Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 613 The Desperation Revealed

"How can it be!"

After the sudden change, Kenil Walker felt only bitterness in his heart.

Legendary reflection expertise, he has the most direct grasp of every detail of the upheaval, but... it's useless!

This new ability revealed at this moment directly destroyed all his confidence!

He even grabbed the dark scepter he swung with all his strength with the "Destructive Blow" with his bare hands!

This grasping is completely different from the entanglement between the legendary monk and him during the Mist Fortress.

Legendary monk, not only has the professional ability of a monk, especially the enhancement of the dragon transformation, but also has exquisite combat skills, this is the only way to entangle him.

But this...

Before today, Kenil Walker would never have imagined that someone would be able to withstand his full blow with the strength of his body without any obvious injuries.

This is the strength of a giant dragon, even an ancient dragon!

When Greensack was still there, I'm afraid he wouldn't have such intensity!

However, such strength has actually appeared, and the magic ability is even higher than that of the mist master!

The combination of the two...

Desperately powerful!

If he had known that this person was hiding such an essence earlier... Walker couldn't be sure for a while, whether he would just bear and submit, or just retreat to Amalinda!

But now...it's too late!

Slashing with a staff, but was caught in mid-air, the other hand raised at the same time on the opposite side, the terrifying fluctuation of the "Instant-Great Disintegration Technique"...

With "Legendary Reflection", Kenil Walker still has a clear grasp, but because of this... despair to bitterness!

It's nothing more than having an unimaginable "damage reduction" ability. When he activates the legendary specialty of "suppressing the caster", he can even cast the large cracking technique instantly...

I can react in my heart.

And "lightning speed" is also activated.

But... no use!

Almost immediately, even throwing away the Dark Scepter, Walker retreated in a flash, but the bitterness of despair in his heart was still there.

He clearly has the keenest reflex perception of details, not only his advance and retreat, but even the "anti-magic field scroll" that is being activated in his hand, which is completely under the control of the person opposite!

The control on the opposite side is the reflection of his "legendary reflection", and he has also mastered it together!

He... has no way out!

The destructive effect of the "Great Disintegration Technique" immediately shrouded it.

Just like the bitterness in his heart, all the magic effects and all the magic equipment were completely shattered, and even his ability to walk in the air was destroyed at this moment.

The body then fell.

Almost at the same moment, the "Black Flame Ball" that was being projected through the air also fell into the destructive field of the "Great Disintegration Technique", and disappeared in midair in an instant.

"How can it be?"

"He is so powerful!"

What happened to Kenil Walker this moment.

Most of them didn't even have time to react.

Only the Ailum, whose attention has always been highly concentrated, and the Soul Reaper, who not only have the vision of true knowledge, but also have a sufficient level of high-level Tanari, are the ones who reacted immediately.

And at the same time they reacted...their faces were full of uncontrollable horror and shock!

The magical ability is abnormally powerful. After all, there are prophets, so I won't talk about it.

But the black stick that Walker hit with all his strength was caught in the air, and he grabbed it with his bare hands. This is simply...

A moment ago, the Soul Reaper was still surprised by Kenil Walker's explosive strength. At this moment, compared to this...

"Greensak is really reborn, and I'm afraid he won't be able to take away the identity of the 'King of Demon Flame'!"

"From now on, he is the real 'King of Demon Flame' and the real ruler of Hell Gate Castle!"

"Muassis and the others have returned, and they can only kneel under his seat!"

A thought flashed in his heart, and the expression on the soul-robber demon's face changed, and the figure that appeared just now was suddenly blurred again at this moment.

Since this is the real "King of Magic Flame", he can't be too far behind a guy like Samuel!

"The Gate of Hell belongs to him after all!"

Sky, Walker is falling.

Alisa moved her footsteps inadvertently, but she still didn't really step out after all.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the body of the Bone Throne, with an incomparably complicated expression.

She had expected that Hellgate would succumb to his power.

But no matter how much she expected, she never expected that the combination of Walker and Haggs, as well as Jiwoks and Gugriff, with such power, would completely fall into his hands after only one meeting!

