaotou refused, "No, you still have to lead the way back. If you encounter a wild beast or the like on the road, without you to control the formation, the people in the village will be in a hurry. Besides, I took two boys to hide in secret, even if there is a bandit When my accomplices come back, we won’t show up. Looking at the weather, it’s going to snow in the next few days. I’ll go back before it starts snowing. By then, the traces will be covered with heavy snow, so there’s no need to worry.”

Li Laosi could only nod his head and sighed, "This place is too close to Guan Road. It's hard to make too much noise. Otherwise, it would be easier to burn the yard on fire."

In this way, everyone quickly dragged a large amount of loot and plunged into the mountains and forests, rushing home excitedly.

On the other side of the mountain stream, everyone was waiting nervously. Even the usually naughty little baby was much quieter and did not dare to make any noise.

 In the small cave, a half-pot of hot water was boiling on the stove, which was just beginning to flood.

The slate that Jiaren uses every day has been set up. He is practicing calligraphy with a pen in his left hand.

Mr. Wen stood aside, holding a branch in his hand and hitting Jiaren's back and wrist from time to time.

 “Keep your back straight and use your wrists, not your arms! You must rely on the strength of your wrists to drive the pen tip!”

Jiaren’s forehead was covered with a layer of fine beads of sweat. It was obvious that he was exhausted, but he continued to write without saying a word.

Tao Hongying felt distressed when she saw it, but she didn't dare to say anything. She mixed some warm water and sent it to the inner room separated by a straw curtain.

Mrs. Cui was walking slowly while holding Jiayin in her arms, and her eyes lit up when she saw the basin.

She had been ill for several days. She could get out of bed, eat and drink, but she couldn't take a shower or wash her hair, which was too unbearable.

 “Thank you, Hongying, I was just thinking about washing my hair.”

Tao Hongying smiled and said, "You were sick a few days ago, so you couldn't wash your hair. It's easy for the wind and cold to come back again. It's warm in the cave today, so you can wash it."

Mrs. Cui put down the good news, quickly took off her coat and let her hair loose.

Tao Hongying patted her daughter and scolded her with a smile, "Lazy girl, you don't know that you are fat. You are always being held by others, and you don't want to walk more than one step."

Mrs. Cui is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She is a bit cold when getting along with others, but she has no defense against the little kid Jiayin. She feels a lot more relaxed in the past two days.

“It’s better for a girl to be lazy, she will be lucky.”

Tao Hongying smiled helplessly and said nothing more. In the future, apart from her own family, there might be one more person protecting her daughter.

Jiayin smiled and rolled into the bed, lying down obediently, watching her mother wash Mrs. Cui's hair, her mind wandering in space. The chickens, ducks and geese in the small yard really don't eat food for free. They have been laying eggs very diligently recently and have accumulated a lot.

 But she had been warned by grandma first, and now she was living in a small cave. She couldn't take it out, so she could only continue to save it.

As for the little fat pigs that have grown to more than 100 kilograms, they are also humming happily. At least within half a year, they will not be in danger of their lives...

 Thinking of the half bowl of sorghum noodles and dried vegetable porridge that I drank in the morning, Jiayin became even more depressed.

Seeing so many good things but not enough to eat, will she become the first heroine to starve to death while holding space?

 No, I still need to discuss it with grandma and come up with a good solution...

 Unconsciously, she fell asleep.

Tao Hongying and Mrs. Cui finished their work and turned around to see that Jiayin was already asleep and drooling. Her soft belly was rising and falling, which was particularly cute.

Mrs. Cui quickly pulled the quilt to cover her. Tao Hongying poured water, and she sat by the stove to dry her hair.

The cave was slightly dark, and the light from the stove fire was particularly warm.

Mrs. Cui is combing her long black hair, and on one side is the gentle and elegant Mr. Wen. Occasionally, the two of them look at each other, as if they have a lot to say, but they can't say it, or they don't need to say it at all.

This scene made Tao Hongying a little curious, but she was not a nosy person and did not disturb her. She put down the basin and went to the inner room to hold her daughter to sleep.

Jiayin was drowsy and smelled her mother's scent. She leaned into her arms and slept even more soundly.

Day after day, everyone had been in the cave for four days.

The naughty children couldn't bear it anymore and lay down at the entrance of the cave, looking eagerly down, hoping to go down and run away.

Even the adults were a little anxious. The space was small and there were so many people that it seemed hard to breathe.

  I was going crazy holding back the good news, and I was thinking about my father and brother, and I was looking sad all day long.

Mrs. Cui found it funny. Such a small child always looks like an adult.

She picked up a few stones in the corner and taught Jiayin how to hit the bumper, which is to use small stones to throw big stones.

 If you hit the target, you can get the big stone back, and see who wins more in the end.

If Jiayin were really a one-year-old child, he would definitely have a great time. But she is not, she is an old cucumber painted green, pretending to be young!

 Finally, I went from being bored as a baby to being able to walk and talk, but it turned out that I was stuck again...

Cui Hongying grabbed a handful of dried vegetables and mushrooms, sat at the entrance of the cave, and carefully picked out the tiny grass clippings in the light outside, just to kill her boredom.

Occasionally, she looked up and saw the slowly moving black line in the forest in the distance, which made her so excited that she almost plunged into the cave.

 “There is someone in the forest!”

 She was not sure whether it was one of her own family members, so she could only shout like this.

In an instant, Wen Hai lifted up the straw curtain at the door, and Mr. Wen, Jiaren, and even Mrs. Cui hugged Jiayin and squeezed over.

When other caves heard the movement, they all looked out.

 Slowly, the group of black shadows came closer, and they became clearer.

“It’s my family! I’m back, I’m finally back!”

Others were paying it forward. In the largest cave, she was the first to put down the rattan ladder, and Aunt Wu slipped down directly. When she fell, her sprained foot did not stop her from running wildly into the forest.

 “Gou Sheng’er, Gou Sheng’er!”

Everyone also jumped down, but the village chief was still cautious and shouted to each family, "The elderly and children should stay in the cave first!"

Every family was very anxious, but they were still obedient. Only the young man and his wife who were left to look after the house rushed into the forest.

Soon, Aunt Wu’s heartbreaking cry could be heard in the wind, “Goucheng’er, my mother’s dogson’er!”

 (End of this chapter)

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