Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 23: Spirit ring falls from the sky

   Early the next morning.

   He slept very deep last night, but in the morning, the sound of sobbing was heard around him. As the sound became louder and louder, he could not help but feel annoyed when he was groggy.

   But it was this sound that awoke him suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked around in amazement. For a while, it was hard to imagine that he would wake up so easily from a tortured dream.

   "Who is noisy anymore?!"

   "Hey, your body is recovering well?"

   As soon as he woke up, Uchiha Uranus first took a look at the degree of recovery of his body. I don't know whether it was the reason for his strong physique, or because he was well maintained, there was no sign of infection, and everything went in a good direction.

After   , he began to listen to the surrounding movement. The sound came from outside, and it was not far away.

   "Let's go out and have a look, if the wind sickle beast is still around, the body must be smelly, and the surrounding is safe."

Thinking about this, Uchiha put the white washed clothes on her body, supported the wall, and walked out little by little. The gravel stumbled, he could only walk a little slower to prevent the wound from opening suddenly, or Wrestle.

   For a moment, he avoided the trap and came to the door, but the surrounding changes made him startled.

   The outside world has changed a lot.

It seems that he had thrown out a few bandages contaminated with his blood before. Every stone around, the gray rock surface is accompanied by red markings of varying degrees, as if blood suddenly appeared from the middle and then slowly flowed. Come down, with a terrifying horror.

   The markings are large and small, and the colors are dark and light, but they have one thing in common, they all exude uncomfortable weirdness.

   Yes, weird. It's like a person who is afraid of heights standing on a high place, and people who are afraid of bugs see a horse that is longer than a person. They feel uncomfortable from psychological to physical. The sixth sense is already warning. The farther away the better!

   "The radiation concentration is a bit high."

   Uchiha Uranus frowned, and he was no stranger to the changes in this kind of rock. He had seen it several times, and at one time he thought it was a stone soul beast trying to ambush him, but it made him dumbfounded.

   But that kind of change took more than ten days and a half months to accumulate. Why is the surrounding area so intensely radiated in just one night?

   After thinking about it, Uchiha Uranium can only be attributed to the increase in his soul power level, and the nuclear radiation has also increased. In addition, his blood is a more terrifying source of radiation. After all, it just exists, and he will destroy everything around him. And blood has this ability, it should also be normal.

   "What about the sound? Why is it gone when I come out?"

   "Counseled, go back and talk later."

   Suddenly, the boy retracted into the cave. He felt something wrong. From the special sound before to the silence now, it felt like he was specially drawn out.

Sure enough, the next moment, a huge figure fell from the sky and slammed into the place where the boy was originally. If you slow down for a few seconds, I am afraid that Uchiha's current physical condition will definitely not escape. One can imagine.



   Fuck is the wind sickle beast!


   Without hesitation, the boy turned around and ran deep into the tunnel, without any idea of ​​head-on or preliminary confrontation with the wind sickle beast.

   "Huh! Scared me to death! What's the situation? Are you always on the rock above my head to attack me?"

   Around the corner, Uchiha Uranus breathed in shock, leaning against the wall, pressing his hand on the beating heart, for fear that this small irritated heart would directly burst out of the newly stitched wound.

   The strange thing is that even if it fell to the ground, the wind sickle beast from the outside did not roar, did not emit wind blades, or other noises, and the surrounding silence was terrible.

   is like an ambush.

   But, after a while, a rancid, pungent and disgusting smell slowly spread from the outside to the inside, and Uchiha was taken aback by the smell. He was familiar with this smell.

   The soul beast killed by radiation decayed far faster than normal death, the flesh and blood inside the body would quickly dissolve, and the fur began to become dry and extremely brittle. Other teeth, sharp claws, and bones also became loose and lost their previous texture.

what's the situation?

With such doubts, Uchiha Uranus slowly stretched out his head from the corner, and glanced at the corpse of the soul beast at the entrance of the cave with the light of one eye, but when he saw the faint purple light spot, it began to hit the male wind sickle. After condensing above the beast's body, he was a little dumbfounded.

died? Fell to death?

   I can’t believe that the wind sickle beast that was still majestic yesterday, the male and female overlord who occupied the water source, died violently after just staying around him for a period of time. It was too illusory and really confusing.

"If emmm is dead now, then I should be wary of something. Damn it, I had a nightmare all night, and it was all these two wind sickle beasts who hung me up and beat me up and resurrected after eating. The reality turned out to be this. When it came out, **** it, I was scared!

   Uchiha Uranus looked at the purple spirit ring that hadn't dissipated outside again, and looked at the scars on his body. For a while, he couldn't understand why the nightmare had passed and the body was cold at the source of the nightmare.

   is exactly the same as he thought before!

   "Huh, finally don't worry about it."

Uchiha sighed in relief, and then he slowly walked towards the outside world by supporting the wall. He wanted to see what was going on. Even if he stayed around him for a long time and died, then he had to see why it could carry it hard. With the instinct to escape radiation.

   You need to know that the other soul beasts ran far away when they saw him, for fear that they would be caught, and they wished their parents would give them some more legs. But the life-and-death crisis I encountered are almost all types of hard steel that will not escape nuclear radiation at all.

   From the Burst Owl to the Wind Scythe couple, the races and living areas between the two differ by tens of thousands of miles. Why is this? Uchiha wanted to understand this.

   Otherwise, the next attack will kill him.

   Looking at the decaying wind-kamamon in front of him, Uchiha was a little silent for a while, he could vaguely see a clue from his hideous face, it didn't look like he was standing here.

From the last time the Burst Owl was almost seven or eight hundred years old to the two wind sickle beasts that were more than 1,200 years old this time, this is like a giant web of spiders, and all creatures are in its cage. Once something starts to struggle, the web will become tighter and tighter until it is completely killed.

   And around him, there seemed to be a huge conspiracy brewing, whether it was driving him here, preventing him from continuing to enter the forest, or there were other reasons that were driving him to do this.

  If you really want to kill him, why send only one soul beast? Wouldn't it be over if a ten thousand year soul beast crushed him to death? Although he almost survived every time, he still survived.

   can send a soul beast that will not be affected by nuclear radiation, why would he directly solve himself when he falls into a coma?

   What is the conspiracy in this?

   Who is targeting him?

What is the purpose?

   He doesn't know, he can only know that he has to keep going.

   Thinking of this, the young man sighed slightly, recalling the past and all these strangeness in his mind.

   "Oh, life in this horrible forest is so difficult, so don't make trouble for yourself."


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