Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 333: Lan Qi’s strength is unknown. When encountering a strong one, he becomes stronger.

The entire sunken city of Bandera became like dust in the wind as it collapsed step by step, and it seemed that it would be swallowed up by this battle at any time.

In the sky, a huge energy vortex began to form, and the dark solar eclipse finally arrived, destroying and swallowing everything around it.

As the fighting broke out again, cracks began to expand in the upper levels of the remaining city-state. These cracks were bottomless, and turbid air waves surged out of them, as if the gates of hell had been opened.

The majestic spiers and magnificent ancient buildings of the Protos Empire became as fragile as paper during this battle, collapsing one after another and becoming the remains of history.

The black chain pulled by the man in black robe that suddenly appeared was more difficult for Sigrid to resist than Askosan's sealing magic. At this moment, her movement speed was much slower than before. At the same time, Askosan was also more difficult to resist. He prepared his sealing technique with ease and cast it instantly in an area where Sigrid could not avoid.

With the two of them joining forces, Sigrid fell into an unprecedented embarrassment.

She was forced to evade continuously, but it was very difficult every time. Whenever she tried to fight back, she would always be interrupted by one of the parties in time, making it impossible for her to exert half of her strength.

One versus two is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that the two opponents can still cooperate with each other.

That eighth-level epic summon caused her great trouble.

Even so, she still didn't want to prioritize killing the black insect.

In the absence of intelligence, killing it rashly may lead to more serious consequences.

There are several possible situations, either it will cause a fatal negative status to her, or the bug will evolve into a more troublesome form. In a more extreme case, killing it will cause you to suffer devastating damage and lose directly.

Both of these enemies were good at control and output, so she couldn't move the battlefield. She could only resist the two of them with the negative effects of the summons' halo, and she had to be careful not to accidentally kill the bugs.

Even so, Sigrid was not to be outdone, relying on her physical fitness and boxing skills to constantly look for a breakthrough between the two.

Although for her, the condition of victory is not to win but to escape, but today it seems that even escaping from this city-state is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

The only way now is to severely injure the man in black robe first, forcing him to be unable to maintain the summoning of a large eighth-level epic summoning object such as [Abyss Black Insect]. When the summoning object cannot be removed, the best strategy is to remove the summoner!

"Sigrid, you don't think you can delay the night, there are still several hours."

Asksan looked at Sigrid, who was still resisting, and focused his magic power on his fingertips. The air in the direction pointed was gradually distorted, forming dark gray cracks. The objects it swallowed seemed to be crushed instantly. .

Gray lines blocked Sigrid's dodge range in the space.

He knew the characteristics of this woman very well. Even if she was at a disadvantage, as long as she was dragged into the night, she would gain unreasonable all-attribute enhancement and regeneration under the moonlight.

Once he almost fell into the hands of this woman.

It's just that today they have the right time, place, and people, and she will never be able to wait for the moon to appear!

Finally, during Askosan's attack to restrict Sigrid's movement, she seized a momentary opportunity, silently rushed in and out, and her body struck Askosan again like silver lightning.

But at this critical moment, the man in black robe had also captured her movements. The black chains emerging from the ground weaved into a cage, shattering her offensive. At the same time, the gray thread arranged by Askosan began to expand. Until the stagger bursts.

The powerful impact caused Sigrid to be blown away, hitting the ground in the distance and rolling several times before stopping.

She struggled to get up, but her injuries and the pressure from the two of them made her consciousness become extremely slow.

The longer the fight continued, the clearer it became to her that it would not be that easy to wait until dark.

"Ba Catholic, you are commendable for your bravery, but you should also know what your chances of winning are now."

The voice of the man in black robe sounded like the cold wind.

"Is that little guy waiting for death outside your new holy son? Why don't you give up on him quickly and call back your [Qi Qi Demon Puppet] to help you?"

Asksan's spell sweep has not stopped, and at this moment it has been particularly able to disturb Sigrid's mentality.

He didn't expect that Sigrid would choose such a weak new Holy Son of Tyrant. If it weren't for that burden, her combat power would be a little stronger, and her hope of escaping alone would be a little more.

In all these years, Askosan has never felt that the Catholic Church is so easy to fight.

Although she had already prepared the new sealing technique that would be used to kill Sigrid in the next decisive battle, it was just too clever and she actually took the initiative to come to the northern border of the boundless empire.

"It's a pity. I also want my Holy Son of Nirvana to kill another Tyrant Saint, but after today there will be no more Tyrant branch in the world."


No matter how much Askosan's words annoyed Sigrid, she remained silent. Blood stains slipped from her eyebrows, and there was only a calm fighting spirit in her cold eyes.

She promised to protect the Holy Son, and she would never break her promise.

All she has in this world is courage and credibility, and she won't sacrifice them for a mere life!

The distant ruins of Bandra City Gate.

From Lanqi's perspective, Sigrid is no longer the girl Syd who chatted with him carelessly, but a lonely warrior god who was forced into a desperate situation by a god-like opponent.

This unrecognizable city-state is always accompanied by loud noises, and sometimes the air is filled with intermittent deadly silence. If the silence continues, it means that Sigrid's life has been taken away.

In a city-state that did not know when it would completely fall into deathly silence, Lan Qi could clearly feel that the distance on the distant battlefield that he could not cross was the distance between mortals and gods.

Even standing here, without the protection of the silver doll, he would be seriously injured at any time due to the aftermath of the battlefield.

If you want to participate in this level of battle, you need to be at least level seven, otherwise once you enter it by mistake, every detail and every moment will make the fragile human body evaporate instantly.

However, after the mysterious man in black robes who was comparable to a bishop appeared, Lan Qi was sure that his eldest father was completely unbeatable and she needed a little help.

"Doll, do you have your own consciousness?"

Lan Qi looked at the silver doll next to him that had the same outline as West Germany and asked.

The silver puppet nodded.

Although Sigrid controls her most of the time, when Sigrid does not have the mental power to control her, she will operate independently, fulfilling and completing Sigrid's instructions to protect Lanci.

"Can you protect me later and take me somewhere else?"

Lan Qi looked at her seriously and continued to ask.

The silver puppet hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The order she received was to protect the Son, and the Son's priority was higher than her judgment, so when Sigrid had no instructions, she would listen to the Son's requests.

Lan Qi tapped her toes and stared at her own shadow.

The cat boss in the shadow was so frightened that he burst into tears.

"Boss Cat, be prepared to help me use spells, and don't bring [Fake Slate-Wind] with you."

He instructed softly.

If you use [Fake Slate-Wind] in this situation, you may lose Sigrid's trust at a critical moment, or seriously interfere with her judgment.

In the worst case, her character is very violent. Even if she tries her best to die with Askesan, she will not be willing to be rescued by the great priest and then fall into his hands.


Even if the cat boss knew that Lan Qi was messing around, he could only respond to Lan Qi's small voice tremblingly.

After explaining to the cat boss.

Lan Qi's eyes stared straight at the abyss black worm.

He has never seen such a high-end summoned object!

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