Even, that's it...

Alisa still has a feeling in her heart that her teacher may have more and deeper mysteries and powers, which are still hidden!

The same is true.

No matter how much Walker and Haggs emphasized the strength of the external enemy, Mr. Angus would not care at all, and turning over was to suppress everything!

"However, he should not, at least not for the time being, intend to get rid of Walker."

"Is there any plan to subdue Walker?"

Staring at the Bone Throne, Alisa felt that a spell was being cast there again, but it was not a spell of destruction and killing, it should be... Confusion!

It is in response to her identification and judgment.

"Walker, don't hold back, when will you wait!"

Kenil Walker, who fell from the sky, just turned over, and the moment he fell to the ground, his figure was already retreating violently.

But after taking one step, the second step has not had time to move.

A voice came from the sky.

In response, Walker's face flashed with intense struggle, but only for a flash...

The next instant, his retreating figure stopped.

The struggle on his face also disappeared.

Level 5 Spell - Dominate Humans!

Unlike "Dominate Monster", it can take effect on all types of creatures, as long as they are not spiritually immune.

The effect of "dominating humans" is only for "humanoid creatures".

Although Cambion is a half-demon, he is also in the category of "humanoid creatures", and is affected by "dominating human beings".

This effect...

At the moment when all the equipment and spells were added, all were destroyed by the "Great Disintegration", even though Kenil Walker felt that his willpower was unusual, he still couldn't resist Isaac's spell power after all!

In an instant, the will of the mind fell under the control of Isaac.

Responding to Isaac's instruction, he immediately "stretched his hands" and did not move.

"My lord, please spare me, I am willing to lead the Blue Bear Tribe and be driven by you!"

Haggis' voice sounded urgently at this moment.

She was flustered by the left and right attacks of the Fly Demon and the Nabasa, but she was able to cope with it.


Seeing that Walker fell to such an extent.

Seeing that Angus, no, is the "King of Demon Flame"!

Seeing the power of the "King of Demon Flame" is even more desperate than when he was in the Mist Fortress.

The ghost hag really knelt down too!

Under the pincer attack of the Fly Demon and the Soul Reaper, she suddenly raised her hands high, with a gesture of complete non-resistance, to the side of the Bone Throne, showing her intention to surrender and admit defeat.

This is also no way.

In other places, she might just teleport away.

But here is the depths of Hell Gate Fortress, where there is a barrier that prohibits all teleportation...


The ghost hag didn't resist, Isaac glanced at her, but didn't continue to fight.

The Blue Bear Tribe is not bad.

Whether it is controlled by this demon hag, or by using the former "son of the bear", at least it is of value.

Besides, if the future really wants to attack the grandfather tree...

His voice, and the demon hag gave up resistance.

The Fly Demon fluttered its wings, and its figure immediately stopped behind Ms. Lanxiong. With an incomparably respectful gesture, it bowed to the throne and asked for instructions: "Your Majesty!"

Isaac's strength, even more powerful, made him, who was already convinced, completely throw away all extraneous thoughts.

"Keep them aside first."

"When the matter is over, if there are still stubborn people, they will be imprisoned in the black prison."

Black prison, this is the magic prison where Kenil Walker and Alisa were imprisoned in the early years.

This prison should have come from the Escort period, or earlier elf age, where all kinds of magic banning effects and weakening effects on creatures are the most impenetrable prisons in Hellgate Fortress.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Fly Demon took the lead.

With another call, the demons and demons that were accepted before were summoned. It was Ms. Blue Bear, Jiwoks and the others who quickly collected the equipment, tied them up one by one, and detained them in a corner of the hall. .

At this time, the duration of the "group monster immobilization technique" was basically over.

However, Tanar'ri and Tanarok, who were freed from the infinite spiritual oppression, even the most rebellious powerhouses like "Flame Horn" Gugriff, completely restrained them at this time. of irascibility.

Although the oppression of the "fixation technique" is from the soul to the body, it is completely unable to move, and it cannot be restrained by words at all.

But it does not hinder their vision and hearing.

