Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 530 Lan Qi doesn’t think this is funny

Soon Lan Qi gave the cat boss to Hyperion and let her hold the cat.

The two of them walked and chatted until they reached the outside of the school. They only had to cross two streets to the east to reach Boss Cat Restaurant.

The summer afternoon sun shines on the ancient buildings of Ikerite, making the stone walls and sculptures more vivid. Ranchi and Hyperion strolled on the wide sidewalk, walking along the sunlit road, with Ikeri behind them. The majestic bell tower of Lite College looks even more majestic in the sunlight.

"Lan Qi, wait a minute, do the three of us really want to eat together?"

Hyperion felt that the three of them could actually avoid each other.

For example, Lan Qi would stay on the first floor while she and Tata had lunch at home on the second floor.

Or she and Ranchi were on the first floor and asked Antanas to accompany Tata to have lunch at home.

It just so happens that she and Lan Qi will go to the Shadow World tomorrow. It can take a few days or a month or two. Tata and Lan Qi will not see each other for a while. When Lan Qi comes back from the Shadow World, Tata and Lan Qi should We can also get along well naturally.

"I think at this time, the more we deliberately avoid each other, the more guilty we appear. No matter what Tata chooses, I should show a positive and proactive attitude - as long as she is willing to see me, I will wait for her."

Lan Qi replied,

"And I have never been a funny character. This morning was a too bizarre accident and it will never happen again. I will not make a mistake again until I retire satisfactorily."

He explained very seriously.

"Well, that's true."

Hyperion nodded and quietly observed Lan Qi.

It seemed that he really didn't feel too bad about what happened in the morning.

His psychology is unimaginable.

The cat boss couldn't say anything, so he looked at Lan Qi.

Although you look very handsome now when you are calm, you were really funny when you recited your love lines in the morning.

"Are you really okay now? Will you see Tata and unconsciously recall what you said in the morning, such as 'Tata, you are so cute...'."

Hyperion asked a little tentatively.

"I'm actually fine."

Lan Qi paused for a tenth of a second before answering, and interrupted Hyperion to continue speaking.

"Huberlian, you don't have to worry about me."

"Then...can you please stop letting me sit between you and Tata later? How about you two sitting next to each other?"

Hyperion asked again.

"……no problem."

Lan Qi nodded.

"Why did you hesitate?"

Hyperion moved closer and looked at Lanqi.

Her eyes seemed to be saying: Don't be harsh, just tell me frankly if you need help.


Lan Qi seemed to be asleep and didn't speak for a long time.

"I know, I know, I won't embarrass you."

Hyperian looked at Lan Qi's appearance and waved her hand quickly.

"Huberlian, you are the best."

Lan Qi immediately smiled and thanked.

"Don't say such things..."

Hyperion lowered her head and looked at the street, avoiding Lan Qi's sincere gaze.

The two of them quickly walked less than a kilometer to the east, and saw the busy Mao Boss restaurant near lunch time, with bursts of mist drifting from the chimney.

Whenever a customer walks in, the wind chimes on the store door make a pleasant ringing sound along with the door. At the same time, the clock tower in the distance also rings the twelve o'clock noon bell.

The two people without guessing started talking and laughing again.

"As expected, we can see Tata coming downstairs when we open the door."

Lan Qi and Hyperion approached the door, and he said to Hyperion beside him, with a sense of anticipation that the door would be open.


Hyperion didn't know why Lan Qi was so sure.

"Tata usually goes downstairs for lunch at 12 noon. If it's later, she'll be hungry."

Lan Qi heard the bell and knew it was time for Tata to go downstairs for dinner.

This is a conditioned reflex.

Seeing Hyperion, she was still a little unconvinced, but Lanci showed the professional confidence that no one understands Talia better than him.

"A biologist named Pavlov once conducted an experiment. At the beginning of the experiment, his puppies had a natural reaction to the presence of food, which was drooling. He used this reaction to A neutral conditioned stimulus, such as a bell, is presented to the puppy at the same time as the appearance of food. After repeated pairings many times, the puppy begins to associate the ringing of the bell with the appearance of food. As long as he rings the bell, the puppy It will make your mouth water.”

Lan Qi gave Hubli an education.


Hyperion was confused when she heard this, but felt that the word "danger" flashed over Lan Qi's head.

Until the two of them pushed open the store door.

I saw a figure walking down from the second floor. Lan Qi's voice suddenly stopped, his expression became much more solemn, and his heartbeat seemed to accelerate a little for a moment.


Thalia stopped immediately when she saw the two figures.

First of all, she was a little unbelievable. She felt that Lan Qi was thinking about damn things for twenty-five hours out of twenty-four hours a day.

