Since the date of publication, this book has been serialized for more than two months. In these two months, the number of free words has reached more than 600,000 words, basically maintaining an update of 10,000 words per day.

Today, I’m finally going to be on the shelves. It’s still coming, and the shelf means paying, which means you can’t read this book for free in the future.

I hope that you can understand more and support more.

The website charges are like this. It is three thousand words. According to the update speed of this book, it only takes two cents to read the chapter of the day. I believe this is nothing for everyone. Add up to one month. Bottle of drink money.

If you look at the mobile phone wap station, you can choose to pack the month, more cost-effective, the whole station book can be casually watched.

If you drink a bottle of drink less, you can watch the original one month, and the author can see everyone's support, the code word power will be more abundant!

When reading a book is unsuccessful, the most important thing is the sales performance, and this is the only place where the author can prove himself to the website. Besides, everything is virtual, I hope everyone can understand more.

This is already the fifth book of the author. It is also the fifth time to write a speech. In retrospect, it has been four years since 2011.

Time flies very quickly. Here, Zichen wishes everyone to have fun in the new year, be healthy and keep a good mood~

The book starts from the novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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