That one was actually sitting on the throne of bones, without even getting up, their entire army was wiped out, and there was almost no real struggle.


How can they be so rebellious?

"My people."

The Fly Demon's work is over.

All the people below worshiped him even more.

Isaac's voice sounded again at this time.

He looked around at the people below, and said in a heavy voice, "Although Walker and Haggs acted recklessly, there are some things they said are not wrong.

The Elves of Yellan are returning from the Isle of Evermeet.

The fellows of the tall tree druids are not to be underestimated.

Mist Master and Tu Lang, even I have to give them a high look.

Plus Elastriol on the side of the Silver Moon Alliance.

What we need to face is the worst situation in many years.

To reverse this situation, to break this evil..."

There was a slight pause in the voice.

In the eyes, in the flames that have been splashing, a terrifyingly strong evil will immediately radiates to everything within sight.

Everyone's eyes could not help but lower their eyes, the instinct of the soul was already showing obedience.

Only then did Isaac continue: "I came from behind the scenes to reorganize the nine tribes of the Whiplash Legion and complete the unification of all forces in Hellgate Fort, so as to lead Hellgate Fort, defeat all enemies, and restore the flames. The supreme glory of the Kingdom..."

"Now, it's time for you to make a choice!"

"Are you willing to shrink when you are in danger, and flee if you can't fight, and become the laughing stock of elves and humans from then on?"

"Or do you want to follow me again and completely destroy everything in Yeerlan, from the highest forest to the Silver Moon Alliance, and completely conquer and rule everything?"

In the lobby, the "spiritual hint" effect is still going on.

Combined with the terrifying power that made people feel hopeless like the lord of the Ballow flame demon before.

"Follow the King!"

"Conquer all! Destroy all!"

Everyone is bowing down and shouting wildly.

From the side where Alisa was, to the bound demons and demons, everyone, even Jiwoks and Ms. Blue Bear, bowed down.

Surrendering to absolute power, this pair of demon descendants and demon hags are not at all shabby!

"very good!"

It is useful to kill chickens and monkeys.

Isaac nodded slightly in his heart, just as he was about to say something more, suddenly, with a move in his heart, he looked at Jiwoks.

"Gevox, you have to deal with the outside affairs!"

His perception seems to have noticed that there is a large-scale army approaching from the deep dark cave on the upper level.

At this time, an army of this size is still pointing here... and only those that the demon-born orc has mastered!

"Follow your orders, the great king of magic flames!"

Givaux came out in response, and immediately walked out of the Throne of Bones hall after receiving the order.

The strength of the current "Lord of the Demon Flame", he has become the "Loyal Givaux" again!

He didn't want that most of the outsiders were warriors of his tribe, so they fell into the wrath of the "King of Demon Flame".

"Haggs, it's time for your Blue Bear Tribe, and that 'Belluth', to really join the camp of Hellgate Fort!"

"I look forward to the day when the nine tribes of the Whiplash Legion will become the top ten tribes!"

Isaac looked at Ms. Blue Bear again.

Ms. Lan Xiong rose up in response, without hesitation, and said directly: "The king's order, I will do my best to fulfill it for you..."

It seems that the previous offense to the "King of Demon Flame" has not been resolved, and Ms. Lanxiong has paid all her attention, and is going to solve the offense to the above one from the source!

"Send Amarinda to summon the tribal leaders to return immediately!"

"Send the order to the far forest, and it's time for them to return!"

Isaac looked at Kenil Walker and Alisa respectively.

He wanted to integrate the entire Whiplash Legion, and he also had to gather all the tribes.

However, in the next step of the strategic focus, when Amalinda still has an appointment with Barrett there, he did not rely on the coercion of "dominant human beings", so he forcibly ordered Walker to move over there. of the two tribes, bring them back together.


Walker responded blankly.

"Teacher, according to information, the area between the Farthest Forest and us was forcibly occupied and separated by the treemen of the 'Thinker'."

"It is easy to send orders, but it is quite difficult for them to return here."

Alisa also replied.

"You just send the message."

Isaac's eyes paused for a while on Ailumo, and some pointed expressions made Ailumo nod quickly.

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