Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 538 Lucky Type

This time it was still the start of the Fire Mage. At the beginning, I got a discounted herb. This was not what was needed. I continued to choose and encountered a discounted gem box. Although this is not a required item, it is still a useful type, leaving a little money to buy a whetstone. Selling a flame and using the potion to buy the early potion is still very important. Then the battle begins. During the battle, we encounter an opponent who uses a short sword. The opponent only has a short sword, and we have Both weapons also won. At the same time, pick up bananas to make up for your lack of endurance, and continue to refresh to get bananas placed in the backpack grid. At the same time, coal was also placed. The banana should be in an adjacent position to the pan, and then the next round of battle begins. In this round, the Ranger will be encountered. The Ranger has a certain advantage in the early weapons. He also successfully defeated his opponent. The coal here becomes burning coal, and after obtaining a gem, you can also start the next round of battle. Got another backpack. Place the flame and buy a banana at the same time. The purchased banana is placed next to the pan for a bonus on attack. Next, you need to constantly refresh and apply the magic potion. This time the opponent is a big pig farmer and he is successfully defeated. For this big farmer, you need to buy the discounted green onions. Same here. Successfully obtained another little flame. There is no need to continue refreshing for the time being, so I start the next round. The opponent I encounter in this round seems to be following the blinding style, but there is obviously something wrong with the opponent's operation, and the position of the gloves is obviously wrong. . Continuing with the refresh, Dragon Ball is no longer strong after being weakened many times. Gained an extra whetstone. With a backpack grid, many things will be much easier to do. For example, you can now place all the flames in the correct position. Combine two gems. So we start the next round. In this round, the opponent has a shield that can consume our stamina, so the opponent wins this round. But after that we also got it. Certain strengthening. A flaming dagger can be crafted to obtain a backpack. Continue to obtain, there is no other need to meet the opponent using the hammer style, the opponent will continue to stun us, allowing the opponent to win by a little bit. The flaming dagger here has been synthesized. Owning a topaz, but the demand for topaz is not particularly high, it should look like getting the key item. While strengthening the poached egg shabu-shabu, take a blueberry and a backpack grid, and then start the next round. The art of hotpot begins next, but the opponents encountered in this round are impossible to defeat. After all, they are relatively weak in the early stage. After getting the Holy Cauldron, choose to strengthen it through the Crusade. Place the pot in a suitable location and sell the blood bottles that are no longer useful. Keep refreshing. Get extra backpack slots. Backpack space is very important to this genre. At present, the pot cannot exert its full power because a large number of items are not available yet. was placed up. These items can only be used temporarily to provide a certain bonus to the pot's attack power. There is no point in applying the potion now, continue. Got another blueberry. Then I got another piece of garlic, continued to refresh, locked a magic ball, and then started the next round. In this round of battle, I encountered a witch who used a dry pot. The opponent was not particularly strong. I didn't take advantage of the dry pot to synthesize the potion, but the speed of returning blood was still good, but in the end I still had to use another move. The significance of the sapphire here is not very great, but it has obtained a key prop. Solar armor can be synthesized. Even if you give up a certain amount of money for this item, it is worth it. After all, this thing can get a lot of fanaticism early on. This artifact also quickly completed its synthesis. Also buy a backpack plaid here. A magic ball. Then all the useless gems were sold. Adjust the layout plan. Place as many fire items as possible near the Solar Armor to gain more Zealot. Next, the following round begins. The opponent we encounter in this round also uses pans, but the opponent has not yet obtained the most critical application form. Our team gained a lot of Frenzy at the beginning, but did not gain additional gains. Fanaticism is a big problem. Chili peppers, which are so important to this genre, have never been available. Get an extra backpack here. Also get another magic ball. In theory, you can continue to refresh. Refresh to a blueberry.

