Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 485: The body of the python!

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Su Yu's words surprised the high priest slightly, and then looked at Su Yu in surprise, "Su Xiaoyou knows this word?"

This is how Su Yu reacted. The word "beast god" above was actually the text of Shuang'er's period. He taught Shuanger to read and understand, and he had a little understanding of the text of Shuang'er's period.

In other words, this is actually the text thousands of years ago!

"Ah... I know a little." Su Yu said.

"This kind of word has been annihilated in the long river of history. I thought people outside had forgotten. I didn't think that Su Xiaoyou actually knew him. It was considered to be related to our village." The high priest's words with a sigh, his attitude towards Su Yu actually became more Friendly.

"Kun San, things in the village should not have much to do with foreigners. You can let the people in the village have a better attitude towards the foreigners they caught." The high priest ordered to a guard around him, which was also given to Su Yu a little face.

"Thank you, Senior." Since others expressed their attitude, Su Yu had to be polite, even though he didn't care about the so-called foreigners.

"Oh, Old Man wanted to ask Su Xiaoyou one thing." The high priest smiled and continued.

"Senior wanted me to find the murderer?" Su Yu said directly. The high priest apparently deliberately left Kunsan.

"Yes, Su Xiaoyou really thought quickly." The high priest said quietly, and then said to himself: "The children were all killed by the black blood curse. This curse only existed in ancient times. Now few people know it, so it is absolutely impossible. What foreigners do."

Su Yu's eyes were picked, so to speak, the high priest's order to capture the foreigners was just a guise.

"Our village has been quiet for thousands of years and has been in this forest. The village can't withstand any storms. If the villagers know that some of them killed those children, the village may be more difficult to calm down." Da The priest sighed and said.

Su Yu nodded, after all, the high priest was just to get the foreigners back.

Along the way, it is not difficult to see that although the people in the village are not friendly to foreign people, the folk customs are still honest, and the villagers are very united. Once they know that some of them are murderers, then people will be all soldiers, everyone. Suspicious of each other, the cracks continue to expand, and the village will fall apart!

"The high priest wanted me to find the murderer quietly?" Su Yu frowned.

Since it was done by the people in the village, it is extremely understandable to the village nature, even if the high priest is tracing, it is inevitable to be handicapped, but the outsider Su Yu is the best choice.

"Yes!" The high priest nodded, then paused and said: "I know your purpose is to come out of this forest, here is a world, is a space created by the beast **** for our village. , If you want to get out of here, only I can help you."

What a strength it is to create a space.

Su Yu's heart jumped slightly, and he couldn't help looking at the statue again. He didn't doubt the words of the high priest.

"Okay, I promise you!" Su Yu nodded and said directly.

To get out of this space, he had no other choice at this time.

"Hahaha, then there will be Lao Su's friends." The high priest laughed ha ha. "I then ordered someone to arrange for Su Xiaoyou to live."

Not long after, the leader who had just been rescued by Su Yu came over and politely said to Su Yu: "Brother Su, my name is Kun Qi, please follow me."

Nodding casually, Su Yu followed Kun Qi towards the back of the village.

"Brother Yu, it's strange that their surnames are all Kun, and the names behind them are just numbers." Shuang Er followed Su Yu closely and smiled curiously.

"Oh, Kun is just the honorary name for the soldiers in our village. The numbers behind are ranked according to strength, and can also be regarded as the codename of the soldiers." Kun Qi explained with a smile.

There was a trace of pride in his voice. Obviously, Kun symbolized an honor in their village.

"I don't know when the claims about foreigners in your village started to spread?" Su Yu asked suddenly.

"Since ancient times, this statement has been circulated in our village. No foreigner has stepped in here for thousands of years. I know that not long ago, many foreigners entered one after another. At the same time, the children of our village It also began to encounter poisonous hands." Kun Qi gritted his teeth, sorrowfully.

No one has entered here for thousands of years, that is to say, the secret realm of Tianfu has been opened over the years, and no one has ever arrived here. It wasn’t until this time that an accident happened!

"This statement has been around since ancient times?"

"Yes, I heard that this was left when the beast **** created this space." Kun Qi nodded.

Beast God left?

Su Yu's eyes flashed uncontrollably, what exactly caused this to happen, and what did this prediction symbolize.

Thinking for a while, an inexplicable breath made Su Yu's heart jump, his gaze turned, and fell directly on the side of the village.

The village was built in a valley, surrounded by rugged mountains and By this time, they had walked to the back of the village, where it was a tall mountain wall.

However, looking for that breath, Su Yu saw that a huge and unimaginable creature was lying in the grass under the mountain wall! Although the creature was not alive, at first glance, Su Yu couldn't help scalp numbness.

It was a giant python with a dark green body all over its length. Looking along the grass, it didn't know where the end was, and although it was lying down, its thickness was equivalent to two Su Yugao!

Therefore, even if the weed is extremely high, it still can't hide the figure of this giant python.

This is... that python? !

Su Yu's pupil shrank suddenly and thought of a possibility. Three days ago, he saw that huge figure came back to his mind again.

Absolutely nothing wrong!

Although it was too far apart at that time, but there could be such a beast in this world, Su Yu did not believe that he could meet two heads in a short time!

It's just... how can it appear here?

"Brother Su, that's a peerless beast." Kun Qi saw Su Yu stopped and followed his gaze, but suddenly said.

"This fierce beast looks extremely extraordinary, how could he die here?" Su Yu asked knowingly.

"It was killed by the hand of the beast god, and the body was taken to our village." Kun Qi replied.

Beast God?

Su Yu frowned slightly. Although the huge figure looked like a humanoid figure, it was never the same person as the statue!

Nodded and let Sher stay in place, Su Yu raised his leg and walked towards the python...

"Brother Su is careful, this giant python has soaring anger, and it is difficult for others to approach." Kun Qi reminded aside.

Randomly nodded, Su Yu's footsteps were suddenly taken at a distance of half a mile from the corpse, and his pupils enlarged instantly!

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