Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 232 Ham and Meat (Part 1)

The season is to do something and not do something.

Just like spring planting and autumn harvesting in ancient times, this is a law set by nature.

When it comes to cured meat, the first thing that comes to mind is ham.

Ham, also known as blue smoked in ancient times, refers to the hind legs of animals that have been salted, shaped, smoked, turned, washed, and dried for several months. It has a pretty appearance, bright flesh color, and unique aroma.

Divided by season, the ham that Lin Chou wants to make should be called "early winter leg", but Lin Chou chose the Black Mountain wild boar as the main material, which can also be called "Xiaozhen leg".

The production of ham is so simple that there is no standard process, and it can be clarified in a few words. The preparation methods are different, but it is even more difficult to understand the essence.

Although Lin Chou didn't get the true biography of his father, and even Lutai Fengxin couldn't reproduce it, he thought that he had been familiar with the way of making ham since he was a child.

The black mountain wild boar is a meat that can be enjoyed by the poor in Mingguang base city, and in the hunters' impression, it is like a fat pigeon.

Due to the lazy nature of the Black Mountain wild boar, it is so lazy that ordinary people can safely raise it in captivity, and give them enough food to feed them. They don't even bother to move.

Therefore, its meat has a lot of fat content, which is fat to oily, and its muscles are not as tight as other foreign animals, but it has a valuable soft texture.

But in fact, the Black Mountain wild boar that Lin Chou bought from hunters is a pure wild boar that lives in the mountains above 3,000 meters above sea level all the year round. Compared with its simple domesticated version, it is more active and has a wider range of recipes. The level and connotation of is completely different.

Around the time of the autumn festival, the Black Mountain wild boar has just begun to put on autumn fat, and choose to slaughter at this time to make ham. The fat content is just right and the taste is the most beautiful.

The Black Mountain wild boar in the cold storage was half processed by Lin Chou, the head and internal organs were removed, and the pig hair was shaved and cut in half.

Spread a piece of ground with banana leaves in the yard, remove the leg of pork with the hoof, and remove the ribs. Each pig is divided into four parts: the front elbow, the ribs, and the waist.

The unloaded hind leg weighs about 50 kilograms. Cut off the excess fat and skin, find the main blood vessel in the leg, and squeeze it hard to squeeze out the blood.

Massage the ingredients is nothing new. Patting and squeezing have a unique rhythm, which can make the ingredients "like the outside and the inside" and be transparent inside and outside, which plays an important role in the deep fermentation of the ham in the future.

Then sprayed with high-quality white wine, continue to massage the pork leg for half an hour, then cover with green salt, and repeat the simple and boring process of squeezing, patting, and kneading.

Although the price of Mingguang's green salt is not acceptable to most ordinary people, its mellowness is undoubtedly lower, but the molecules are more active. Ordinary sea salt can marinate the six layers of meat, but green salt can easily marinate. Through seven layers.

The green color of green salt is because it contains more minerals and has a slightly astringent taste. However, this kind of "green salt" may be slightly heated or mixed with meat to inspire unique minerals. Tangxiang.

After an hour, this pork leg was finished.

Although there is more than one ham left from the bottom of the sea, it is an extraordinary product. It has not been fermented into a hollow "ham skin", which has proved its quality. The oil flower is perfect and the meat is crystal clear, bright and bright. Magnificent, it is the best food that can be eaten raw.

And the freshly-made ham will initially reach the raw food standard after at least three years of fermentation. Lin Chou is reluctant to waste that one and a half ham anymore-hoping that before the two hams are used up, the support team will be able to top it.

"do you understand?"

Shan Ye and the others, who claimed to be helping, stood in a row, looking a little surprised.

"Uh... I understand."

"Massage, this is easy."

Simple ass.

Shan Ye couldn't help but let out a barbell-like laugh, and massaged the pig's legs. MMP daddy had to pay for the massage, don't you know.

With the help of a mess of hands and feet of a group of people, the preliminary treatment of two hundred pork legs and other parts was barely completed.

The giant cedar and the shade under the eaves have become positions for pork legs, and the pork legs that have been covered with salt are hung up.

Lin Chou chose a more time-consuming method, only air-drying and not smoking, except for regular salt replenishment, without manual intervention.

In this way, mold will breed on the surface of the ham, and slowly ferment with the breath of the ham, oxidizing the fat and meat, and finally turning into a perfect ham.

The pork ribs, front elbows and loin are hung together and grilled with hard cedar and lychee wood. The charcoal fire is not extinguished in the middle, and banana leaves, orange peel and tea branches are added to make the fire emit thick smoke. Continue to smoke.

It took a full night to remove them, simply wipe off the excess grease, and hoist them all on the roof of the kitchen.

In the days to come, they will be enshrined by the human "incense" day and night, completing their own sublimation and transformation.

No rest for a few days and nights will basically have no effect on an awakened person.

Lin Chou was still full of energy, but looked at the remaining 100 pairs of pig front hooves a little bit embarrassed.

These are superb wild boar trotters, all plump and tender, so it's a pity to leave them so unused.

Shan Ye who didn’t sleep the same night’s trick,

"Stewed pig's feet, what a good snack."

Lin Chou rolled his eyes and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He has a better way than bittern, and it is suitable as a cold dish in hot weather.

Legend has it that in the late Ming Dynasty, there was a "Jingkou Restaurant" on Jiuhai Street in Zhenjiang.

The husband is both a cook and a patron, and the wife is both the boss and the tentative.

One summer, when my husband went to the street and saw that pig's trotter was cheap, he bought four pig's trotter and came back. He planned to eat it a few days later.

As the weather was too hot, the pig's feet were easily deteriorated, so he salted the pig's feet, but accidentally used the firecrackers that his wife bought for his father-in-law as the salted feet.

The next day when my wife was looking for nitrate, she found out that she had used the wrong salt. She quickly uncovered the marinating tank and found that not only the meat quality was changed, but the meat was hardened and rosy in color, and the color of the hoof skin was whiter and tender.

I'm afraid of being poisonous, so I can't bear to throw it away.

So the couple discussed, soak the pig's feet in salt water several times, and then boil it over a low fire for a while, and prepare to keep it for themselves.

After simmering for an hour with some five-spice seasoning, there was a strange smell in the pot, which could even be smelled all over the street.

Zhang Guolao, one of the Eight Immortals, was invited by the Queen Mother to go to the Yaochi to catch the flat peach club. Passing through Zhenjiang, he smelled the scent of "grilled meat". He quickly got off the donkey and became an old man. He came to the mortal world and wanted to taste this delicacy.

Although the husband and wife did not dare to eat this pig's trotters for the old man, they explained in various ways, but Zhang Guo insisted on eating it, and had no choice but to give it.

Old Zhang Guo took the pig's trotters, dipped it with ginger and balsamic vinegar, and was full of praise as he ate.

After eating, he walked out of the shop, laughed, and rode a donkey backwards, flying to the sky, but forgot to drive the flat peach club.

The news of Zhang Guolao eating tanned meat soon spread. Since then, tanned meat has become famous, and the people have come to taste it. The business of Jingkou Restaurant is particularly prosperous.

Later, because of the indecent name of "grilled meat", it was changed to "cuisine meat".

"The scenery is infinitely golden,

I love Jingkou meat more,

Not greasy and slightly crispy, smelly,

Bright red and tender frozen crystal dishes. "

This is the poem written by local talents praising the food of their hometown nearly 700 years ago.

And the meat is a kind of dish that deserves to be the legend of this poem.

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