His expression and reaction just now seemed to have become his daily task!

Then Talia didn't know why, but the words from the morning still echoed in her mind, and she immediately looked away.

She hesitated several times for a moment, as if deciding whether to continue meeting them or turn back.

In the end, Thalia went down again, pretending that she didn't care at all.

Until I met the two of them.

They didn't speak to each other, as if there was a tacit understanding, and they all sat at the bar seat by the window, so that they didn't have to face each other. After taking their seats, they didn't say much.

The air between the three of them became unusually quiet.

It seemed like it was back to the day when the three of them had done some twisting at Wilfort's house, and it was as quiet as when they just went for a walk in the afternoon.

"I'm going to work in the kitchen, meow. Whatever you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

Boss Cat jumped from Hyperion's arms to the table and said to the three of them.

He was originally the owner of this restaurant, and now he directly acted as the exclusive waiter and chef for three friends.

"I can do either."

"I'm free too."

Lan Qi and Hyperion responded one after another.

"I'm just like them."

Thalia finally spoke.

"Then I can express myself freely, nya!"

Boss Cat knew that something was wrong with the atmosphere, so he jumped off the seat and ran deftly to the kitchen.

Then there was another period of silence by the window.


Hyperion looked left and right at Ranchi and Tata.

Both of them were her dearest people, and sitting between them, she didn't know what to say at this time.


When Lan Qi spoke, he felt that he had to speak first. Regardless of age, Tata was still a girl no matter what.

"Feel sorry."

Thalia interrupted Lanci.

Then he looked at him and said.


Lanci looked at Thalia in surprise, as if wondering where Thalia was hidden.

Will Tata apologize proactively?

Hyperion also looked at Thalia. She felt that Thalia had a lot to say, but Thalia was not good at words and didn't know how to express it, so she could only use the simplest words.

"And, thank you for finding Antanas and the others."

Thalia spoke very slowly, like a child who had just learned to speak, and thanked Lanqi.

"It's okay Tata, let's get back together."

Lan Qi said with a smile.

Sometimes if both parties take a step back, the problem can be resolved quickly.

Although it may take some time to completely eliminate the estrangement, at least they have chosen a positive way of coping.

Boss Cat secretly watched from the corner, nodding his head with satisfaction and relief.

Unexpectedly, the pair it initially promoted have finally changed a bit.

Suddenly, Antanas, who was walking through the aisle between the dining room and the kitchen, spotted the cat on the ground.

"Hey, Boss Cat, what are you doing here?"

Antanas asked, looking at the small black coal balls beside his feet.

Then she followed Boss Cat's gaze and understood.

"I didn't expect them to reconcile again so quickly. I thought it would be awkward for a few days."

Antanas sighed.

"Yes meow."

Boss Cat recognized that Antanas is also a person of character.


Antanas bent down and picked up the cat boss and brought him to the side wall of the restaurant on the first floor.

"Boss Cat, what do you think of this painting I bought? Pranaife said this painting is rude, but I really think he was wrong this time. This is obviously a work of art."

Antanas asked proudly, pointing to the abstract painting on the wall.

The three human figures in the painting are twisted together, which makes people daydream.

"Let me see."

Boss Cat narrowed his eyes.

This morning I was in a hurry to get in and out. I haven't been back for half a year, and the details of the restaurant have changed too much. It didn't even notice that there were more paintings here.

Even though it's abstract art.

But why does it feel so familiar?

"Hey, that body line at the bottom looks a lot like Lan Qi's."

The cat boss smiled and pointed at the painting with his paw, then turned back to Antanas and said.


Antanas stared at it again and found that this was the case.

"Does the one in the middle look like Hyperion Meow?"

"It really feels like it. So, if you put it this way, does the one riding on the top look like a Tata?"

"Meow hahahaha, it's true!"

The laughter of Boss Cat and Antanas spread throughout the entire Boss Cat restaurant.

"Where did this painting come from? I feel like I have seen this painting somewhere."

Boss Cat asked again.

"It is said that the prototype is the latest sand painting divined by the United Kingdom Council using a star chessboard. It may be a scene that happened somewhere in the world."

Antanas put his fingertips on his chin without understanding.

Boss Cat: "..."


No, no, no...

Suddenly cold sweat began to break out on its forehead, and it slowly and stiffly turned its head, only to see the three people by the window looking at the painting.

All three of them opened their mouths and their pupils trembled.

"Meow meow meow!!!"

The cat owner was so frightened that he almost barked, jumped out of Antanas's arms, and fled into the back kitchen, daring not to come out again.

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