Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 504: War Shadows!

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Being in the center of this flame, all the heat converged towards Xiaolong and Xiaoying.

From the outside, the air in the center becomes illusory, and under the endless high temperature, the space is distorted.

"Xiaolong, what should we do, we are going to die..." Xiaoying's lips had become pale and shriveled, and he fainted under the heat, almost fainting.

"It's okay, the people in the village will definitely come to rescue us, and Brother Yu will come to rescue us." Xiaolong's situation is not much better, the skin on his body is cracked, and the water vapor in the whole body quickly evaporates.

At this time, with such heat, there is no sweat on their bodies and no tears in their eyes, because all the water vapor will be evaporated in an instant!

"Hey, the child's soul is pure and delicious..." Black Shadow sneered again and again, the voice was very harsh, "I will make you die happy!"


Those candlelights rose again by half a foot, and actually started to rotate. With the rotation, those flames began to spread toward the center!

The surrounding rocks were stirred into magma by this temperature and flowed on the ground!

No wonder the children were all burnt black, and it turned out that they were burned alive under this high temperature!

"Xiaolong, it's so uncomfortable, we certainly can't live..." Xiaoying's face began to crack, because of the loss of water, the face was shriveled, because of the dry mouth, the voice was very hoarse and directly fainted In the past.

"We won't die..." Xiaolong was obviously the end of the scull, but he still held a dagger in his hand, holding it hard to faint, squinting his eyes halfway, still staring at the shadow.

"Master Evil God, please pity your heartfelt servants, sacrifice, and start..." Black Shadow opened his arms as if greeting a sacred moment, whispering in a low voice.

"call out!"

A gleam of light pierced the sky. From far and near, the speed was hard to see with the naked eye, shooting straight towards the back of the shadow!

It was a delicate knife, also dark green, but much smaller than the dragon's dagger, only an inch long!


Black Shadow snorted coldly, a flash of fierceness flashed in his eyes, turned sharply, and his right fist was quickly swung out!

When he punched, the black air flowed around his fist, looking deep and weird.


Along with a crisp sound, the knife was not ejected, and was ejected directly!

A figure fluttered in the cave, took the dagger that was ejected back, and looked at the shadow with cold eyes.

"Brother Yu..." Xiaolong looked at Su Yu with a relief smile on his lips, and finally fainted.

"If I were you, I would close it now." Su Yu's eyes glanced at the two children in the ring of fire without a trace, and then said.

At the same time, he sighed secretly in his heart. The unexpected surprise attack was just responded to by the other party. It is a pity that the strength of this shadow is not simple!

This knife was also made of scales that swallowed the sky python, and the hardness was extraordinary. Even if Su Yu wanted to destroy it, it would take some twists and turns. With his own hidden weapon technique, he could not break through the defense of the shadow, which is incredible. .

The shape of this knife is exactly what Su Yu made by imitating Xiao Li Fei Dao. If he had learned Xiao Li Fei Dao, just now that knife, this shadow is absolutely difficult to resist!

Su Yu's eyes gleamed, and the shadow's strength was constantly evaluated in his heart.

"Shut up? It's you alone? What a joke!" Black Shadow sneered repeatedly, "When I refine these two offerings, it's not too late!"

Between his speeches, his hands folded, and the flame suddenly became more intense, like a storm, spinning rapidly.

Can't drag on anymore!

Su Yu's face sank, her eyes staring at the shadow, "You can block it with a knife, so what about a hundred?"


Countless shadows rushed towards the shadow with Su Yu's waving hands!

There are so many scales that swallow the sky python. Some of those small swords Su Yu have, at this time, they are completely desperate to shoot toward the shadow.

Eyes, mouth, neck, ears, heart...

Any point is the goal of these knives!

Dang Dang Dang!

At this time the distance was so close, the sharpness of the dagger and Su Yu's full swing, the black shadow did not dare to carelessly, the whole body was black and white, and his hands were waving, constantly dodge.

What kind of power does this shadow use, can actually block the power of his faith? !

Surprised in Su Yu's heart, he recently used the power of faith more easily through the study of refining magic, and the power of one move has increased several times. This is the case, and it is still resisted by the black energy!

If you didn't practice divine practice, I'm afraid it's really not the opponent of this shadow.

Su Yu put away her doubts and stepped on, stepping across the shadows and rushing towards the violent pillar of fire!

"Hey, you can't rush into the Evil God Flame." Black Shadow said with a sneer.

"Is it?" Su Yu's mouth was slightly inclined, and the aquamarine flame of his body suddenly came out of the wrapped the whole body, and rushed directly into the pillar of fire!

So hot!

Su Yu raised his eyebrows sharply. The temperature of the flame actually caused Soul Green Flame to start shaking, but fortunately, it was the twelve spirits of the world, so that they could hold it.

Embracing two children in one hand, Su Yu did not dare to neglect. Soul Qingyan wrapped three people and rushed out of the pillar of fire.

"Want to go?" Black Shadow screamed, calm tone filled with anger, the black gas all over his body seemed to be boiling, and he wrapped his whole person strictly!

Dang Dang Dang!

These black gases formed an airtight barrier, which actually blocked all the knives!

"Black Devils!"


Those black air winding rooms actually turned into a dark palm, and they caught Su Yu and three people!

The black palm is like black jade, with a metallic luster shining on it, with a strong death air on it, making it extremely uncomfortable and powerful.

"Humanized Fingers!"

Su Yu's eyes flickered, his palms flexed into his fingers, his index finger suddenly pointed out against the black palm!

This finger is also surrounded by black mans, however, while it is black, it also has a rich golden color, which is the power of faith!

In this blow, Su Yu raised the state of his whole body to the peak and pointed out without reservation!


The impact was completed in just an instant, and the power of both was excellently controlled. There was no slight leakage. In addition to the huge blasting sound, the cave was only shaken a few times.


Black Shadow trembles all over, violently stepping back two steps, staring at Su Yu with surprised eyes.

And Su Yu also felt that his mouth was sweet, and blood was overflowing from his throat, but he was forced to control the steps he wanted to retreat, and his face was heavy. Shadow, running out of the cave...

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