Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 419: Absolute power blasting!

Boom boom boom...

A series of roars sounded in front of Uranium. Dozens of thousand-year soul beasts were killed by lightsabers, but this did not stop the progress of the soul beasts behind. More importantly, most of the following two thousand years All of the soul beasts have rushed up.

At this extremely critical juncture, the black eyes on the Uranus Kronos Soul Guidance Battle Armor mask suddenly burst into light, and he had risen up, his body quickly galloping into the air above the soul beast group.

In the next moment, Uran's spirit power light suddenly converged, and even the shining fourth spirit ring color shrank and returned to itself in an instant. The strong spirit power in the air gathered towards his body like a sea of ​​rivers.

Bend down on one knee and made a fierce stomping movement, a shocking black glow with unparalleled murderous aura burst out.

Even the soul beasts who did not stop under the double suppression of uranium finally stopped their footsteps at this time, and the light of fear appeared in the eyes of every soul beast including Wannian. This is no longer the fear in their hearts. It comes from the most original subconscious, because what they feel is the aura of destruction.

On the right leg, the energies of various colors have condensed into an energy vortex, as if there is an infinite suction converging these masterless soul powers. The blue and cyan ripples are mixed to form a mysterious color like stars, a stream of stars. The fierce energy ripples also constantly rushed out from the middle, and when they merged with each other, a loud noise like thunder broke out.

"Absolute power blasting!"

A group of adventurers who were running fast found that the meaning of coldness in the air had disappeared at this moment, and even the snowflakes flying in the sky were dimmed a bit, only the beam of energy rising into the sky seemed to be the world Core.

Blue air currents descend from the sky, just like the rays of light extending from the various vortices around the uranium body. Those blue air currents are the condensation of huge ice elements, which can show such a real body in the air. , How abundant the ice element in the air is at this time.

But at this moment, Uranium had already jumped up and rushed into the air, facing the impact of the overwhelming powerful soul beast, a standard knight kicking posture fell into it.

In the sky, a strange and magnificent scene appeared, a blue light curtain, fan-shaped horizontally downward, like a Tianhe River hanging upside down, gently cut on a corner of the frozen forest.

boom! !

The violent roar suddenly resounded across the sky!

A loud thunderous noise resounded loudly above the frozen forest, like the anger of the Thunder God, causing people's mind to tremble with fear.

After the loud noise, it was a burst of energy that was in full bloom like a volcanic eruption. The fierce and unparalleled energy vented deadly in mid-air and madly released the horrible energy hidden in it.

Suddenly, a gust of wind appeared above the forest out of thin air, whizzing past. At the point of contact, even the illusory air was blurred and distorted by the powerful energy.

The gusty wind whizzed past, and the energy shock wave raging on the sky, like a sky fire, swept away in the direction of the whole surroundings!

Only at that moment, the temperature of the air rose suddenly within the frozen forest where the beast tide was erupting, and the originally raging ice element seemed to be swept away, although in the next instant, the ice elements from other regions have flooded again. , However, that faint feeling still made people who could feel near the frozen forest shudder.

The Cronus Soul Guidance Battle Armor supported Uranium's body floating in the air, and just under his feet, a huge gully had been formed in the incomparable roar and explosion.

This pit is a hundred meters wide, and even the most powerful land spirit beast cannot jump over it. The depth is more than fifty meters, like a huge scar in the frozen forest, this oval ravine. The length extends to both sides, and the most terrifying thing is that under the kick of the burst that absorbed most of the uranium's soul power, the snow flying in the sky was absorbed partly and filled into the pit.

The dark red magma is bubbling with bubbles, and the hot temperature makes the air twisted like water waves. This is a sky moat, and the uranium is set in the sky in front of the soul beasts.

Even the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast could not easily cross the thunder pond.

That's right, the maximum temperature of the burst kick of uranium can reach a high temperature of one thousand degrees!

The temperature of magma is mostly between ℃, and the highest can reach 1400℃.

In other words, uranium has created a deadly environment similar to a volcano with its own efforts!

Although this consumed most of the soul power of uranium, it was also worth it.

As he floated down, Uran's face was a little pale hidden behind the helmet. Just now, this foot was already considered the top power under nuclear deterrence, but the effect was outstanding. With this blow, all the soul beasts in the front part of the riot beast group All disappeared.

Was kicked to ashes.

And the middle part of the soul beasts that followed, after witnessing this blow and the magma area in front of them, under the threat of life instincts, began to flee toward both sides!

All of a sudden, the rioting beasts that would only move forward like a torrent began to show signs of diversion, but their impact was so terrifying. Without noticing it from the back, the soul beast in front was caught by the soul beast behind. If you rush forward, you can't control your actions at all.

For a while, falling into magma or being trampled to death, the screams of the soul beasts continued to scream, but Uranium did not pay attention to these guys, he just took a break and noticed Oscar, Daconis and others. After reaching a safe place, he set off immediately.

He wants to rush out of the deep forest at the fastest speed and rush into the core of the wasteland of frozen soil and blizzard, which is the real northern land!

He needs to find out what happened to to trigger this level of soul beast riots. He will spend the next two years in the Far North. This is just one of them. I encountered this kind of thing this week. In any case, he had to investigate it clearly, otherwise the soul beast rushed to his door every day in the next time, is it annoying?

"Oscar, pay attention to your own safety, I'm going one step ahead!" Uran's voice resounded in the midair of the frozen forest. The voice mixed with soul power was as loud as the sound of rolling thunder. In the next moment, Uran set out, he His figure flickered on the dense tree canopy for a while, and then sprinted towards the depths of the forest, ignoring what Oscar would say and what they would encounter.

This deadliest soul beast impact has already been dealt with by him, and then it is Oscar's own business. He is not a nanny, and he will be saved by passing by. It is impossible to protect them all the way to the northern city, right?

In the words, Uran's figure immediately disappeared in the endless frozen forest.

The last one of the four shifts is completed

ps: Two changes tomorrow, because there are too many relatives, there is not much time to write.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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