Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 500: Fight, uninvited guest

Genius remember the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! It turns out that the power of faith has always existed. After learning the magic skills, Su Yu has been able to continue from his doormen. Absorbing the power of faith is the benefit of building power. Should we build a statue on Dawang Mountain in the future?

Su Yu pondered, and those battles had already entered into fierce heat, and the strength of the Dawangshan disciples who could come to the battle had already had a certain degree of strength. There is no doubt that the strength is strong. Although the number is far inferior to Warcraft, but the cooperation is moderate, relying on Dawangshan The disciple formation method, like a tiger entering the flock, shuttles among countless Warcraft, harvesting.

Although the spiritual power is consumed quickly, Dawang Mountain's resources are incomparable. Once tired, it will knock a panacea and immediately become alive again.

"Hahaha, the beast tide is just to practice for us!" Han Dapeng's clothes were stained with blood, but he laughed.

"Yes, beasts, keep coming!"

The disciples of Dawang Mountain are obviously not the first time facing the beast tide, and all of them are vigorously killing one by one.

"It should be the leader in the middle. Seventh-level Warcraft, Brother Yun, the two of us go together!" Xiao Yihan laughed and rushed towards the head of Warcraft at the center of the beast tide!

"That's what I meant!" Yun Bufan nodded his head, his eyes were high in war, his feet stepped on the ground, and his body immediately rose into the air!

In his hands, the golden light above the golden sword was suddenly bright. During flight, the golden sword was more like the sun, more and more dazzling, exuding extremely high temperature!

"Golden Black Sword, Red Sun!"


The golden sword awn cuts through the sky, and the space that has passed becomes distorted. Those Warcrafts along the way are directly stirred by the sword awn into the powder!

The golden sword is already regarded as the world-class inferior martial art, and the golden sword in his hand is also a good weapon. Obviously, it was exchanged with the contribution points accumulated during this period, and the power is amazing.

The seventh-level Warcraft looks exactly like a tiger, but it has a single horn on his head, and unlike the tiger's fur, its skin is wrinkled and brown in color.

Seventh-level Warcraft, Demon Tiger!


Facing Damang, the ground-splitting monster tiger roared loudly in the sky, and then a fierce beat of the forelimb on the ground immediately raised a thick earth wall in front of him!


The golden knife hacked the earth wall, and the resulting aftermath immediately blasted out the surrounding Warcraft, and the earth wall was also cut quickly, with a golden flame burning on it!

However, it was only cut in half, and the knife edge gradually disappeared.

The corners of Yun's extraordinary mouth curled up a little arc, and almost at the same time, a cross sword awn flashed behind the side of the fissure tiger!

"Cross, strangle!"


This swordmand with a monstrous killing intention was directly printed on the body of the fissure tiger, and it penetrated the earth defense of it without suspense!


On the side of the fissure tiger, he roared, and the blood at the wound quickly flowed down!

However, it was only a moment, the brown skin on its body creeped open, directly blocking the wound, his head turned, and the red eyes tightly locked on Xiao Yihan's body.

"The defensive power of the Earth Warcraft is indeed a headache!" Xiao Yihan's brows are slightly wrinkled. These Warcraft are affected by the psychedelic flowers. While being crazy, their perception will decline, so they are easily attacked by sneak attacks.

He just used 80% of the strength of this sword just now, but actually did not cause much damage.


The ground-splitting monster tiger slammed on the ground with four limbs, and then rushed directly towards Xiao Yihan!

Its huge size, coupled with the nature of the earth, is like a mountain of earth, pressed against Xiao Yihan!

At the same time, the earth began to vibrate, like an earthquake, cracked away with the fissure monster tiger as the center, making people stand unsteady, and it began to appear barbs constantly. The goal was Xiao Yihan and Yun extraordinary!

"If it doesn't work once, then come a few more times!" Yun Bufan's body twisted, leaping away from the raised barbs, and then turning into an afterimage, shuttled across the chaotic ground, and the knife in his hand appeared again. !

"Golden black sword method, the sea sinks sand!"

"Broken sword!"

Xiao Yihan and Yun Fanfan have a tacit understanding that is beyond ordinary people. Seeing Yun Fanfan is like this, Xiao Yihan didn't even think about it, directly facing the sprinting fiend tiger and raised his sword to welcome him!


The huge Jianmang rose into the sky, collided with the claws of the Demon Tiger, and stalemate for three breaths. The Jianmang was finally dispersed, and Xiao Yihan was blown out by the force of the anti-seismic force.

However, at this time, Yun Fanfan's big knife had been stabbed on the dorsal fin of the ground-splitting tiger, his wrist flicked, and the knife's awn was drawn along his back directly to his abdomen!


The ground-splitting monster tiger shouted sternly, and near the wound, the earth-like skin actually cracked and looked terrible and terrifying!

"Oh, fortunately these World of Warcraft have no brains, and it's easy to deal with." With a single blow, Yun Fang retreat quickly, beware of the counterattack of the fissured tiger.

Now that the ground-splitting monster has been seriously injured, then as long as it has been spent to drag it down.

It seems that this wave of beast tide is not a big problem, it should be considered depressed...

Seeing that there were no major changes, the hearts of the people in Dongzhou County finally dropped slightly, and all looked at the figures in battle with gratitude and excitement.

"Great! I feel that Dawangshan's disciples are growing faster than once..."

"Fortunately, there is Dawang Mountain, otherwise I really don't know what to do..."

"The entire Dongzhou, it is estimated that only here is a safe land."

"I don't know when Dawang Mountain will come back. I really hope he can reverse the situation in Dongzhou..."



Just then, in the endless beast tide, there was a roar of roaring sky, a monstrous momentum like a hurricane, which pressed against Dongzhou County, and even made the originally clear sky gloomy.

Everyone's pupils are vigorously dilated, the whole body is soft, and the fear rises inside.

"This, how is this possible? Level 8 Warcraft?" someone exclaimed incredulously, even crying in his voice.

"No, how could the eighth-level Warcraft be affected by the psychedelic flower?!"

"Now all the major suzerains have gone to the talented secret realm. Who can stop the eighth-level Warcraft?"


Everyone's heart sank to the bottom, and he looked at the source of the voice with a distracted look.

"Then, that's..."

Yun Bufan's and Xiao Yihan's face changed suddenly, and they looked at each other, and his mood suddenly became very heavy.

At this time, all of Warcraft stopped their offensive and gave up a spacious passageway. At the end of the passageway, a team of people was slowly appearing.

They all wore dark golden masks and stood on a huge monitor lizard, led by a middle-aged man, who was domineering.

"King Wolf King!"

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