Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 112 Merger

Miranda was as efficient as ever.

Over there just started negotiating and negotiating with Crimson Yarn, and there are already confidantes here who have quickly settled in Natural Green.

Her operation was excellent, and she didn't need any explanations, so she naturally let her confidants complete their own brainstorming, thinking that this was a way out for the organization in case of an emergency.

And under the secret operation of the green dragon, they went south and north, and set foot in two markets at the same time.

In the south, they are originally Tethyr people. They put away the masks of underground forces and easily broke in. They quickly brought out their intelligence-gathering expertise. Who are pure businessmen, who are what kind of forces, what As the spokesperson of the nobility, information is constantly flowing to the Green Dragon.

Combined with the information from the intelligence agency and the Dragon Worship, some potential targets of corruption began to appear in Isaac's memo.

How to suppress first and then raise, to stir up ambition. How wealth can seduce and play tricks on people's hearts. How to divide and provoke, divide and erode.

Isaac himself does not operate directly, and spreads out, some are manipulated through Miranda, some are secretly influenced through the union without anyone knowing, and a few are directly handed over to the Dragon Worship Cult.

There is no problem on the surface, the green dragon rarely shows up, and the kobold guards are equally stable, but below the surface, the erosion of Tethyr is already unfolding in an orderly manner.

As for the north, although Miranda's people are also setting foot in Wells Forest, the wood elves are naturally wary of this side, and their progress is still slow. However, after all, they are confidantes trained by Miranda. Even if the progress is slow, they will at least do things with heart and purpose, and they will continue to accumulate relevant information.

"As long as I can stabilize Tethyr, or even pull Tethyr into my chariot, I can deploy the Wells Forest!"

"Nature only needs one lord! Those who refuse to cooperate with the lord and want to occupy the forest are definitely not natural citizens!"

"For the wood elves, maybe we can test those dark elves. If it works, we will use them to deal with those disobedient shield dwarves in the future, and there will be more room for maneuver."


Synchronize with the green dragon.

The negotiations between Miranda and Crimson Veil are progressing very smoothly.

A port town in the central region, a very secluded manor.

The final round of negotiations.

After pressing their own blood marks on the agreement, the two parties broke up amicably and amicably.

The next step is the mutual residency and merger between the two parties.

"Master, do you want to..."

Far away from the port, far away from the river, in a dark jungle.

Several brown-haired vermilion robes, under the bright red tights, outlined a perfect figure, and even more amazingly beautiful women, carefully asked for instructions from a carriage.

The carriage is made of ebony wood, which is luxurious and elegant.

There are also nine black horses pulling at the same time, but there is no driver.

A lazy and charming voice: "It's just a fake. Be patient, since she came in, she will become one of you sooner or later.

Continue to observe. Or let those puppets come into contact with them.

I don't need to be surprised, I also figured out the origins of her assassins. "


At this time, as if they had received some instructions, the nine black horses raised their hooves at the same time, and the carriage rushed wildly onto the road.

The red-robed women at the back quickly disappeared into the dark curtain of the forest.


"No problem, ma'am."

After signing an agreement with Crimson Yarn, the returning motorcade did not drive back to the headquarters. Instead, as usual, it stopped outside the Church of the God of Punishment, went in and prayed, and offered a "love donation" to the pastor Then, he left the church on foot.

There were other people in the carriage, and they drove elsewhere.

Everything was as usual, and the pastor didn't give any warning.

A message quickly reached Miranda.

At this time, her substitute, Judith, returned to the headquarters with people.

"Sister, those Orientals didn't mess around. They all agreed to our bottom line, and they also made a lot of concessions on the terms of cooperation. Take a look." Judith's makeup and body shape are very similar to Miranda, It was a confidant who was rescued by her and trained by herself.

Miranda accepted the agreement, not in a hurry to speak, but to read it carefully first.

After a while, the corners of her bright red mouth curled up slightly, and she threw the agreement away.

"There is no problem, there is a real problem. Let the brothers be more vigilant." His eyes turned to the middle-aged man on the side again, and his voice was calm, "There is a lot of power over there, and the brothers below may not be able to withstand the pressure. , Haibo, pay attention to the merger process yourself, and focus on evaluating the structure there to see if there is anything worthy of our emulation."

"Madam, don't worry. But, I'm not here, your side..." The man nodded calmly, but there was a little hesitation in his eyes.

"The Spot Church is over there, and there are patrolling disciplinary paladins, so this side is still safe." Miranda smiled slightly, but didn't say that she naturally had other hiding places.

Only then did Haibo put away his hesitation.

"How about the red widow?" Miranda looked at the substitute again. She was also a woman. In her heart, she was also very curious about the powerful assassin who held the crimson veil.

If she also has that kind of power...

Of course, there is no if in this kind of thing.

She can still maintain a normal mind.

"Very beautiful, just like in the legend. However, unlike the title, she seems to be very elegant, somewhat aristocratic, but also a little heroic, not that mean. She..." Judith tried her best to recall , trying to fully present the image of the Red Widow.

Look at this description, look at this image...

Not a stand-in?

Miranda's heart skipped a beat.

However, with the strength of the Red Widow, it is not impossible to not need a substitute.

Of course, it could also be that the quality of the stand-in is much higher than hers. After all, the foundation of Crimson Veil is far higher than hers.

"If it is assessed that it is suitable for annexation... how to lure her out, and make sure that it is her true identity!"

"A commissioned assassination?"

"It might work."

"A target of sufficient status will probably require her to act in person. Your Majesty also needs allies from the top. If you can grasp the timing and target well, these two things can become one thing."

After letting his subordinates retreat, Miranda's eyes were full of deep conspiracies.

For a long time, after the candles were all extinguished, there was still no movement around, so she stood up calmly, facing a bookcase, first opened the hidden lock, then gently moved it, and then closed the hidden lock inside. She walked into an underground secret passage.

After all, the land of the human race is not very suitable for kobolds to haunt.

It's not late at night, the kobold wanderers brought by Kuli are all hidden in the secret underground space transformed from the city's sewers.

This is also Miranda's refuge, not only protected by kobold wanderers, but also has some secret passages leading to a safe house that only she knows.

Thanks to the three brothers "Dream Thirteen Ghosts", "Laozi's Sleeping Position Determines Hairstyle" and "Anonimasu" for their rewards, thank you for your support!

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