Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 111: There is hope only when you are full!

Chapter 111 There is hope only when you are full!

 He can't cry in front of his grandma, he can't cry in front of his father, and he can't let his brothers worry.

It was only now that he was holding his youngest sister that he cried out all the fear and disappointment in his heart.

Old Mrs. Li tied one arm and brought water over. Seeing this from a distance, she secretly wiped her tears.

Whether he can study well or not, the eldest grandson will not starve to death even if he works in the fields. Besides, he still has a happy and happy family.

 But for such a kind and filial eldest grandson, she was really afraid that he would become depressed and lose his spirits...

Now I’m feeling better, I don’t feel depressed when I cry, and I’m not afraid of getting sick from being bored...

Everyone didn't know how Jiaren figured it out, but when they saw him walking out of the cave with his injured hand hanging and helping to work, they were all happy for him.

From time to time, someone would ask him to rest, and Jiaren would smile and shake his head.

Perhaps the wild wolves were wiped out, frightening all the nearby wild beasts.

It was extremely quiet near the cave that night. Unlike the ones that were constantly watched before, no birds or beasts really dared to approach.

 But most of the people were suffering from pain from their wounds and could not sleep.

 In the middle of the night, Mrs. Liu developed a fever, Jiaren's face turned red, and he talked nonsense.

Liu Biaotou and Liu Yang were very anxious. Fortunately, Tao Hongying was not injured. They fetched water and put a cloth on Mrs. Liu to cool her down.

Li Laoer and Jiayi Jiahuan are responsible for taking care of Jiaren, which is also the normal method.

Shenji Zhang had prepared medicinal herbs a long time ago, boiled them quickly, and drank them for the two of them. It was not until daybreak that the two of them had completely cooled down their fever.

The cave was crowded with people, and Jiayin didn't dare to make any small moves, because he was so anxious.

 Fortunately, Doctor Zhang is reliable and there are no dangers.

 But after such repetition, everyone felt a little depressed.

Now we have gone deep into the forest and climbed almost a dozen mountains, and we cannot retreat.

 But everyone is injured, and the fever may worsen at any time. Even if there is a doctor following, no one can guarantee that he will be called out by the Lord of Hell.

  Could it be that the path of survival they chose was actually a path of death?

 Uncle Zhao's injured leg was getting worse and worse. Although he didn't have a fever, he was still very uncomfortable.

The village chief's aunt was already weak, so after being attacked by a pack of wolves, she felt a little bad. The village chief has been taking care of her.

 The two backbones had no time to take into account everyone's emotions.

And Li Laosi also has to lie down and recuperate...

At this time, Liu Biaotou stood up. Without calling the villagers, he took his son and Jia Yi and plunged into the forest.

 By the time the villagers discovered him, the sun was setting in the west.

The three men also came back, bringing five rabbits, three pheasants, a red deer, and a roe deer.

 Such a rich harvest made the whole camp excited.

 Everyone who can still move, including the elderly and children, is busy.

  Boil water, peel the skin, roast the meat, stew it, and make chicken soup.

 There is fragrance and heat everywhere.

Eating warm food and having a full stomach can make anyone feel less depressed.

Yesterday, Mrs. Liu risked her life to kill a wolf in order to save the elderly and children, and was bitten through the shoulder. Today, Liu Biaotou was so brave and came back with a rich prey.

 This couple is simply the second surprise sent to Qingshui Village by God.

 The first one is of course the Li family!

Everyone thanked them profusely while eating. Liu Biaotou fed his wife chicken porridge with his own hands, waved his hands nonchalantly, and persuaded everyone.

"Eat and drink enough, take good care of yourself. We should go on the road tomorrow. We still have to go on the road. The weather is getting colder day by day. Be careful that we are blocked in the mountains and can't get out. I don't know what's going on outside. Are the barbarians coming? ? Although we will encounter many dangers when we go into the mountains, it is much better than being chased by barbarians with knives outside. "

Everyone nodded, thinking about the chaos and chaos outside, it seemed that it was much better to be in the woods. At least they can fight against the wild wolves, but against the barbarian cavalry, they may only be able to use their swords.

 “Okay, I’ll leave tomorrow morning, I must get out early!”

"Yes, my left hand is injured, but I still have my right hand. I can pull the sledge on my shoulder without delay."

“Me too, no bones were injured, the skin and flesh injuries will be healed in a few days.”

Everyone discussed how to rearrange the sledges for the patients.

After hearing this, the patients also declined each other. As long as their legs were not seriously injured, they all insisted on walking by themselves to reduce the burden on everyone.

Li Laosi gnawed on the rabbit leg and gave Liu a thumbs up.

“Brother Liu is still very good. He is worthy of being a bodyguard. A few words can rekindle everyone’s fighting spirit.”

Liu Biaotou smiled bitterly, and without any further thought, he told the story of what happened before he met the Li family.

It turns out that when they left Junyang, they gathered together seven or eight families with forty or fifty people.

 I thought that there would be strength in numbers and someone would look after me on the way.

Who would have thought that the family members of those families are stupid and meddlesome. They are away from home and do not know the principle of keeping their wealth secret.

Not only did he bring a lot of valuable things, he was also wearing silk and satin, and his hair was full of pearls. As a result, he was noticed on the road.

 At night, a group of people came to sneak attack with hatchets and sticks.

 The family resisted vigorously and even ignored their own carriage, which was robbed of them.

 But the other families were unkind. Some ran away that night, and some saw them injured the next day and left secretly.

 Fortunately, there was still some soft rice on their only remaining carriage.

But the silver they asked for through the city gate was too high, and the three of them were worried, so they met Li Laosi and the villagers.

After finishing the porridge, Mrs. Liu felt a little better and sighed in agreement.

“Don’t tell anyone else, even I brought a lot of useless things. It was my first time escaping, and my mind was in a state of confusion. I didn’t expect it to be so...difficult.”

Li Laosi quickly comforted her, "Sister-in-law, don't get angry. Although it was difficult, luckily we are over now."

Mrs. Liu nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, your family is our lucky star. Before when we were escorts, your brother Liu always said that he had found a treasure. With you uncle and nephew, he didn't know how worry-free he would be. Unexpectedly, in troubled times, During this time, our family needed your help and lost three lives."

"My sister-in-law is serious. Brother Liu and Liu Yang are both good players. Even my sister-in-law is brave and rare among women. We in the village are lucky enough to meet your family."

There were villagers nearby who had just heard something about it, and now they were shouting.

“Yes, our village is very lucky. If we randomly pick up a few people, they are all the best.”

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the camp became more and more harmonious.

On the second day, everyone got up early, made a fire to cook, packed their luggage, checked the sledges, fed the surviving Daqing, and set off again.

This time, there was no arrangement by the village chief or Uncle Zhao, but after experiencing life and death, all the young and strong people were like the broken spring grass after the storm, standing up again and becoming more tenacious.

Whether it is opening the road in front, holding down the formation behind, or the distribution of sledges, it is all decided by the villagers themselves.

 Along the way, the division of labor was clear, and no one complained about hardship or tiredness.

 The village chief and Uncle Zhao were so happy that they almost shed tears.

It’s not that they are unwilling to protect the people in the village, but what is more gratifying than having successors and younger generations taking over the burden!

   Can't take care of so much good news. While we are on the way, the queue is long and there are many family members nearby.

 She was busy making food in the space and feeding her at any time, of course most of them were steamed buns.

 (End of this chapter)

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