Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 488: Story and conversation

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Su Yu's arrival only gave him a glance, and then he invested in cultivation.

At this moment, Su Yu raised his fist and fought straight towards the sandbag!


With a roar, the sandbag immediately scattered and burst open!

The dust in the sandbags drifted in the air, leaving Xiaolong with a moment of distraction.

"What are you doing?" Xiaolong's eyes turned red immediately after losing the vent, and tears flashed faintly.

The movement here immediately attracted a lot of people, and their eyes looked at it.

"You are too weak!" Su Yu's merciless words immediately made Xiaolong's face pale. "And this kind of cultivation has no effect at all, it is really stupid!"

"You bullshit!" Xiao Long was anxious. "Buddhism relies on perseverance. I can endure hardships. How can it be useless?"

"The moves are chaotic and unruly, the shots are messy and random, and the strength is negligible. Your practice is not only not useful, but it will only make you go astray, and the more you practice, the worse." Su Yu shook his head and then said: "To Otherwise, you won’t even be able to break a sandbag.”

"I'm just not strong enough now, you are older than me, you can naturally say such breezy words." Xiaolong's eyes were full of stubbornness.

"Oh, do you really think so?" Su Yu laughed, "If you only use this method to deal with the murderer, it will only make people laugh."

Having finished speaking, Su Yu no longer ignored his reaction and prepared to leave.

Looking at Su Yu's back, the tears in Xiaolong's eyes overflowed, biting his lips, and shouted violently: "So what do you say I should do? Only I will have these!"

"Killing is not about how many moves you will take, often one can be a life and death!" Su Yu said in a footstep, "You are good!"

As soon as the words fell, his right hand was swung violently, hitting against a sandbag!


This punch has no spiritual power, and even the physical strength is not used much! The sandbag did not explode, but was directly penetrated by Su Yu's fist!

"No matter how many moves you can't hurt the sandbags, but as long as you concentrate on one point, you can punch through the sandbags with only one punch!" Su Yu continued, "Remember the punch I just made, when did you If I can punch through the sandbag, I will teach you the martial arts of murder!"

After finishing talking, Su Yu no longer ignored the little dragon standing beside him, and walked back to the wooden house with a look of worship from a group of little fart children.

"Brother Yu, you are so powerful, if you can teach us martial arts."

"Yeah, Brother Yu."

The group of little farts looked at Su Yu with bright eyes.

"What you have learned is the most simple martial arts, as long as you practice well, you will definitely become a strong party in the future!" Su Yu smiled and said.

He didn't frame them, but it was the fact. After all, this village was handed down in ancient times. Although all the learning used seemed simple, it contained the truth of simplicity to simplicity.

"As long as you do good morning exercises in the future, Brother Yu will tell you a story." At this moment, Su Yu said.

"Story?" All the children were curious.

Shuang Er also looked at Su Yu with blinking eyes, but she knew the appeal of Su Yu's story.

"Yes, this story I told you is called the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!" Su Yu said with a smile, but then raised his eyebrows and saw that Xiaolong actually came in.

"In other words, the general situation in the world is divided into a long time, and a long time will be divided. The seven nations divided on the weekend and merged into Qin. And after Qin's destruction, Chu and Han divided into battle and merged into Han. The Han Dynasty revolted from the ancestors of the White Dragon. Unify the world, then Guangwu Zhongxing, spread to Emperor Xian, and then divided into three countries..." Su Yu's opening chapter with a majestic momentum attracted the attention of all children.

Because this is the world of martial arts, Su Yu magnified the abilities of the characters in it, and became a fairy tale version of the Three Kingdoms.

Guan Yu can cut the world with a knife, Zhuge Liang can wave the wind and rain...

The plot of the Three Kingdoms, coupled with the martial arts mastered by Su Yu, was brilliant for a time, and various moves emerged endlessly, allowing every child to invest in it.

Even, not just children, even adults who are curious to pass by, can't help but stop and enter the world of the Three Kingdoms that is full of blood!

Su Yu's speech passed half a day, until the front of Wenjiu cut Huaxiong came to an abrupt end, at this time the sun had begun to tilt westward.

"What happened to Brother Yu, can Guan Yu beat Huaxiong?"

"Lu Bu is so powerful, what should I do later?"

"Then Dong Zhuo is so abominable, can it be killed?"


Seeing Su Yu stopped, the children were anxious and asked one by one.

"Okay, today's story ends here. Tomorrow you have to practice well in the morning to predict the future, and listen to the next decomposition." Su Yu laughed directly.

"Hey, it would be nice if I could have Lu Bu..."

"Ce, Lu Bu is a bad guy, and I want to be just like Guan Yu, just for life!"

"Why don't we just come together..."


The children went home with the The expressions on their faces were still unexplained, not only them, but even the adults who were watching were deeply attracted.

"Hahaha, Su Xiaoyou's talent really admired the old." At this moment, the high priest came over with a smile, he stumbled, as if he would fall if he was not careful.

Su Yu's content naturally made him think it was Su Yu's own creation.

"The high priest has won the prize."

"It's been a long time since I heard the children's laughter. It was Su Xiaoyou that made them forget the fear." The high priest said again, with emotion in his voice, and then arched his hand at Su Yu.

Although these children are strong on the surface, they are children after all, and they are naturally afraid when facing unknown murderers.

"Sue has several questions to ask the high priest for advice." Su Yu said for a moment.

"Su Xiaoyou but it's okay."

Su Yu nodded, looked at the high priest, and then said: "Does the high priest know the disaster of heaven and earth?"

Su Yu's words were just asked, but the high priest's ever-changing face suddenly jumped and fell silent.

"Foreigners enter, and the world robs! It really is like this..." After a long delay, the high priest sighed and said.

He looked at the statue of the beast god, although his eyes were under the white eyebrows, but his eyes were like substance, so heavy that Su Yu could feel it clearly.

"This sentence was left by the beast god, so we can say that the foreigners are an ominous symbol." The high priest continued: "Thousands of years, the disaster of the world and the world will finally appear again."

"What is the so-called world disaster?" Su Yu asked.

The corner of the high priest's mouth moved slightly, but he said: "Life is short as dewdrops dissipate, and the luck is like the sea is uncertain, and the world is crisscrossing. Who can understand the world like chess..."

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