Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 315 The good news is that Lan Qi remembered Hyperion’s words

"My daughter is already engaged, and I don't want her to leave Kingston City on the eve of fulfilling her engagement."

Viscount Levin Kingston pinched his eyebrows and replied.

Several figures stood at the entrance of the living room talking, with no intention of discussing in detail in this living room.

Viscount Levin Kingston was originally going to say goodbye to the visitors from Bonn.

"The engagement can also be terminated."

Viscount Blackburn seemed unable to hear Viscount Levin Kingston's evasion, or he simply didn't care about the other party's attitude.

"Forget it, if you don't believe in Professor Meiqi's educational level and think he can't be of much help to Lilith, it's useless for me to say more. There are many dignitaries from other city-states lining up to see Meiqi. Professor Qi, I gave you enough face, but it’s a pity that you don’t appreciate it.”

Viscount Blackburn sighed sadly.

"...That's not what I meant. I respect the educators of Protus Royal Academy of Magic."

Viscount Levin Kingston suppressed the impatience and irritability in his heart, glanced at Professor Meiqi, and said.

During this extraordinary period of the empire, the Snowfield Province was isolated from the Northern Border Province and the Box Mountain Province and became an independent existence.

Not only are communication and transportation problems now, there is also the threat of Spectre.

If several city-states unite to crowd out one city-state, it will be very fatal. It may become the target of the Spectre Party. Without being able to seek help from other provinces or neighboring city-states, it is not impossible to be destroyed.

Obviously, many dignitaries in other city-states are trying their best to please this professor named Meqi, hoping to be cared for in the Protos Royal Academy of Magic in the future.

Viscount Bonn, who was friends with Meiqi, has obviously gradually become the leader among many powerful people.

Although Viscount Levin Kingston also doubted Professor Mech's truth, he did not dare to speculate.

In other words, in fact, until now, after Viscount Bonn has occupied a position supported by many powerful people, it has nothing to do with whether Mechi is true or false.

It can be said that this is a conspiracy. Whoever dares to question Viscount Bonn, who is in a high position, Bonn will concentrate other forces as quickly as possible to deal with that person.

"Lilith, don't worry, Professor Meiqi is my teacher now, and he won't be embarrassed."

The handsome and tall young man behind Viscount Blackbone, the Viscount Dean of Bones, comforted Lilith.


Lilith didn't say anything, her cold look seemed like she wouldn't reveal her feelings to anyone, she was just waiting.

"Lilith, do you have anything to say?"

Viscount Levin Kingston looked back at his daughter and asked.

He always felt as if his daughter was waiting for someone, but it was difficult for others to guess her thoughts.

"I won't marry anyone weaker than me."

She said in an indifferent voice.

Immediately, Viscount Dean Bonn, who was beside her, beamed with joy, and smiled intentionally or unintentionally as he glanced at Xia Ya on the sofa in the distance.

"After Professor Meiqi's guidance, maybe I am really stronger than Miss Lilith now?"

Viscount Dean Bonn saluted Lilith gracefully.

It was as if he was inviting her to compete, hoping to become her fiancée.

This made Char finally stand up. He wanted to say something, but he didn't want to embarrass Viscount Levin Kingston and held back.

Although Xia is a noble from the south, he has already heard that Master Dean Bonn has a bad reputation. He is a typical playboy. There are rumors that he has raped many civilian girls, but they were all His powerful dad settled it.

Char will not characterize a person based on what he hears, but will only judge it through his own perception and what he catches with his eyes. The look Dean Bone looked at Lilith just now, although he pretended to be affectionate, actually noticed West Germany's For a moment, he became uncontrollably greedy again.

All this was keenly noticed by Char.

"Oh? Char Candace, what do you want to say?"

Viscount Blackburn once again paid unkind attention to Char.

He patted his wrist lightly, looked at the young man with a smile for a moment, and then spoke again,

"How about this, let my son Dean experience the power of this descendant of the Candace family. After all, Lilith has said that she doesn't want to marry a weakling. You should also respect your daughter's wishes, right?"

He actually didn't care how his son would treat Lilith after he got her. He just told her not to go out and cause trouble again until she gave birth to an heir.

Black knew very well that Levin would most likely not remarry. As long as he got Lilith, it would not only be a marriage alliance, but sooner or later the Kingston family would also belong to them.

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate for the third level to fight the second level. I think at least some restrictions should be placed on both sides."

Viscount Levin Kingston pondered.

"Weakness is always a problem for the weak. Does anyone need to give in to others?"

Professor Mech spoke coldly.

It's like elaborating on the unchanging tradition of Protos Royal Academy from beginning to end, which cannot be questioned or refuted.

Viscount Levin Kingston's expression suddenly froze.

"Indeed... matters related to Miss Lilith's happiness should be distinguished. And the strength of the Candace family is said to have always been exerted without sparing any effort. If Mr. Xia really With the strength of the legendary heads of the Candace family, he can attack with all his strength without any worries. Even if I lose, I can still be convinced."

Viscount Dean also calmly smiled and smoothed things over.

"I am afraid……"

"That's it, the loser will never see me again."

Before Viscount Levin Kingston could shirk again, Lilith had already spoken.

"no problem."

Dean agreed with a smile on his face, while Viscount Blackburn showed a satisfied smile and looked at Char, who was sitting on the sofa and could not intervene in their conversation.

He was still silent, with his head slightly lowered, like a lion cub soaked by the rain by the lake, confused, powerless, and unable to see his own reflection clearly.

In fact, regardless of whether Xia Ya agrees or not, the matter has been decided.

It's nothing more than choosing one of two options: giving up or losing ugly.

"Xia Ya has come all the way and must be quite tired. It would be unfair to compete now, at least in three days."

Viscount Levin Kingston sighed helplessly and cast a very guilty look at Char.

It can only be said that time is destiny. In the current situation of the Protos Empire, some fate will be crushed by the wheel of fate.

If it doesn't work, we can only give Xia Ya some money and let him return to the south. At least he can't have any accidents.

"Very good. When the time comes, I will invite more nobles from the province to witness it. Levin, please don't default on your debt then."

So the few people who were about to leave walked out of the living room again with polite voices and footsteps.

Lilith glanced at Xia for the last time, moved her lips slightly, and then turned around and left without saying a word.

No one knew what she meant by this glance, or what she told Xia through lip reading.

Only Char stood there blankly.

"Looking back at the dress, you will never forget it once you see it. This is the feeling of love between boys and girls."

Sid leaned on the sofa and drank the sour fruit tea from the snowy land, looked at Lan Qi on the other side and said.


Lan Qi just crossed his arms, frowned slightly, and nodded thoughtfully.

Boss Cat finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lan Qi's condition.

In fact, Hyperion had repeatedly told Lan Qi on the road that she should never interfere in other people's love affairs.

Most of the time, he just needs to be a spectator and watch quietly.

Even if you really feel that you cannot sit idly by and do nothing, you should seek the opinions of those around you.

He may often be right, but he may not be right.

So thinking back to Hyperion's words, Lan Qi was now in quite a dilemma.

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