Chapter 1160 There is hope for survival!

 with each state opening a warehouse to release grain and provide local relief to the refugees.

 The governors of various states had previously shied away from the blame and allowed the refugees to commit crimes, temporarily suppressing them and giving them a chance to make meritorious deeds.

If you keep pretending to be confused and don't care, then let's settle the accounts together in the end.

Unknown whether it was a coincidence or unintentional, Mr. Wen was sent to the farthest state capital, almost close to Fengshan County.

Li Laoer didn't have time to talk to Mr. Wen, so he immediately left the palace and started to gather people and get busy.

After all, there are nearly 10,000 refugees, just like children crying for food, their eyes are red from hunger.

The longer you delay, the more danger there will be of a riot.

 Fortunately, the Li family lacks everything except experience in dealing with the people...

 In Broken Gold Beach, the village chief and the old men were chatting under the tree.

I have been busy for almost two days, and I am really tired. I wish I could just fall on the ground and sleep.

But at this moment, the fields are empty, the mountains are empty, there is no work, and everyone is not used to it. It seems that there is no place to put my hands and feet, and I can’t sit still without having nails under my butt!

So the men in the village came one after another, chatting with the old men, and asked to join the patrol.

“Uncle village chief, organize us into a patrol team, day and night. With so much idleness, our bones seem to be getting rusty.”

“That’s right, uncle village chief, I really shouldn’t ask the master if there is any work in the city. It’s okay to send us to help.”

“I almost want to take away my mother-in-law’s job. I have to fetch water and cook every day. It’s really boring.”

The village chief smiled and banged his pipe and pot twice, laughing and scolding everyone.

“You are just scoundrels, you have to work all your life! You were so tired before and no one spoke. Now that I ask you to rest, you are gibbering!”

Uncle Zhao and others laughed and responded.

 “This is a good man, a man who is going through life.”

“Yes, everyone has the best spirit! It’s because of this spirit that we started from scratch and got to where we are today!”

“That’s right, who doesn’t envy our days at Broken Gold Beach? In fact, it was all achieved through hard work and hard work!”

 The men were pleased with themselves, smiling and rubbing the back of their heads.

 Simplicity and hard work are their best qualities.

The village chief added some dry tobacco and said, "I will go to the city tomorrow and ask a few more questions to see if the uncle and the princess have any plans.

“We feel like we are living a peaceful life in the village, but in fact there are a lot of things going on in the city, and the uncle and the princess have spent a lot of effort to protect everyone.

"We, if we can help, we will do our best to help. If we can't help, we will just stay there and don't cause trouble for the master. Do you understand?"

 “I know, uncle.” The men responded quickly.

The village chief nodded, and then lowered his voice and asked, "Don't take away the errands of the patrol. These little brothers, who are more than a hundred wounded soldiers, were afraid of being disliked when they first came to our Suijintan. They only felt that they had some errands. You have the confidence to eat here, you know?”

 “I know, I know!”

 The men hurriedly responded, giggling slightly guiltily.

They only cared about their own happiness and forgot about their wounded brothers.

The village does not lack this little rice and grain, but in fact it is enough to feed more than a hundred wounded soldiers for free.

 But people like them want to be strong and don't want to sit around and eat for free.

They can do other jobs if they don't patrol, but the patrolling of the wounded brothers shows their sincerity to the village.

At this moment, a fast horse ran down the side road and headed straight for the village.

Uncle Zhao had a good eye. He looked over and said, "It seems to be Xiaohe. Did uncle have any orders?"

 Everyone stood up. Soon, Zheng He came close and quickly dismounted.

When he saw that everyone had bad expressions, he quickly said, "Don't worry, everyone. My uncle has an errand and needs your help. It's not a bad thing."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in their hearts fell to the ground.

The village chief pulled Zheng He and asked, "Uncle, if you have any errands, please tell me quickly."

Zheng He said, "Our family sent stews and pancakes to the refugees, and the emperor and the high officials in the court knew about it. The emperor ordered the families in the city to donate food and vegetables, and asked our uncle to be responsible for helping the refugees outside the city. Just take care of food and drink, and watch them not to cause trouble.

“That’s nearly 10,000 people. I don’t have enough people around me, and I can’t trust anyone else, so I asked me to come back and ask the village chief for help.”

 “Relieve the refugees?”

The village chief and everyone were surprised, but then they became happy again.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. Those refugees couldn't survive in the south, so they found the new capital. It's really pitiful!"

"Yes, when I was ladling stew for them yesterday, I wished that the pot had no bottom. There was so little food and so many people, so anxious! Now that the emperor has spoken, it's great!"

“As long as the court provides food, let’s go help my uncle. There’s no need to work hard!”

Everyone responded one after another and was happy for the refugees.

The village chief immediately discussed with Uncle Zhao and others, and finally decided that the one hundred and fifty veterans would not move and would stay to take care of the village.

 One third of the remaining villagers are left to look after the house and take care of trivial matters.

 Two-thirds of the people, who were also strong laborers with nimble hands and feet, went to help outside the city.

 In less than half an hour, the villagers set out with their good things.

 Outside the city gate, some of the refugees who had stayed for two or three days had grabbed food and seemed to be in good condition.

 But the old, weak, women and children, who had neither food nor water, and were exposed to the sun, were completely unable to bear it.

After all, they came here relying on the belief that they could be saved at the feet of the emperor in Xindu.

At first glance, there was still no hope of survival, and many people fell.

 The relatives are in pain, others are saddened by the death of rabbits and foxes, and the people of Xindu look on with cold eyes.

At this time, Li Laoer arrived with people from the Relief Department.

The first thing the elderly and children at the Relief Department did was to bang the copper basins and spoons in their hands and shout everywhere.

"The emperor has an order to set up a porridge shed immediately and cook porridge to feed the people. Everyone will have food soon, so hold on! Don't be anxious, don't make trouble, things will get better soon!" "There will be food soon! You won’t be hungry anymore!”

“Everyone is ready, we will start registering our names and where we are in a moment, and then we can get food to fill our stomachs!”

“Cheer up, don’t make any noise, wait for arrangements, and everyone can survive!”

  The elderly and children at the Relief Department shouted different words, but they all had the same meaning.

The refugees didn't believe it at first, but when they swarmed to the city gate, they saw carriages starting to transport pots and pans, as well as bulging bags of grain.

They couldn't help but cheer, and some even hugged their family members and cried bitterly!

 There is hope for survival!

  Children from the Relief Department put down copper basins and spoons, put tables and chairs, rolled up their sleeves and transformed into little gentlemen again.

The old people carried seven or eight large baskets filled with black sticks.

 As long as the refugees come forward to register their name, place of origin, and the number of people in their family, a lot will be issued.

This is the voucher for him and his family to receive relief vegetables and porridge in the future!

The refugees crowded around all the tables and chairs, eager to register earlier and get food earlier.

The boys shouted at the top of their lungs, but they couldn't let the refugees line up properly.

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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