Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 543: Farewell

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At the entrance of Kuangli Dan, Su Yu's soul Qingyan suddenly began to jump violently, the spiritual power of the whole body also became violent and agitated, chasing among the limbs and corpses, his own power was rapidly increasing at an appalling speed!

Dawangshan suit!

Su Yu meditation in his heart, in addition to Dawangshan boots, all the equipment is worn on the body, under the turquoise flame enveloped, like a killing god.

Your current combat effectiveness should be comparable to the next god.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Su Yu's face, Soul Qingyan wrapped herself and Frost, and kicked her legs into the ranks of the World Destroyer!


Where the cyan flame passed, a long flame path was immediately left, and the violent high temperature made the floors that have not rotted for thousands of years begin to show signs of melting.

"Come on for me!"

Su Yu screamed, his figure had appeared in front of a world destroyer, his fists turned into residual images, and they came out separately!


The first two World Destroyer were directly blasted out, and it also led several World Destroyer to fly out together, Soul Blue Flame adsorbed on them, burning continuously.

Swish swish!

Although Su Yu's momentum was huge, the World Destroyer did not have any mood swings at all, and his body flashed toward Su Yu.

Fire control, fire snake!

Su Yu's wrist shook, and Soul Qingyan immediately turned into a long flame whip and whipped around!

At the same time, the strength of the iron tower is also fully erupted. Just like a barbarian, rushed into the team of the World Destroyer, the World Destroyer was flew out in the blink of the golden light.

His fist was covered with a layer of golden brilliance, like a sharp sword, one punch punched through the chest of a world destroyer, and then tore it severely, tearing it in half !

Although the World Destroyer can absorb energy, but its strength is only demigod level, once the power exceeds the limit they can bear, they can't defend at all.

The strength of Iron Tower and Su Yu is skyrocketing. They are naturally not the opponents of Su Yu and Iron Tower. However, their number is too much, and they can't kill them at all.

Fire snake dance!

Su Yu continued to walk among the world destroyers with his body style. Soul Green Flame walked like a snake flexibly!

The place passed by, like a plague, ignited flames on all the destroyers.


Su Yu raised his hand and grabbed a annihilator who was rushing towards himself. The whole body of green flame burst forth, covering its whole body, and the green flame reflected a bit miserable around him.


Along with the burning sound, the world destroyer was transformed into nothingness.

However, these did not allow other annihilators to pause at all, but rushed towards Su Yu more crazily. Although Soul Flame is their nemesis, they are not afraid!

The fighting continued, and as time went on, Su Yu became more and more anxious.

These annihilators are simply inexhaustible, and the time of Kuanglidan is running out. When the effect of the medicine is over and the side effects of the medicine will happen, it will definitely die!

And with the battle, Su Yu also felt more and more strenuous. These annihilators actually began to learn his body style and the tower's attack method. The growth rate is simply appalling!

In the end how to do?

Su Yu looked around, unprecedented confusion in his heart, this is completely inexplicable!

"Shuang'er, wait for you to find a chance to escape, and the iron tower and I will hold them back." Su Yu said to Shuanger, at this time, his limbs had begun to feel a little sore, and the side effects of the drug effect will soon appear.

If it is not possible, he will detonate the soul of the blue flame in the body, and it is better than being comatose and being eaten!

"Brother Yu, if I escape, where can I escape?" Shuanger's voice was so calm that Su Yu was asked for a while.

Yeah, where can I escape, so big here, I don't know where the way out is, it seems that this kind of world destroyer's nest, where can I go?

"Then die together!"

Su Yu's voice was decisive, his hands snapped together, and then a rapid seal.

A green-green lotus flame appeared between his palms, like a jadeite, beautiful and enchanting.


The surrounding temperature suddenly increased, and the space began to twist rapidly. From the outside, Su Yu's body became skewed.

Above the ground, those floors have been turned into liquid, and then directly evaporated by the endless high temperature!

At this time, Su Yu was like a volcano about to erupt, and a blue flame rose from his body, rising to several feet long, rushing to the sky!

"Look at me to burn you all!" Su Yu's voice became hoarse, and the water in his body was rapidly evaporating. In a flash, his skin began to crack!

However, at this moment, a pair of tender little hands covered Su Yu's hands.

This hand is silent, and it looks as if it is very but it ignores the high temperature, and it directly suppresses the spiritual power lifted by Su Yu, and Soul Qingyan returns to Su Yu's body again.

"Shuang'er, you..." Su Yu turned his head, however, when he saw Shuang'er's eyes, it was hard to give the words in his mouth.

The eyes were cold and strange, unlike Sher's eyes!

"Brother Yu, this is the last time Shuang Er called you..." Although Shuang Er said so, the tone was sad and unhappy, as if to say a very ordinary thing.

Then she jumped directly from behind Su Yu and walked towards the banner in the center of the square.

She took one step at a time, the speed was extremely slow, but somehow everything around her was slower!

Su Yu wanted to catch up, but couldn't take a step, she couldn't talk, but she couldn't speak, and the dying people around him seemed to be still at this time, and they all allowed Shuang Er to walk between them. Ever.

Su Yu couldn't tell clearly whether she was too fast, or she was too slow to wait for others, but if she is fast, then she shouldn't see it so clearly!

Step by step, every step struck Su Yu's heart. As Frost approached, Su Yu's heart flashed a hint of tingling, as if something important was about to be lost, but he couldn't stop it.

Shuanger stood next to the Honghuang Banner, then turned around and gave Su Yu a deep look, then stretched out his right hand and held it on the flagpole of the Honghuang Banner!


At this moment, the sky and earth changed color, the clouds were rolling, and a thunder burst in the sky!

This scene in front of people is natural and familiar. It seems that Shuanger has stood there holding the Honghuang flag since ancient times, spanning the endless years. The ancient and the perfect overlap now!

Su Yu's eyes moved slightly, but he saw a drop of tears slowly fall on Frost's cheek...

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