Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 388 Lan Qi really became green tea

The large living room was a little quieter because of Lanqi and Hyperion's unique communication channel.

Sigrid is still thinking about what quasi-bishop level strength and super-bishop level strength are.

After a brief silence.

Even if Sigrid and Gloria didn't understand, Lan Qi probably understood after listening to Hyperion's words.

Hyperion's mother's side is a demon, so it's normal for them to have a relationship.

If Hyperion can handle Antanas, the guardian, everything will be easier. The two of them will work together perfectly.

"Okay, I'll leave this one to you, and leave the other two to me."

Lan Qi said with a smile.


Hyperion frowned and stared at Lanqi.


Are you going to rescue the other two?

"Wait a minute, you can't control those two big demons. They really want the demons to return to their country!"

Hyperion remembered what the Ice Witch once said to her.

If the law-breaking Sinora and the truth Prane are to be released, it must be considered when it is necessary to cause trouble for the Protos Empire.

Under the current circumstances, with Lan Qi occupying a high position in the empire, there is no need for them to destroy the entire Helrom. It would be best for those two big demons to remain in prison!

"You said they are loyal ministers of the demon clan, right?"


But she, a half-blood princess who was only at the fifth level, was far from enough to make the two great demons surrender.

"Then leave it to me, don't worry."

Lan Qi's calm and steady appearance looked more like a demon than Hyperion at this moment.

"……Listen to you."

Hyperion eventually compromised.

Lan Qi is now a member of the powerful side of the Protos Empire. He should be the person who least wants the Protos Empire to be harmed. He must have his own considerations.

When the exchange between the two came to an end.

"By the way, Holy Son, aren't you going to hold the warden at Protos Royal Academy of Magic? Why go to the prison with her?"

Sigrid asked, who had been listening for a long time on the other side of the sofa.

Lan Qi nodded, as if he understood Sigrid's doubts, and decided to answer Sigrid's question with practical actions.

"Is the poet of great love here?"

Lan Qi asked Hyperion. He had not sensed the existence of the great poet until now.

"it's here."

Hyperion took out a bookmark from the inner pocket of her coat. After opening the outer layer, she saw that inside was a magic card sealed by ice crystals, which had completely lost its orange color and luster.

Hyperion then followed the deseal process told to her by the Snow Witch, and it didn't take long to unlock the seal.

Before this card could shine again, it had already transformed into a human form.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuori, I'm being bullied, I'm having a hard time."

The beloved poet Duck sat on the carpet in the living room, looking up and crying, ice crystals still falling from his hair and arms.

Both Gloria and Sigrid were uneasy hearing this breathtaking voice.


Sigrid stared at the demon with gray hair and blue eyes, fair skin and beautiful appearance, and shook her hands.

She felt that this magic card was too dangerous, or it would be better to seal it. The Holy Son did not need this kind of magic card.

"Stop crying. I saw you were secretly observing my expression just now, and then you started crying again."

Lan Qi stared at the Great Love Poet speechlessly and spoke.

"Heh, tell me, do you need my help with anything else?"

The beloved poet wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes, snorted coldly, stood up and raised his hair with the back of his hand.

"Poet of great love, please change into human skin first."

Lan Qi stepped forward and handed over a fourth-level purple rare quality spell card.

The Great Love Poet immediately took away the [Great Love Poet Change: Human] that Lan Qi handed her.

She hasn't touched her skin card for a long time, and she has long missed these sets of clothes.

The moment she touched the magic card and activated it, her figure transformed into a fresh and refined black-haired girl, with emerald green eyes rippling with a clear and smart luster, her fair skin was as pure as snow, and her long skirt was elegant and elegant. Lightweight, wearing small black leather shoes.

This change made Sigrid open her eyes wide and look at Lanqi.

Your four-cost card slot is used to dress up a demon summon that has no fighting ability. What are your usual hobbies?

Then Lan Qi helplessly met Sigrid's gaze, smiling bitterly as if to tell her that if he was really charmed by the Great Love Poet, he would have been counterattacked by this card long ago.


Sigrid thought about it and felt relieved.

She must believe Lan Qi.

If you misunderstand the Holy Son and get angry with him because of this kind of thing, you obviously don't deserve to win.

"Lend me your body for a while."

Lanci said to the poet of great love.

"What's good."

The poet of great love raised his chin, without any intention of rejection, but asked meaningfully in his clear voice.

She is also very realistic. If Lan Qi wants her to do any work, she needs to be paid.

"I'll take you to observe a few more stone slabs in one go."

Lanci replied.

"Original Slate?"

Isn't it difficult for the great poet to contemplate the original stone slab? Why is it that after two months, Lan Qi seems to have already agreed on the observation of several stone slabs.

"make a deal."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Sigrid was extremely confused but could not hold back from asking Lan Qi what he wanted to do. She only stared at him and the poet.


Following the response from the great poet, Lan Qi sat on the chair, gradually seeming to be sleepy, with his head drooping.

On the other side, the aura of the beloved poet has completely changed.

She looked at Sigrid, with half-smiling eyes and a gentle and pleasant temperament, as if she was answering Sigrid's confusion, and she became a real Lanci.

He succeeded in seizing the beloved poet.

At that time, he will play two roles. The real body controls the movements of the warden in the school, and the Love Poet, as his avatar, goes to Helrom Prison with Hyperion.

"No, have you really become my saint?"

Sigrid looked at this beauty with black hair and green eyes. Although her appearance was not similar to Lan Qi's, with Lan Qi's eye color and temperament, she looked too much like Lan Qi's biological sister.

Sigrid unexpectedly felt that this guy would be perfect if she were a saint, but now she was sure that it would be better if she was a saint.

"The Poet of Love is a bit special. This card can directly communicate with me on the soul level. As long as she gets my permission, she can also reverse control my body."

Lanci explained to Sigrid.

Generally speaking, summoned objects other than puppets are difficult to capture directly, and sharing vision and hearing requires additional spells.

Unless the relationship between it and its owner is similar to a natal contract, it can directly connect to the soul.

Previously in the inner space of [Original Slate-Wind], the poet of great love had borrowed his eyes.

"I'm waiting for you to help me deal with the Nirvana branch anyway. If you need my help, come to me at any time."

Sigrid nodded, basically understanding.

The meeting is almost over.

"Then I still need some time to prepare before carrying out this task. Let's start taking action in three days."

Lan Qi said with a smile and closed his hands with a sense of dismissal.

The next step is to put this new face to good use.

Talia's face, Lan Qi's black hair and green eyes, plus Lan Qi's soul.

This is the truly perfect princess of the descendant of the demon clan.

She will also be the best demon princess who works hard to defend world peace.


Put a Sigrid emoticon here, with a Sigrid portrait behind it~

Today is also the third update

Updates added so far/total outstanding chapters: 8/36

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