
SUV stop!

In the car, the crowd took out prepared seaweed red bean rice balls from the third row of luggage, as well as some small pickles made by Yuriko Takagi and beef for lunch.

The space inside the SUV is still very large, and the two seats of the front and co-pilots are rotated in the direction of the car, and a simple sit-around chat area can be formed.

It is worth noting that after the enhancement of the SUV, many life convenience tools have been added inside, such as power supply systems.

As long as there are electrical appliances, they can cook live in the car, and when they are bored, they can charge the mobile phone and the like, in short, the functionality of the SUV is not limited to armed defense.

“Wow! The rice balls with saya sauce are good times! ”

“Oops! Sensei Jugawa, don’t grab it! ”

“Haha, teacher, the corners of your mouth are so multi-grained.”

“Ma Mei sauce you can’t grab my meat, Fang Nan classmate you don’t care about it_…”

In the car, everyone began a pleasant lunch time, listening to the laughter of the women, Fang Nan’s mood could not help but improve a lot.

Half an hour later!

At the end of the lunch, all the women were full of food, especially Shizuka Jugawa, who lay on the back of the chair without any lady to speak of, touching her flat abdomen, and her face was rosy with satisfaction.

“Sit tight!”

The people who ate lunch cleaned up the garbage, this time Fang Nan came to drive, he and Nakaoka Asami discussed, a few hours of driving, if all are driving alone, it is very tiring, although it should not matter to the physique of the two of them, but Nakaoka Asami did not refuse.

On the contrary, because fang Nan was shy for a while because of this small move.

Fang Nan also ignored why she blushed, and skillfully started the SUV to continue on the road.

At this time, Fang Nanke did not know the actions of the island’s political department and military department, and still drove leisurely.

Along the way, I could occasionally see a few cars on the road, but there was no one, not even a trace of a zombie, and there was no human population around, which was really desolate.

As time went on, the driver was replaced by Asami Nakaoka, and the co-pilot, Fang Nan, saw the words on a road sign in front of him and knew that they had entered Kyushu.

Gradually, the surrounding scenery began to change, some villages and some remote villas loomed, and zombies could often be seen dangling on the road.


As soon as he finished speaking, an unlucky zombie rushed out from the side of the road, and as a result, he was hit hard by the SUV and flew out, and it was directly scattered in the air, which was particularly miserable.

“Ding! Gain 1 booster. ”

Fang Nan squinted his eyes as the scenery of the highway changed.

“We’re almost in Fukuoka.”

Yuriko Takagi behind him spoke at this time.

They drove for nearly four hours, and finally they were about to reach their destination, but at this time, it was already 4:30 in the afternoon, and it was estimated that it was more than five o’clock in Fukuoka Prefecture, and it was getting dark.

Here, the surrounding buildings began to increase, and the abandoned cars on the road were also more and more, everywhere, especially the two-way highway out of the city, it was simply a big traffic jam, in which zombies were rampant.

This sight represents that they have entered the territory of Fukuoka Prefecture.

“Don’t take the highway, you can also enter Fukuoka Prefecture from that road, although it is a little farther, but it should not be too congested.” Yuriko Takagi leaned forward at this time, her white jade-like fingers pointing to a fork in the road ahead.


Fang Nan nodded, and then under his operation, the SUV entered another road, according to Takagi Yuriko, this is the ring road of Fukuoka Prefecture, which can lead to the center of Fukuoka Prefecture, see the situation of the city highway, if they go in, they are afraid that they will be blocked inside and will not be able to retreat.

However, not all roads are safe, and there are many obstacles on the road around the city, but it is much easier than the out-of-town highway.

On the road, whenever you encounter abandoned cars or zombies, Fang Nan is directly violent to drive past, directly crashing away is finished, this point of collision, for the battlefield monster SUV effortless.

The kind that can’t even rub off the paint!

“Is this Fukuoka Prefecture?” It’s a big city! ”

Shizuka Jugawa and Alice looked out the window with wide, curious eyes, Shizuka Jugawa didn’t often go out, Fukuoka Prefecture she had never been, and had fantasized about making money to travel, but in the end, the plan had not yet had time to start.

It can only be said that the end of the world is the end of all evil!

At this time, they entered the commercial district of Fukuoka Prefecture, which is full of high-rise buildings and all kinds of storefronts.

“Classmate Fang Nan, it’s getting dark, it’s definitely too late to go to the airport today, or let’s find a place to rest for a night?”

Asami Nakaoka looked at the reddened clouds in the sky and said a word to Fang Nan, who was driving.

“Well, let’s find a place to rest and go to the airport tomorrow!”

Fang Nan glanced at it and nodded slightly.

“Since I want to rest, I would like to think of a nice place, and it is big and remote enough to accommodate us, and there are fewer zombies.” Yuriko Takagi proposed.

“What place?”

Fang Nan knew the identity of Yuriko Takagi, and his vision could be said to be the broadest of them.

“I have a business partner in Fukuoka Prefecture, she lives in the Aster Villa Area, that villa area is very large, it is remote enough, the security force is very strong, and most importantly, the entire villa area is an independent power supply system and water conservancy system, which is developed by a real estate company with a very background in China, and there will not be many zombies who want to come there.”

“The villa… Exactly what I wanted. ”

Fang Nan thought for a few seconds before agreeing.

There are eight of them in this line, although a few girls can squeeze together, but now that they are all doomed, survival is so difficult, do they still have to grievance themselves in rest?

After the others listened, they didn’t have any opinions, and it was too late for them to rejoice that they could have a big villa to live in, so how could they refute it.

As a result, Fang Nan began to drive towards the Ziyuan Villa Area under the guidance of Yuriko Gaocheng.

Along the way, I also encountered a lot of zombies, but in terms of number and scale, it is true that it cannot be compared with the main city of the bed.

“The infection situation in Fukuoka Prefecture is much better than that in the main city of Fukuoka, and the number of zombies is far from comparable, which means that there are many survivors in Fukuoka Prefecture.”

Fang Nan’s eyes flashed with essence, and he found that some shops and supermarkets on the road had signs of vandalism, and some roads had traces of being cleaned, which was very obvious.

This means that some survivors in Fukuoka Prefecture are beginning to get used to the end of the world!

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