Good guy?

Who believes it?

Human nature is selfish.

It is undeniable that heroes do appear in a group.

But such people should not appear among this group of prisoners.

Among this group of people, Doug only trusted the simple Simon and the impulsive Rean.

Compare your heart to your heart.

You can lie to others, but others can’t?

Walking on the alien battlefield, if he believed that everyone told the truth, he would have died ten thousand times.

There are liars, thugs, and murderers among this group of people...

To achieve such an achievement, you must put in more effort and wisdom than ordinary people.

They may be moved by a moment of justice, but they will never sacrifice their lives for justice, and neither will the ten-star martial spirits.

Dugger rather believed that everyone was a performing artist.

But his integrity cannot be destroyed.

Regardless of whether the other party is acting or not, he must cooperate with the other party.

Du Ge firmly believes that as long as he continues to interpret his upright character, maintains a rapid growth trend, and exerts the abilities that a ten-star martial spirit should have, then the people around him will eventually become good people, no matter what their original thoughts are.

What is good at the top will be bad at the bottom, this is the truth.

Duge looked at Rather and said righteously: "Lather, I will not give up on anyone."

Lasse returned his look, nodded, and said nothing more.

"Holly, I think we should set fire to create some chaos so that we can escape." A prisoner with a beard on his face suggested.

"What's your name?" Doug turned to him and asked.

"Lot Hada," said the bearded prisoner.

"Laut, don't let me hear such words a second time." Duge turned to him, his eyes sharp, "We cannot bring disaster to others for our own sake."

"..." Laut Hada.


This is the common sentiment of many people.

Integrity and noble people are respected, but putting a pedantic label in front of this good quality is synonymous with stupidity.

If Holly had such a personality, even if he had a ten-star martial spirit, he wouldn't be able to go far.

Many prisoners who planned to follow Duge frowned in unison.

But now, no one is backing down, and the only ones with force are Doug, Rather, and O'Leary.

They must rely on Doug to escape from this prison.

In this case, the more pedantic Doug was, the more reassured they were.

"Holly, the value of people is different. If you can save a great wise man by sacrificing the interests of a small number of people, then it is worth it, just like you sacrificed your own people for the Kingdom of Lucerne." Another one. The prisoner advised politely.

Let’s just say that prisons are full of talented people, and look, someone has found the right way to use integrity…

With this group of villains around, it's hard to show how unnoble he is!

Doug frowned again: "You are right, but I can't go against my conscience."

"All right!"

The person who gave the suggestion shrugged, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and stopped persuading.

Duge looked back at him and shook his head secretly, stupid natives, why can't they have a seven-piece heart?

I can't violate my conscience, can't you?

If you go and set a fire, I can at most punish you a few words, but can I really kill you?

If you don't learn to take the blame for the leader, how can the leader reuse you?


Doug sighed: "Let's go, it's time for us to go out."

The group of people walked toward the outside of the prison in a mighty manner, first alerting the light-duty prisoners detained outside. The commotion of the light-duty prisoners soon alerted the guards outside.

"A felon escaped from prison."

After a guard shouted, the bell suddenly rang throughout the prison.

All the guards quickly gathered, and the guards on the tower aimed their crossbows at Duge and others, blocking their retreat.

"Back off, back off."

"Everyone squats down with their heads in their hands, and if they take another step forward, they will be killed without mercy."

Each patrol team has ten people, and the three patrol teams add up to a total of thirty people. They hold a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, and they have formed an interception formation, as if facing a powerful enemy.

The captains of the three teams stood at the front and showed off their martial arts spirits.

The captain's spirit standing in the middle is a coiled golden snake, the captain's spirit on his left is a long sword, and the captain's spirit on his right is a peregrine falcon.

Some of the guards behind them also showed their martial arts spirits.

Those martial souls had daggers, stones, grass, lambs, etc. They were all messy. At a glance, you could feel how weak they were.

The captain whose martial spirit is the Golden Snake looked at Duge, who was standing at the front, with a puzzled look on his face: "Holly?"

"Captain, I have no intention of causing more casualties, please let me go." Duge glanced at him and decisively showed his martial spirit.


Lasse and Ou Lei also showed their martial spirits.

