Doomsday Virus

Chapter 48: Jade burn

Xia Leng jumped from the rear onto the burly king's sensitive figure.

Since the defense of the Zombie King can't be broken, hit the opponent's lethal point directly. He doesn't believe that this monster is even covered with a layer of armor!

After Xia Leng, who jumped on the back of the living corpse king, immediately launched an attack without dragging the water, directly holding the bone dagger and piercing the right pupil of its purple pupil!

Huh! !! !!

However, the touch of the blade is not soft.

The King of the Dead Corps closed his eyes quickly before the tip of the blade was about to enter his pupil, and his eyelid was also extremely tough, blocking the dagger's punishment alive!

When Xia Leng saw the attack failed, he didn't stop at all, and quickly got away from this indestructible Zombie King, before dodging his sharp bone claws to the back of the danger zone!

However, at this moment, when Xia Leng, who was keenly aware, found the bone claws of the Zombie King grasping his own back, he scratched several deep and shallow scratches. Is it only his pair of bone claws that can be broken? Open its own natural armor?

Huh! !! !!

The corpse king's attack on Xia Leng was once again emptied, which made it a very sensitive human being angry, and immediately raised his head and roared with a strong roar of wind, like an angry silver-backed gorilla!

"Let your men attack their eyes with weapons, don't let it summon other living corpses!"

Wu Xia Leng immediately reminded Gilbert, and then began to avoid the crazy attack of the living king!

However, Gilbert and the three remaining mercenaries did not have a chance to attack each other's eyes.

It seems that the living king already knows that the next target of these human attacks is his own eyes, so he closed his eyes almost all the way and attacked everyone with only hearing and smell!

At this time, no matter how good Gilbert's marksmanship was, it could not cause effective substantial damage to this monster. I knew that when the fortress was supposed to bring some armor-piercing bombs, I blame myself for neglecting the enemy at the time. ...

Bang bang bang! !! !!

Huh! !!

Under the roar of the Zombie King, the fierce gunshot suddenly became overshadowed, and the dense warhead shot on its tough armor, but it could only burst the sparks of stars, and then fell to the ground weakly, not only without harm. In the slightest, it annoyed each other even more.

But at this moment, the living king seems to be particularly interested in Xia Leng, chasing him insanely, wielding the sharp claws tore all the desks and chairs on the way to pieces!

However, because of the speed difference, it never met a cold hair in Xia Leng.

suddenly! The corpse king gave up this sensitive human, grabbed a broken desk with his backhand, and smashed into the mercenary who constantly shot at himself towards the side!

Huh! !!

When the mercenary was caught off guard, he was smashed by a cannonball-like table. When the decaying table was smashed, he was also smashed to the ground.

I waited for God to return, the living king had already rushed to his eyes, and could only watch the sharp bone claws grabbing at himself!

Then, everyone saw that the mercenary's body was made of cream, and it was easily cut into flat pieces by the other party ...

In less than two minutes, 10 people were killed again by the Living King ...

And this living corpse king actually knows how to attack the west!

Now, only Philip with a broken rib, Gilbert with a severely injured arm, two dispensable mercenaries, and Xia Leng who have not been harmed for the time being are dealing with this indestructible Zombie Lord!

"Damn, are we all here today to explain ..."

Gilbert's severely injured arm under intense exercise, the analgesic effect disappears early, and a severe pain comes again!

剧 This severe pain has affected his attention more or less, actually accidentally stepping on a broken chair and suddenly falling to the ground while evading the attack of the Living Corpse King! !!

At the same time, the living corpse king also noticed the human who fell to the ground and immediately swooped his claws at him!

Soon, this mercenary captain, who has repeatedly contributed to Komodo, will die here ...

Gilbert saw the corpse king who was close to him, knowing that it was too late for him to climb up and escape again, but closed his eyes helplessly and unwillingly, waiting for the opponent's claws to penetrate his body ...

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

For three seconds ...

I'm not dead yet? !!

Gilbert's imaginary death did not arrive, which opened his eyes a little in shock!

I saw Captain Philip, who did not know when to rise from the ground, hugged the sturdy legs of the King of the Dead, so that two huge bodies fell to the ground several meters away from him at the same time!

But Philip was hit by the corpse king before, almost all the ribs of his chest broke into the internal organs, and the injuries were more serious than himself. How could he have the strength to save himself? !!

Gilbert saw Philip's red eyes almost as zombies, and finally understood what was happening!

刚刚 He just absolutely used adrenaline injections to temporarily improve his abilities!

Komodo's research department has developed an EPC-3 epinephrine fortifier, which can greatly improve its various abilities in a short period of time, and can even allow an ordinary refugee to be injected in a short period of time. Reaching the power level of a first-order eschatological warrior, also greatly increases his desire to fight!

However, since the stimulant is still in the experimental stage, the side effects after the effect are equally painful.

后 After the strengthening effect has passed, the injector will lose all his mobility, and the internal organs will also suffer considerable damage, and even endanger his life.

So, this potion is used when you decide to break the net with your enemy ...

现在 And now, Captain Philip is just holding this idea!

At this time, his muscles have skyrocketed by almost one-third due to the effect of medicine ~ ~ Even his blood vessels have collapsed, and his body is soaked with his own blood!

Philip's eyes were covered with bloodshot blood, and he hugged the King of the Dead Corpse's legs and let go, and shouted at Gilbert, who was stunned when he saw this scene in front of him: "Gilbert! What are you doing !!" I'll kill this guy soon !!! ''

The corpse king roared and started struggling madly. Its strong and sturdy legs kept stepping on Philip holding his legs, and he suddenly heard a sound of bone cracking again!

Gilbert also returned to this, raised the gun in his hand and shot at the face of the King of the Dead!

"Ah ah !!!"

发出 He made a tragic roar, and was tragic for Philip, a comrade who had fought for many years!

Although this rough-looking Philip was very immoral, he would use wordless actions to protect his brother and his subordinates. Many scars under his clothes were left to save his mercenaries' lives.

So Philip has such a manic character, and there are still many people willing to spare his life and follow him.

However, this time, Philip is likely to be completely dead. He is protecting Gilbert with the last hint of power provided by adrenaline!

However, in the rules of eschatology, as a good person, there is very little reward ...

疯狂 Gilbert's frantic bullets still did not cause any substantial damage to the corpse king.

At the same time, Philip stepped on his opponent's face and looked more and more stunned.

Huh! !!

Finally, the corpse king roared angrily, raised his arm, and inserted a one-meter-long bone blade into Philip's wide back ...

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