However, it is not of great significance, because what is missing is not blueberries, but peppers. Without peppers, fanaticism cannot be superimposed. Even if you can get a lot of fanaticism at the beginning, if you cannot get more fanaticism, your strength will not be There was a qualitative improvement, but the opponent was still defeated by this level of enthusiasm. Here you can also see that the Burning Flag has used flames as an item that can blind the opponent. In this way, more flames can be placed. The flames around the solar armor can be regarded as sacred items. The solar armor here can almost get the highest bonus. There is no rush in this aspect for the time being. Got another chance to buy Holy Armor. In theory, it is possible to purchase it, but it is not particularly meaningful. Here you can also choose to retain the initial mass of fanaticism, which is the most exaggerated effect. Two layers of blinding were applied to the fingers, and an additional layer was added later. Although it had a certain effect, it was far from the level of the top effects. However, our life recovery is also very fast. The only drawback is that we have not obtained any piece of chili pepper so far. This may be the most fatal. Even if we get any piece of chili pepper, the situation will not be as embarrassing as before. Got it again here too. A backpack compartment. You can take this opportunity to synthesize another Solar Armor and finally get it. A chili pepper can be regarded as something obtained through a lot of hard work. Place the garlic here. The demand for gems in this genre is not very high, so gem boxes are also sold. Place the Zealot Flame to start the next round. When this round starts, the opponent is also given two layers of blinding. At the same time, our side has obtained a large number of shields at the beginning, and the shields are still increasing. Although the increase is not particularly efficient, the opponent has entered the stage of Fury of the Berserker. However, the duration of the Berserker's Wrath is limited. When the Berserker's Wrath ends, the opponent will be at a disadvantage, especially after our fanaticism and life recovery are superimposed. Get a backpack here. Get more backpack space. Such a thing as intellectual blindness. The demand is not particularly high, more demand is still a lot of fanaticism in the early stages. The more fanaticism there is in the early stage, the higher the efficiency of superposition will be in the later stage. So the enthusiasm at the beginning is very important. The flaming dagger here is actually not particularly big anymore. However, considering the demand issue, it is the resettlement provider. Sacrifice a piece of garlic. At the same time, you can get an extra layer of fanaticism, continue to refresh, and get more backpack space. Although there is no better solution, it is already possible. Although the Heart Container here is good, I chose to keep it. Next, start looking for opponents. In this round, we encountered an opponent who also used hot pot, and the number of peppers on the opponent's side was far greater than ours, and the speed of Frenzy stacking was also faster. It is probably impossible to defeat the opponent. The opponent also has a Heart Container, which can quickly superimpose his own blood recovery. Our fanaticism has begun to be greatly reduced by the opponent, which means that the chance of winning is almost gone. The higher the opponent's fanaticism is stacked, the faster our fanaticism is reduced, and in the end we are helplessly defeated. There is nothing we can do about this. There is absolutely nothing we can do about the lack of peppers. If there were enough peppers, we wouldn't face such a dilemma. You must continue to search for peppers here and find a pepper. Here you choose to sell a garlic to buy peppers. After the food purchase is successful, two chili peppers can already provide a relatively good recovery effect. The opponent was a natural type of double short-term opponent, but after our fanaticism was superimposed, the opponent was still vulnerable and was successfully defeated by us, with three rounds left. The battle will end after three rounds of survival. The purpose of these three rounds is basically to search for more items that can increase fanaticism. That is to search for as many peppers as possible. But it's a bit difficult. Obtaining peppers itself depends on luck, and the luck in this round is obviously not particularly good. However, a large amount of fanaticism at the beginning still has a good effect. The more fanaticism at the beginning, the faster the subsequent stacking speed. After all, this kind of thing stacks up faster and faster, and it can be stacked up to more than 50 layers in a short time. Successfully caused huge damage to the opponent and continued searching. Try searching for more peppers. But there is no result yet. It is another solar armor, but the demand is not very high, so I finally found another chili pepper. Chili peppers are also purchased. And adjust the position of the peppers. Blueberry also made a purchase, so the next round started. The three peppers should be superimposed very quickly. Decisiveness can also superimpose fanaticism to more than 50 layers in a short period of time. However, after the fanaticism reaches a certain level, the consumption of stamina cannot keep up. There are also trade-offs to be made here. That is, there are peppers instead of blueberries.

Continue to refresh, there are no required items, and there is only the last round left. The opponent is a very strong school. It provides a large number of critical hits in a short period of time, and relies on its own invincible state. Even though we have superimposed the fanaticism to such a high level, we are still unable to defeat the opponent, which is very frustrating. Opponents of this style can greatly increase the attack of their Destiny Palace and have multiple layers of invincibility effects. There are a lot of clovers at the beginning, so it's almost impossible to win. And losing in this round is really frustrating. You can only start the next round and continue to search for items at the beginning. Only by getting the corresponding special items at the beginning can you be strong enough in this round and show that you are far superior to others. A combat effect, but the skull badge is too weak, and almost no one wants the skull badge. So give up. Although there is only a 10% chance of getting the item, I still choose to refresh it. After all, the value of something like a badge is too low. A skull badge is worse than just occupying a space at all. What is most needed is the wolf totem. The strength of that device is quite high and can add an extra chance of frenzy. Clover is actually not bad. You can get a little extra luck every once in a while. This is already a very big advantage in other professions. After all, it is difficult to get luck in other professions. However, the probability of obtaining the corresponding items at the beginning is still very low. In so many previous rounds, special items such as one-click were not obtained. Under normal circumstances, there are many rounds in a whole round, and each round logically has a certain probability of being obtained. As for this stone badge, its special effect is to enter the store to generate items worth two gold coins, and every three obtained in seconds. 4 points of armor, which is a huge advantage in the early stage, but you cannot obtain professional items. This is also a genre that has not been tried before. Not being able to get a job item machine means you may not even be able to refresh fire. Dragon Balls cannot be refreshed either. But it doesn't matter, this is actually a help for cooking. After getting the pot, you can quickly take away the items you need. Starting the next round, the opponent's endurance consumption in this round is higher than ours, and our side can also continuously refresh the shield. We have a huge advantage at the beginning, and the first round is also There is no doubt about the victory, and the brooms will be sold and purchased here. An ordinary short sword. At the same time, I obtained an emerald fragment and an ordinary stone. Here I obtained a whetstone, a banana, sold the stone, and obtained a backpack grid. While placing the banana up, I kept the pan to start the next round. . In this round, the opponent obviously made an operational error. The whetstone was not even pointed at the dagger. The dagger cannot get any attack bonus at all, and the opponent has not even been able to break through our shield. Here we also get a backpack, which is a huge advantage in the early stage to place the reserved pans. At the same time, I continued to refresh and obtained another piggy bank. Then start the next round.

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