Alien warriors are full of energy. As long as they have enough energy, they can sleep without rest. Five days can be used as ten days.

The difference in strength between the enemy and us is too great.

Even if Duge provoked the ferocity and greed of his own soldiers, it would probably be useless to face an enemy several times his own.


The key to winning this war lies in him. In this world, personal force can determine the direction of the war.

Cao Lin is the spiritual pillar of Cao's army, and if he is defeated, the soul of the army he leads can be taken away.

In this case, without logistical support, they will definitely lose quickly.

For an alien warrior, improving attributes is the fastest way to grow. Luo Shuang's basic board is too small. Even in times of crisis, he will never leave her, and his loyalty can't generate many attributes.

Since loyalty is not enough, then follow the trend.

A large part of the reason why Duge can stand out every time is due to the profound earth culture behind it.

Without the interference of pan-universe entertainment, Earth’s cultures are diverse and full of flowers, which is completely different from Qiyuan Star, which has been squeezed by pan-universe entertainment for more than two hundred years, and people who are numb just think about keywords.

It can only be regarded as part of the trend of wolf culture among soldiers.

The spread of wolf culture is too slow.

What is most suitable for influencing the trend is actually not such high-level things as gender equality, enlightenment of people's wisdom, economic trends, etc., but entertainment and fashion, etc., which are easy for the general public to accept.

It is a high-end academic in a high-level university, but the effect is too slow. It takes a lot of energy to popularize and teach, and it is very easy to be resisted.

If you want to forcibly popularize it, it will be impossible to promote it without spending a few years or decades.

But popular things are different.

Pai Gow, mahjong, cards, chess and other entertainment tools that Duge developed in Linyang City have been popularized among the people in just a few days. No matter how severe the situation is, entertainment is indispensable, not to mention these The game is easy to understand, easy to copy, and highly addictive.

Promoted by the government, it is easy to spread.

In a few days, it became popular in all the big and small towns under Luo Shuang's rule...

at the same time.

Duge also created "Linyang Daily", which constantly promotes the latest news from all over the world to the public.

For example, the trends of various countries, the current situation of the Omen, news on the battlefield, etc.

Public opinion can most influence trends.

Duge must control public opinion in his own hands no matter what.

The playing methods of entertainment toys such as Pai Gow and Mahjong were publicized through the Linyang Daily. Along with Mahjong and Pai Gow, there was also the constellation theory developed by Du Ge.

When Doug was in school, the boys and girls in his class were very fond of this kind of stuff.

At first.

In order to coax the little girl, Duge has studied these things a lot, and he is very familiar with tinkering with these things.

Therefore, every experience in life is a precious wealth, which may be used at any time.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini... and other easy-to-understand constellations, combined with people's birthdays and fortunes, have triggered a new trend among the people, which is no less than entertainment toys such as Pai Gow.

This kind of ambiguous, simple and easy-to-understand thing is much easier to accept than divine divination.

Aries is informal, lively and cute, energetic, but too impulsive and impatient;

Taurus is stable, reliable, assertive, good at financial management, but too stubborn and possessive;

Gemini is smart, quick-witted, adaptable...

When the theory of constellations spread through the "Linyang Daily".

The people in Linyang City easily found their corresponding constellations, and they were very active in paying attention to their fortunes;

"Capricorn's fortune this month: four stars... the astrology at the beginning of the month, Mercury enters Taurus, the full moon in Libra, and Mercury retrograde. This month, your stable relationship will change, and it is prone to polarization. You may face emotional and cooperative issues. Conflicts, or conflicts with friends and family members, you need to be cautious in your words and actions, and adjust your communication methods..."

"Cancer's fortune this month: four stars; the noble constellation, Taurus; the villain constellation, Aries; you need to pay special attention to family-related matters at the beginning of the month..."

"Aquarius' fortune this month: five stars..."


The common people are keen on free divination.

The Barnum effect, when using some general and ambiguous words to describe a person, people will easily believe that the description is themselves...

This is the reason why the constellation theory spread rapidly.

Trends are similar to trade. The same group of people can repeatedly swipe, unknowingly leading people's behavior and changing their thinking, but people don't realize it.

Duge's attributes have been rising. In the past few days, his attributes have at least doubled, which is much higher than the equality between men and women that he worked so hard to achieve before.

Doug's sudden change of style stunned all the alien fighters.

What's the situation?

Shouldn't the key words of Doug be change, rebellion or public opinion?

How did you come up with another set of entertainment toys, the theory of constellations?

Are his keywords related to entertainment and fashion?

