Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 509: Lu Zhengrong!

Genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Everyone is watching Lin Hu alertly.

The guards in the village had surrounded the forest tigers, and waited for the high priest to give orders.

Lin Hu's eyes were a bit lonely, but he was not half afraid.

He gave Su Yu a deep look, and he never expected that he would be exposed by a foreigner.

"Snatch without a hand?!" The high priest sneered, "I think you are a member of our village, you dictate yourself!"

Just when everyone thought that things would end soon.

"Hehehehe!" Lin Hu suddenly sneered quietly, making people tremble with laughter, like the sound of life in the underworld hell, "Let me catch my hand? Really a joke, a joke!"

As the laughter gradually fell, his temperament and appearance changed dramatically.

The black air lingered, completely covering the previous appearance of Lin Hu. In the black air, the eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, terrifying.

"Evil God's Air!"

Everyone exclaimed, and his face was somber, "You dare to use evil spirits in the village!"


Lin Hu laughed again.

Accompanying the laughter was the terrifying coercion.

Except for the high priest and Su Yu, everyone else's body seemed to be suddenly heavier and heavier, and the cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Under pressure, everyone had a strong sense of suffocation. Many people's bones rattle, and their bodies are almost all crushed.

Su Yu protected Shuang Er behind her, so that she would not be affected by the slightest.

"Indiscriminate!" The high priest's voice became extremely high, screaming, full of breath, white robe without wind automatically, a monstrous momentum was also madly surging, only a moment to offset the tiger's momentum.

"Okay, so strong!" Everyone looked at Lin Hu, his eyes full of fear, his face ugly.

In their minds, Lin Hu is still an ordinary person who has no martial arts at all, and in an instant, he has become a master who makes them difficult to reach.

"Hum! I didn't want to do anything to you, but who made you force me to show up? Ha ha ha ha!" Lin Hu's voice was arrogant, bloodshot eyes swept through the crowd.

"Don't you want to know why I did this? Okay, let me tell you!" Lin Hu's voice was a bit crazy, "We will always be trapped here, the worshiper's emptiness of the beast god, saying that white is the beast **** Dogs!"

His words made the high priest's face darker, as if to drip water.

"I was born weak and sick, and couldn't even cultivate martial arts. I always begged the beast **** to show his spirit, but he never appeared!" Lin Hu's pupil suddenly enlarged and became crazy, "I am Lord Evil, he gave me boundless Power, this gives me the qualification to make you value!"

"The beast **** has given us everything, and you never thought you would say that." The high priest shook his head, as if frustrated. The eyes that had been hidden in the white eyebrows were suddenly open, and there seemed to be flames inside, "Your mind is not correct, No wonder the beast **** won't give you strength!"

"You practice taboo evil in the village, and even sacrifice the children in the village to the evil god, **** it!"

The high priest's face became flushed, and his voice rolled like thunder, raising his hand and patting Lin Hu!

"Old guy, come!"

A trace of contempt flashed in Lin Hu's eyes, black gas flickered, and his hand was printed on it.


The high priest was shocked, and then took a few steps back, but Lin Hu was still standing in the same place!


The guards screamed, not afraid of the strength of Lin Hu, and all the spiritual energy of the whole body was running crazy, completely endlessly.

"Unfortunately, I could silently cultivate the spirit of evil spirits, it's all you, it's you!" Lin Hu looked at Su Yu and gritted his teeth, said he wished to swallow it alive.

With his current strength, he did not dare to pay attention to the village, for fear of attracting the attention of the Purple Eyed Ape, otherwise he would only be more arrogant to do things.

Originally everything was under control, and I saw my strength progressed by leaps and bounds. However, Su Yu was forced to a desperate situation without exposure.

"But it's okay. I've killed you a hundred. If that's the case, don't blame me for killing!" He was confident in his own strength and seemed to be proclaiming everyone's death penalty.

Su Yu looked at the cave on the stone wall and frowned slightly, but he couldn't see the figure of the Purple Eyed Ape.

This is so stiff. I knew I had invited it directly with food.

Lin Hu stared at the audience coldly, and then palmed one after another, a black air penetrating through the body with a big broken charm suddenly appeared, like a black cloud.

This black energy seemed to be a wave. From the body of Lin Hu, he walked towards Bombay all around. One wave after another, the power was strong, and a totally unconquerable unwilling emotion spread in everyone's heart.

Black gas is expanding with a degree visible to the naked eye, as if the heart is beating, as long as it expands to the limit, it will fully reveal its destructive Don't panic, everyone shot together! "The guards nodded in perfect harmony, and the spears in their hands threw at Lin Hu together!


The black air wave lifted the spear back without suspense, and then flew those guards out!

Under the erosion of the black gas, black air began to appear on everyone's face, and his heart seemed to have an indescribable irritability, which filled the heart with negative emotions.

"Everyone notices that these evil qi can cause negative emotions, and even generate evil thoughts, keep your mind, and don't let evil qi into the body! Others take the children back to the house!"

The high priest was talking, but his body rose from the sky, his face was full of majesty, and he looked at Lin Hu with a sharp look.

"The villain invades, please come the beast god, and slay the demon!"

His hands are constantly changing his handprints. From the statue, countless beliefs have overflowed, pouring into the high priest crazy, making him look like he is wearing a golden armor.


The immense colossal pressure immediately enveloped the forest tiger, and a hurricane hurled around the village, blowing the trees over the waist like a sea wave.

"Hey, hey, you are old! I used the advent of the Beast God a few days ago. With your body, frequent use will definitely reduce your strength!" Lin Hu was wrapped in a layer of black gas, and the sneer was also slow Slowly floating above the sky, facing the high priest.

He knows the village very well and knows the limit of the high priest, so he did not choose to escape, but wanted to use this opportunity to destroy the village!


The voice of the high priest was obviously changed. It was the voice of a middle-aged man. The golden pupils were full of majesty. It should be the beast god!

"Although this is just a hint of my knowledge, it is more than enough to deal with you!"


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