Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 365 Lanqi returns to his imperial capital Herom

This time, Lan Qi and the eldest lady of the Earl of Milford's family naturally stopped paying attention to each other, and their eyes only briefly crossed each other.

Lan Qi was sure that the eldest lady of the Earl's family had seen her, but it was obvious that she was very afraid of the identity of the Holy Son of Nirvana, and her eyes were half evasive.

Lan Qi smiled and sighed.

He and their two students might meet again at the Protos Royal Academy of Magic in the imperial capital of Herom, but he should no longer frighten them at that time.

Even though they didn't have many previous interactions, the unfortunate appearance of the eldest lady among them always gave Lan Qi a rather familiar sense of déjà vu.

Many times when he saw Hyperion, either someone wanted to kill Hyperion, or someone was on the way to kill Hyperion.

However, Lanqi could not sense the presence of the great poet in this countess, and her appearance was completely different from the disguise Thalia gave to Hyperion when she set off.

I'm afraid I'm thinking too much.

But if you think about it carefully, if Hyperion wants to disguise herself as a eldest lady from an earl family and sneak into the Protos Empire, she will probably have a new look, but she will need a card maker who is proficient in demonic magic to help her recreate it. Make [Transformation: Human], and [Poet of Love] is a card that does not belong to Hyperion and cannot be stored in her soul space. If you want to pass the security check of the Box Mountain Province of the Protos Empire, you also need to seal and disguise it. into other objects.

Sid's hand secretly poked Lan Qi, interrupting his thoughts.

Lan Qi turned his eyes to the side in surprise and confusion.

"Why did you stare at that girl for so long?"

It seemed that because Lan Qi was dressed as the Son of Nirvana, West Germany particularly disliked Lan Qi's new look, so he used a lot of strength to strike without feeling sorry for him at all.

"Have it?"

"Look, there were two girls on the platform just now, but your question didn't ask me 'which girl' first."


Lan Qi was a little speechless.

But then he smiled and said,

"I remembered an old friend, but it couldn't have been such a coincidence."

He replied calmly.

the other side.

On the platform with an empty track in front of her, Hyperion saw the train on the opposite side moving.

She just accidentally looked at a dangerous guy!

She also discovered that the Son of Nirvana had left.

But at that moment, she saw a faint smile on the corner of the figure's mouth, and that calm and steady look, as if good luck would always surround him. For a moment, she felt that this person had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.


Hyperion looked at the train going away and murmured.

She was a little afraid to think about this too surreal and absurd situation. No matter how she thought about it, it was impossible for Lan Qi to replace the Son of Nirvana and then help her at this intersection.


For a moment, she didn't know whether to trust logic or intuition...

Hubery stood quietly on the platform, her skirt swaying with the breeze. The wind passed by her, silently blowing her long silky hair. She gently held her hand held by the wind. hair.

The train roared out of her sight, heading towards the far end with billowing fog and gradually disappearing noises.

If it is him/her, we will definitely meet again in Helrom.

The two figures drifting away in the train and on the platform thought to themselves respectively.

The next day.

In the middle of the Protos Empire, the imperial capital was Herrom.

As the spring afternoon sunshine slanted on the railway track, the magic rail train slowly stopped at the Helrom City South Station.

Lanci and Sigrid got their luggage back from the check-in area, stood out from the crowd on the concourse level, and walked through the heavily guarded checkpoint.

Their steps were hurried, weaving in and out of the hurrying crowd in Herrom at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Stepping out of the station, a breath of air mixed with natural fragrance hits your nostrils. Compared to the cold north, you can feel the breath of spring in Herrom.

On both sides of the street, vibrant plants and ancient towering buildings interweave scenes that connect fantasy and reality.

"The city of Helrom always has a psychedelic feel, and even I think it's quite nice to live here."

Lan Qi sighed as he dragged the suitcase with one hand and held a cup of afternoon black tea in his right hand.

No matter how many times I come to this city, I will always be attracted by the increasingly bizarre architectural scenery around me as I go deeper into the city, which cannot be found in paintings.

"I think you are quite suitable for a career in municipal planning. Maybe you can make it better."

Sigrid was chatting with him.

The two changed to another train midway and changed their image during the transfer process.

Among the skyscrapers where the golden orange sunshine shines, the floating gardens are filled with colorful flowers. The two of them walk under them. From a distance, they can hear the singing of the plants in the hanging gardens and see the starlight. The shimmering light emitted from the body gave the afternoon a more leisurely atmosphere.

The cat boss hid in Lan Qi's shadow without saying a word. He never stopped listening to the two people chatting along the way.

Mingming had heard Tata say that she and Lanqi basically didn't exchange a few words on the way from Nanwantina to the royal capital of Icerita.

Now, whenever Boss Cat thinks about the relationship between Ranchi and Tata, he also looks at the relationship between Ranchi and West Germany in front of him.

Judging from the control variable method, is it really Tata's problem?

"After I go back to school and take a break, I have to go to Herrom Broadcasting Company."

Lanci said to Sigrid.

The talk show was tonight, and he had to arrive at the headquarters building of the Herrom Broadcasting Company a little early.

It's still early, but Sigrid will have to stay alone in Protos Royal Academy of Magic later.

"No problem, just send me to Gloria."

Sigrid nodded.

"Is she okay?"

Lan Qi thought for a moment after hearing the name and asked.

He remembered that he had met this direct soldier named Gloria in Associate Professor Xi Duo's history class. She seemed to be a little bored at the time, so she ran over to see him. It was also Sigrid who stayed in Protos. A confidant of the Royal Academy of Magic.

But along the way, Lan Qi helped Bishop Nirvana test his loyalty, which made Lan Qi feel the existence of a lot of rebels. He felt that the world was not worth it for Bishop Nirvana.

So now he can't help but worry whether loyalty will be provoked by traitors when faced with a real huge temptation.

"Don't worry, she was almost raised by me, and I know her very well."

Sigrid said with conviction.

When she was a student at the Royal Academy of Magic in Protos, she lived in Gloria's house most of the time. She was one of Sigrid's most trusted subordinates.

Gloria herself is a powerful student. As the tenth seat of the third grade, she owns a single-family mansion in the school. Later, Lan Qi conducted a thorough investigation of potential resurrection believers in the school, and because of Gloria He was one of his own and had tacitly approved of her stay.

However, Lan Qi did not reply and was lost in thought. Sigrid looked at Lan Qi and prepared to explain Gloria's credibility to him.

Then she saw Lan Qi's confused eyes.

It's like thinking whether she is under thirty or in her late thirties.

This made Sigrid laugh angrily, and she walked forward quickly, ignoring Lanqi.

I tried my best to write, but I can’t finish it today. I will update it at least three times tomorrow.

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