Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 555: Are these snakes blind?

Genius remembers the address of this site for a second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The Star Snake is slender, flexible and variable, plus a large number, it is impossible to confirm a single strength, this is undoubtedly in the battle Is a very difficult problem.

When you don't even know what your opponent is, then how to fight, it is easy to be disadvantaged.

"Everyone can rest assured that there are absolutely not many high-grade Star Snakes here! Just be vigilant." Shen Sheng, president of the mercenary union, said that one person died so quickly, which was a great blow to morale.

"Chenguang Sword!"

Between the words, a brown long sword had appeared in his hand. The long sword carried a touch of gold and shimmered, as if crossing the space, appearing directly on the surrounding trees.


The leaves flew, and many star snakes were directly stirred up by Jian Qi to become powder, and more were directly cut into two!

Seeing Wu Zun shot, everyone finally let go of their hearts and returned to a little confidence.


The companion's death apparently aroused the fierceness of those star snakes, and each one began to twist, and the body bowed slightly, as if it would rush out at any time.

"Everyone is on guard, please pay attention to each other, don't be merciful when you shoot above the King Wu!"

Swish swish!

As soon as his words fell, those star snakes immediately flew out, in all directions, like an endless arrow, which was daunting.

Dang Dang Dang!

The flesh of these snakes is extremely tough, and each time they shed their skin, the body's strength will be stronger, and it will be true that it collides with weapons.

For a time, as if the weapons collided on the battlefield, the sound was constant.

Spiritual force is vertical and horizontal, intertwined with the star snake, in this case, everyone dare not have the slightest hand, all kinds of martial arts flying around the sky.

Fortunately, the attack methods of these star snakes are relatively simple, and there is no toxin, so everyone has a lot of scruples.


With the loud noise, everyone was stunned, and then the pupils shrank suddenly, they saw a very large golden figure flashed away.

Star Mother Snake!

The figure was too huge, and it was infiltrating, and many people were attacked by the Star Serpent.

At this time of battle, the president of the city owner and the mercenary union did not participate, but stood solemnly in the same place, eyes looked like swords, and carefully looked around.

They were locked in by a strong momentum and did not dare to act rashly. This momentum came from the mother star snake!

"How come there are so many of these star snakes? Endless kills!"

"Look, that guy is still sleeping. Is his ear deaf?"

"I don't think it's deaf. He is scared and fainted!"


Many people looked at Su Yu on the carriage and almost glared their eyes. This...who? It's so special.

"That guy, Ye Lei actually protects him?!"

"What is the best way to protect a waste, it is better for him to help us than to help that waste!"

Su Yu soon became the focus of everyone. The eyes of the city master flashed, and said: "Brother Ye, there are so many star snakes, please take care of everyone."

His words also received a lot of people's response, one after another asked him to move away.

"Uncle Ye, these powerful celestial snakes are scattered. Please break them one by one. It is really difficult to fight against us alone." Bai Qiu also said, looking at Han Qian and Han Yu.

"Uncle Ye, come and help us. We have two five-grade star snakes here, and I want you to protect..." Han Yu should be at peace.

Although Han Qian didn't say anything, she didn't stop.

"Okay, I'm past!" Ye Lei was also in the spotlight at this time. After glancing at Su Yu and killing several Star Serpents, he rose up into the sky and rushed towards Han Qian.

However, his attention is still on Su Yu's side. Once a star snake wants to attack Su Yu, he will come as soon as possible.

But soon, he discovered an interesting phenomenon. Those star snakes seemed to be unable to see Su Yu. None of them actually attacked him.

It is not just him, others have discovered this.

Originally, everyone saw Ye Lei leaving, and also planned to read Su Yu's joke. Once he set aside people, no one protects, the end will be miserable. Who knows, this will happen.

Does the Star Serpent think he is dead, so don't attack?

Someone could not help guessing, and then lay directly on the ground to pretend to be dead.

However, the cruelty of reality, as soon as he lay on the ground, those star snakes attacked even more fiercely, almost crying without tears.

What's wrong? !

Everyone is ignorant, that guy's luck is too bad, right?

"I'm not convinced, why do we fight here, that guy can sleep there, pit father!"

"Yes, how can this be true in the world?"

"You're pretty good, look at me, who I'm recruiting to provoke someone, a lot of star snakes pounce on me!"


Many people were messy, and apparently Su Yu was hard hit.

Some people are even more crazy in their eyes, and they actively lead the star snake to Su However, what makes them desperate is that these star snakes still regard Su Yu as nothing, so they stare at themselves bite.

"Are these snakes blind? Are they stupid? Snakes, take a good look. There is a man over there. You just die with a bite. Why bother attacking me?"

The battle continues, and the highest of these snakes is the level of the fifth-level peak. There are three Wuzong in the team. With Ye Lei, the Wuzong peak, it is really not slow to kill.

It's just that some warriors with almost the same strength are also buried under the attack of countless star snakes.

The battle was extremely fierce, the wounds of the dead and wounded, the ground was full of blood, and a large number of corpses of the star snake.

"Everyone pays attention to saving spiritual power, but these snakes can't help us!" After all, everyone has more or less martial arts. As long as you are cautious, save your spiritual power, and don't fight against the higher-order star snake, you still have a chance to survive.

Gradually, they also began to be organized, with low-level warriors in the middle and high-level warriors in the periphery, working together to minimize casualties.


At this moment, a loud roar sounded, making everyone feel a heartbeat, and the heart could not help but produce fear.

Then I saw a behemoth suddenly emerged from the woods, a huge body twisted, a huge tail with an unstoppable power, threw it towards everyone!


Wherever the giant tail passed, the big tree collapsed, the soil flew over, leaving a long deep pit along the way!

Under this tail, at least half of the people will be lifted out.

"Dirty animal, dare?"

Along with a scream, the two figures moved at the same time, the whole body's spiritual power surged out, raised his palm and hit the giant tail!


The giant tail was directly flicked out, and the two figures were only slightly shocked, and then the two feet stepped on the ground and chased away...

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