Doomsday Rise

Chapter 498: Capture Nanquan (Part 2)



The bullet streaked through the void at a speed of 1324 meters/second, and it was almost impossible to chase it with the naked eye. When the gunshot was heard, the bullet had already hit Abomination. Ding! A spark bloomed and turned into a fire.


Flames soared into the sky, shrouding hatred.


The rocket launcher dragged a tail and hit the abomination, causing a shocking explosion. The shock wave swept in all directions. Many zombies were thrown away and rolled several times in the air like scarecrows before falling to the ground.

Da da da da da da——

Bullets poured down on the Abomination like raindrops. Dozens of people shot at the same time. It was obvious that in the short void, metal links connected the Abomination to the building. The friction between the bullets and the air produced high temperature, and the air was slightly distorted.

No one knew whether Abomination was stunned or not, but the anger was certain, and he let out a scream that penetrated the clouds and cracked rocks, and could be heard for miles. In the flames, its movement could not be seen, only a loud noise could be heard, the ground suddenly sank, and then countless cracks appeared, extending in all directions. The widest part of the crack can extend into a thigh.

"Hit me hard!"

The members of the security team were horrified to see this. What caused this? Even bombs can't produce this kind of effect. Hatred is just too perverted. The second rocket launcher fired, a red light flashed, and an explosion sounded.

Flames shot into the sky, and the buildings on both sides of the street were unable to withstand the power of the shock wave. They shattered instantly, clattering, and glass shards fell like raindrops.


A low and loud roar sounded, and the terrifying sound instantly spread throughout the long street, Vulcan Cannon.

A metal wire made of bullets extended out from the building and hit Abomination instantly. You could clearly see Abomination's body swaying and almost falling over. The impact of more than 6,000 bullets per minute can instantly penetrate a 30-centimeter-thick wall. The cement board, but shooting at the hatred can only make it shake the body. The body structure is terrifying and can be called abnormal.

Boom, boom, boom...

Abomination moved forward against the bullet, very slowly, but with great determination. The ground shook with every step he took. Liu Wei'an squinted his eyes, looked through the flames, and saw clearly the actual situation of hatred. He was covered in bullet holes and miserable.

Incomparable, but if you look closely, you will find that they are all skin injuries, and the depth of the bullet holes is no more than three centimeters. The flames that can even melt steel can only cause burns to the surface of the hate, but cannot be burned to death at all. The only benefit is probably that it makes them confused. out of its sight.


The sniper rifle vibrated, and the bullets shot through the air, hitting the eye in the middle of the three heads. For a moment, the eyelids closed and caught the bullet. Liu Wei'an's eyebrows skipped a beat, and the second shot was almost fired. At the same time, the abomination accelerated and the bullet missed.


Due to the problem of sight, Abomination discovered that it had deviated and crashed into an eight-story building. Comparing it to a heavy tank is an understatement. I saw it rushing past, whether it was concrete or a load-bearing wall, it was broken like flour. Its six arms of hatred were much more powerful than the claws of an excavator. It hated everything. Wherever he passed, smoke and dust billowed behind him, and a circular passage with a diameter of four meters was suddenly opened by him.

"Destroy all the load-bearing walls." Liu Wei'an's voice came down. At the same time, the sniper rifle vibrated continuously, and all the bullets turned into corpse-killing curse bullets.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

The fifth shot broke through Abomination's skin. The bullet hit his knee and squeezed into the joint. Abomination's speed changed. When his body tilted slightly, the entire building suddenly fell.


The sound was blocked and reverberated in the small space. Everyone, including Liu Wei'an, was instantly deafened. The shock wave was like a hurricane. The zombie heads on the street were blown up. The members of the security team hid behind the wall. , holding on to the object tightly, still almost flying into the air due to the lightness of his body.

The terrifying shock wave passed under the feet and was transmitted to the distance at a speed of hundreds of meters per second. The source of the earthquake could be felt within a radius of ten miles.

Countless zombies were alarmed and rushed out of the darkness, looking around blankly.

In the buildings on both sides of the long street, all the glass was shattered, and not a single piece was intact. The dust enveloped the space and took a long time to fall. The eight-story building became six and a half stories. The load-bearing walls were destroyed evenly, and the building was straight. What was falling did not collapse. It was originally supposed to be seven stories, but because the force of the fall was so fierce, half of the layer below was shattered, so it became six and a half stories.

The hatred is suppressed below, and I don’t know whether I will live or die.

The zombies lying on the ground were like toys. Except for a few that were shocked to death, most of them got up from the ground as if nothing had happened and rushed towards the security team with staggering steps.


The elephant coughed a few times and spat several times before spitting out the dust that rushed into his mouth. The security team rushed out from behind the bunker and attacked the zombies.

Bullets streaked through the void, and zombies fell in pieces. Some had their heads shot, and some were broken into pieces. The broken limbs were flying in the air, and the black juice was stained with dust, adding a hint of yellow. The ground was uneven, and the speed of the zombies was also affected. More than two hundred of them were shot by the security team before they gradually became denser.

Liu Wei'an ignored the zombies and stared at the building. He had a hunch that the hatred was not dead. At first, there was no movement. More than two minutes passed, and just when he doubted his judgment, the wall near the east side suddenly exploded.


Smoke and dust flew up, and a huge thing shot out. Who else could it be but hatred?

Abomination rolled on the ground and got up. He couldn't stand firm and his body tilted down. When he landed, he was supported by his arms. Liu Wei'an took a closer look and was happy.

Hatred's left leg was lame. It seemed that the bullet he shot had its effect.

Without him giving orders, all the firepower of the security team was concentrated on Abomination. Bombs, rocket launchers, Vulcan cannons... all the firepower that could be used was poured towards Abomination. At this moment, no one cares about the cost. All with the goal of eliminating hatred.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

Liu Wei'an was not blind. He was very aware of the power of hatred. He focused on the middle head and opened the way with the corpse curse. He shot one shot after another. Finally, with the eighth shot, the head exploded. The explosion of the middle head foreshadowed A hateful fate.

Five minutes later, the huge body of Hatred fell heavily to the ground and died, and the building where the Ping An team was located was also surrounded by tens of thousands of zombies, densely packed one layer inside and one outside.

"The elephant leads two groups of people to attract the attention of the zombies. The rest of the people will follow me to look for survivors. Regardless of whether we find any survivors, we will gather here in an hour." Liu Wei'an didn't seem to see the tide of zombies below, walking along Ping An The team had prepared a wire rope and slid to the opposite building, followed by the other three groups.

(End of chapter)

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