But if it was related to fashion, how did he use it to get to the first place in the ranking? In the first month, Du Ge didn't create any fashion trends.

Moreover, if it is popular, there is absolutely no need for him to cultivate a down-and-out princess and put himself in such a passive situation.

What is the key word of this product?

Everyone was stunned. What Duge did was too vacillating, and there was no suitable keyword that could correspond to his words and deeds.

Not just alien fighters in the arena.

off the field.

The audience of Pan Universe Entertainment looked at Doug and the key word behind him - loyalty, and they were equally puzzled. They knew the rules of the game clearly.

Ke Duge's growth trajectory does not conform to his keyword attributes at all.


"Is Duge's behavior in line with loyalty? Seriously suspect Pan Universe Entertainment's black box operation and break the rules of the game."

"If such loyalty can win the first place, it is unfair to other players."

"Shadow, in order to create traffic stars, Pan Universe Entertainment forcibly blurred the definition of keywords, please disclose Doug's real keywords, otherwise I will block this show forever."

"Shady, shady."

"I'm asking for my money back. It's an unfair bet."


Last time on Alien Battlefield, Doug helped Pan Universe Entertainment recover the ratings.

This time, there were a lot of spectators on the Alien Battlefield, and they could clearly see the keywords and rankings of the players.

The top ten is what they pay the most attention to and where they bet the most.

The sudden emergence of Duge and his growth trajectory that seriously did not conform to the keywords caused a strong earthquake on the forum.

After all, not everyone will bet on Doug.

The audience who had bet on other people saw that Duge's operation was completely inconsistent with the keywords, but he was able to firmly occupy the first place, which naturally aroused their dissatisfaction, and the forum was full of protests.

If you just watch videos for entertainment, people will pass by with a smile, but it is different when it comes to the casino and interests behind it.

After the shady voice came out, except for Doug, the audience almost completely stopped betting on other players, and no one would participate in unfair betting games.

The betting on Duge, because of the shady voice, also made the gamblers have some scruples, and gradually began to reduce the amount of betting...

Watching the most profitable gambling market shrink because of Doug.

The top management of the Pan-Universe Entertainment Company was in a state of desperation, and the staff of the technical department worked overtime to analyze Duge's words and deeds and the data behind them, only to find that everything was normal.

The background shows that his key word is loyalty, and no loopholes or bugs have been detected.

To this.

Pan Universe Entertainment could only forcibly issue an announcement:

"The game data is all normal. It is not only the attributes that affect the ranking, but also the influence on the world. It is a comprehensive data consideration; the background data will be released after the game for anyone to check.

The momentary glory may not come to the end, Duge's odds will be adjusted accordingly, please rest assured to bet, if Duge wins the final victory, Pan Universe Entertainment will truthfully pay all the amount. "

Nothing can prove the authenticity of the data more than an increase in the odds.

after all.

If Duge wins, Pan Universe Entertainment will lose money in real terms.

An announcement gags all the gamblers, and then a lot of money is bet on Doug.

For Duge to win the final victory, the gamblers even began to reward him with spiritual power through the live broadcast platform.

Of course, there are other gamblers who are willing to bet on other dark horses and bet on other players.

After all, unpopular players have higher odds, and in order for them to win the final victory, a large number of rewards have also begun.

Pan Universe Entertainment's gambling table finally returned to normal.

But on Qiyuan Star, Bailong had a gloomy face. In the spaceship of Pan-Universe Entertainment, he supervised the technicians and analyzed the data of Dug’s simulation site frame by frame, as well as the history of Qiyuan Star’s past victories on the alien battlefield. Play back the footage and try to find holes in it.

Not only the audience, but even he felt that Duge's use and growth of keywords was a bit abnormal.

after all.

He has been on Qiyuan Star for two hundred years, and he knows the culture of Qiyuan Star best, and he also knows the training mechanism of Qiyuan Star.

Mahjong, Pai Gow, and constellation culture are not Qiyuanxing's stuff, but Duge can produce these things in a short period of time, which is not normal in itself, and does not match his age and experience.

If there were no such things in Qiyuanxing's previous playback video, then Duge really has a problem, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to create more knowledge that does not belong to him out of thin air.

Once there is a problem with Duge, it is likely to affect the company's operations in the future alien battlefield...

In order to appease public outrage, the company forcibly increased Duge's odds, triggering a large number of bets. As long as he gets the first place, the company will definitely lose money.

at this time.

Bailong even had the urge to let Duge die on the alien battlefield to prove the fairness of the game.

But he couldn't artificially interfere with the progress of the game. If they forcibly interfered and were exposed, it would be a real disaster for the company.


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