Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 576: Kaiyama

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The dark clouds disappeared, and the world and heaven returned to calm again. The sunlight penetrated the earth, bringing warmth and light. Looking at the still figure in the sky, everyone had a feeling of being like another world.

At this time, the iron tower has skin all over the body like jade. When you look closely, it is full of gleaming light, like translucent, even if a woman looks at it, she will be jealous.

But hidden under this skin is full of explosive power, enough to shake the world!

The cultivation and dominance of the ancient tribes are incomparable, they can absorb all the energy in the world to temper themselves, so that the flesh tends to heaven.

"Disciples of Dawangshan, come to Dawangshan to concentrate!"

The figures of Su Yu and the Iron Tower turned into a Changhong disappearing into everyone's sight, leaving only a faint voice, so that all Dawangshan disciples were shocked.

"Disciples of Dawang Mountain listened to the order and returned to the mountain in an orderly manner!" Xiao Yihan's expression narrowed, and he ordered immediately.

In an instant, all the disciples immediately arranged their formations and headed towards Dawang Mountain, and the crowd consciously gave way to them.

"The king's style really makes me wait and see. In Dongzhou County, what else do I need to worry about?"

"I really envy the disciples of Dawang Mountain. It is really promising to follow such a king!"

"Now there are more and more people coming, and more and more people want to become disciples of Dawang Mountain, and the competition will only be more intense."

"Yes, I must get my son ready."


"Wang Wang Wang!"

As soon as Su Yu's figure reached Dawang Mountain, a figure immediately fell into his arms, constantly rubbing his head, excited.

"Maomao, you have grown up again." Su Yu sighed a little. This time Maomao was already as tall as its legs. It was a big dog.

"Brother Yu." Mu Xiaoxiao and others also came over from Houshan. There was a great deal of movement in Dongzhou County. Naturally, it was quite crowded. They were responsible for the alchemy and cooking of Dawang Mountain, so they would not leave the mountain at will. , Can only watch worriedly.

"Oh, boy, you are stronger again." Dan Sheng looked at Su Yu, his voice filled with sigh, he still remembered the scene when he saw Su Yu for the first time, at that time he was still thinking of accepting others as disciples Who knows that in just over a year, it will grow to this point.

"Small breakthrough." Su Yu smiled modestly, then said to Zhao Lao and Sun Lao: "Dawang Mountain also thanks to Zhao Lao and Sun Lao."

One of them is Dan Sheng, and the other is the God of Food. It plays a vital role in the logistics of Dawang Mountain. Although the battle depends on the disciples' battle, the most important thing is the logistics. If the logistics are not good, then the battle is absolutely undefeated.

Moreover, the two of them helped Dawangshan train alchemists and cooks, which is the main source of income for Dawangshan.

"Hahaha, anyway, let's say thank you very much. If you don't provide us with such a good place and such good materials, we will have a lot less fun in life." Zhao Laha said with a smile.

"Yes, we are provided with so many excellent disciples, ha ha ha..." Sun Lao also smiled.

"King, we are amazing now. Although you practice fast, Sister Mu's alchemy and my cooking skills are definitely not worse than you!" The little fat girl wrinkled her mouth and said.

"Oh, okay, you Dawangshan still have to rely on you." Su Yu smiled, and then took the lead to walk towards Houshan.

Through the Dawangshan kitchen, Dawangshan practice room, Dawang hall, and the building that was transformed from the original cottage, I felt emotional.

I left for a few months, but it seemed that I had left Dawangshan for a few years. It is still kind to stay in Dawangshan. This is where I belong!

Along the way, the thicker the aura, the heavier the mist, and soon reached the alchemy furnace.

Behind the alchemy furnace, it was completely enveloped by mist, as if it were separated into two realms, even the eyes of the warrior could not penetrate the mist.

There, it is the Ling Yao Tian, ​​the gathering place of Yao Yun Ling Yao!

"This is..." Su Yu couldn't help but walked with a bitter smile on his face.

Next to the alchemy furnace, there are two beds in awe-inspiring rhythm.

"Master, my master and I are more worried about elixir, so we simply slept here, and this is also convenient for alchemy. After finishing the exercise, we want to sleep." Lin Tianyi laughed.

"Cut, can someone else come to steal the elixir at Dawang Mountain? They clearly love these elixirs too much, and they can't leave." Sun Lao groaned.

"You know a fart, this is a medicine cloud elixir. Do you know how precious it is? Nature needs someone to guard it, and picking it requires me to do it with my own hands!" Zhao Lao said directly, "And these elixirs can all have Life, with medicinal clouds accompanying me, is already very satisfying."

Indeed, as he said, in the field, those medicine clouds are being transformed into various small warcrafts, and some are transformed into children. They are making fun and, you don’t have to fight the ground in the future. Su Yu smiled, then waved his wrist.

"Use, King Alpine Alchemy Room Card!"

Everyone only felt that the eyes were a flower, and the people who were originally outside instantly came inside a building. The whole building is black inside, giving a sense of solemnity. The whole building is very spacious, and the long corridor extends down. There are some rooms, each room has a red stove.

In addition to the alchemy room, there is also the Elixir Pharmacy, which is used to store Elixir.

From the outside, the entire alchemy room is tower-shaped and has three floors!

The first layer is used for alchemy for new disciples, the second layer is for alchemy of inner disciples, and the third layer is for alchemists of major elders or personal disciples.

In the future, Dawang Mountain will definitely have more than one alchemy elder, so several alchemy rooms and pharmacies have been layered, forming a self-contained system with different factions.

"Wow, look, it's so beautiful!" The little fat girl walked to a window in the alchemy room and exclaimed suddenly, and said.

Everyone was on the third floor at this time, looking down on her eyes, the whole spirit medicine field had a sweeping view, the smoke was smoky, and the spirit medicine and the grass echoed each other, just like a fairyland on earth, so that it was convenient to explore the spirit medicine field Happening.

"It's all right now, some people don't need to lay the floor anymore." Sun Lao laughed. There is naturally an elder room here for the elders to rest.

"Hahaha, thank you king." Zhao Lao was so excited that he turned red. As a pill master, he could even feel that the alchemy room had a calming effect, which made people's souls tend to stabilize and had a magical effect on alchemy.

"In the future, this spirit medicine field will also be built to become a spirit medicine garden." Su Yu said, making Lao Zhao more excited.

"Okay, let me go down." Su Yu looked at it, already aware of the return of the disciple of Dawang Mountain, he said immediately, and took the lead to walk down the alchemy pavilion.

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