Lasse's four-winged angel martial spirit was golden. She was suspended in the air. After spreading her wings, she was more than three meters long. It was like a substance. As soon as it was revealed, it gave everyone a huge sense of oppression.

Duge's Poseidon Martial Spirit was somewhat dimmed under the angel's light.

But at this time.

But everyone's eyes were attracted to Poseidon.


"Ten-star martial soul?"

Surprised voices sounded from the mouths of the two captains on the other side.

"That's right, a ten-star martial spirit." Duge smiled, "Three captains, my mission does not allow me to die here, please let me go."

"No." Brown, the captain of the Golden Snake Martial Spirit, had a layer of sweat on his forehead. He raised the long sword in his hand, "Even if you have a ten-star Martial Spirit, you are still an unforgivable scumbag. Let you go." If you leave, more people will be hurt by you..."

"Brown." Simon couldn't help but said, "Holly is not a scumbag, he is a great person..."

"Shut up." Brown interrupted him, his eyes fixed on Rather, and he said loudly, "Everyone is ready to fight. We are not allowed to let a serious prisoner go."

As he spoke, the golden snake behind him suddenly expanded into a golden python that was tens of meters tall.

The front of the giant python was raised high and aimed at Lasse's four-winged angel, as if it could pounce and bite at any time.

The captain with the giant sword spirit, the silver sword fell into his palm.

The captain possesses the spirit of the Peregrine Falcon. The Peregrine Falcon also spreads its wings and hovers...

Dougal here.

The Lightning Leopard behind Ou Lei also grew in size, lowered its front body, exposed its fangs, and made an attack posture...

The four-winged angel opened her hands, and the holy light fell from her palms, falling on Duge and others.

Everyone was shocked.

Duge felt that his attributes had at least doubled.

This is Wuhun!

Ever since Holly failed to awaken his martial spirit, he has been particularly repulsive towards martial arts, and almost no one would show his martial spirit around him.

Therefore, this was the first time that Duge felt the power of Wuhun.

It's really similar to the advanced skills of keywords.

Referring to the success rate of martial soul awakening, it would be extremely difficult for alien warriors to survive in this world without a good keyword being randomly selected.

Blessed with Holy Light.

Ou Lei was shocked and took the lead to pounce from behind Duge. The Lightning Leopard flew behind him, as if the speed was added to his body, like a strong wind blowing past everyone.

Ou Lei shuttled among the crossbowmen, swinging his arms one after another.

In the blink of an eye, all their crossbows were knocked to the ground.

But the crossbowmen on the tower were out of his reach.

Those guards had already pulled the trigger when Brown gave the order, and shot arrows at the prisoners behind Duge. They knew that they were no match for the warriors with martial arts souls, so they naturally had to take the lead in striking. Those martial souls were still sealed. prisoner.

As Duger thought, Poseidon raised the scepter in his hand, and a wall of water appeared out of thin air, blocking all the arrows.

The prisoners behind Doug were in an uproar.

"Have you awakened your soul skills?"

Seeing the wall of water, Old Man Gao grunted and swallowed lightly, "Is this the Ten-Star Martial Spirit?"

"Guys, get out." Someone among the prisoners behind Duge shouted.

Seizing the gap when the crossbow was blocked, he rushed towards the prison guards whose formation was disrupted by Ou Lei, and fought with them.

Although their martial souls were sealed, their physical strength and fighting consciousness were still there, so they could fight against these ordinary guards without any problem.

"Kira, let's join forces to deal with the angels. Luther, go and inform the warden." Brown, the golden snake martial spirit, ignored the unarmed prisoner. After judging the situation of both parties, he gave an order, and then activated the soul skill, "Death Coil" .”

A giant python dozens of meters long flew out instantly and entangled the holy angel.

Lasse looked at the entangled python and chuckled: "Judgment."

In an instant.

Behind the angel, countless dazzling lights emitted.

These rays of light were like sharp arrows, shooting holes in the giant python that rushed towards it, turning into little rays of light and dissipating in the air.

As the martial spirit shattered, Brown screamed, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.

"Do you really think that my six-star martial spirit is just a decoration?" Lasse shook his head and looked at the man whose martial spirit was a giant sword. "Get out of the way, I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

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