Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 308 The Lost in the Northern Snowfield

Kingston City, a city-state located on a high mountain, is a place surrounded by snowstorms all year round.

The cold wind howled across the steep ridges, dancing with the rising snow particles.

In the canvas-like vast snowfield highlands, pure white snowflakes dance in the air. Each piece seems to be alive. They hover gently and finally fall on the endless snowfield.

There are still some signs of life in this patch of snow.

Occasionally, animal footprints can be seen, which are gradually covered again by the wind and snow. At the end of the footprints, the elk is standing quietly on the snow, looking in one direction. Soon, it seems to have discovered something, and it is like an arrow. The ground suddenly fled away.

The wind and snow continued to howl.

The undulations and textures on the long snow gradually became clearer. In the distance where the elk ran away, a small dot seemed to be moving slowly against the wind and snow.

It wasn't obvious at first, but as time went by, the figure's steps became more and more hurried, staggering from time to time, and about to fall on the snow.

With heavy breathing, the young man in a heavy coat finally threw down his suitcase, scattering his only decent-looking aristocratic costume and his certificate from the south.

His skin was as white as the surrounding snow, his eyes were big and bright, full of panic and anxiety, and his flaxen hair was as smooth as that of a young lady from a warm and wealthy city in the south, but now it was messed up by the wind and snow.

Behind him, there were about four or five strong men chasing him quickly.

They were wearing heavy hunting clothes and monster leather hats, with smiling expressions that were ferocious and cruel. Every step they took trampled heavily on the snow, leaving a series of deep footprints.

It was obvious that they were strong men who had lived in this northern city-state all year round, and the distance between them and the boy was still shrinking.

The boy's feet were stepping on soft snow, and every step seemed to swallow him up.

His breathing was rapid, his cheeks were bitten red by the cold wind, and he ran forward unremittingly.

The silence of the snowfield was broken by the sound of their pursuit, echoing across the boundless white land.

The frozen mountains and forests in the distance are the boy's life-saving straw.

He knew that if he could reach the snow forest, there would be a glimmer of hope to escape.

Even if it is remote, it is better than escaping on this flat snowfield!

"You noble lady from the south, come and play with us!"

"Don't worry, we won't kill you right away."

Accompanied by the harsh carnival shouts of the villains, several sharp arrows flew towards the young man's back from time to time, but they all failed to hit the young man as if by some strange combination of circumstances, or seemed to be missed by an invisible barrier.


The young man gritted his teeth and did not dare to look back. He could only judge the distance between the gangsters and him by their voices.

However, the distance shortened much faster than he imagined.

I am afraid that I will be overtaken by this group of people before I even enter the snow forest, or even a long way away!

In the wind and snow, the distance between the boy and the robber is getting closer and closer, and tension and crisis are filling the air. However, this ruthless snowfield does not seem to intend to favor anyone - it looks at this life-and-death chase indifferently. , waiting for the results to be announced.

The weak eat the strong, and survival of the fittest is the law of survival on the snow.

Even the southerners of the empire have long heard of the situation in the north of the empire.

Of course, the south is not so stable now.

The north is in chaos only because of external threats and the new laws and changes in the empire this year.

After passing several cities further north from Kingston City, you will reach the northern front. The route from Box Mountain Province to Kingston City is already full of thorns.

The young man was now so distraught that he didn't even know whether it was because his legs and feet were gradually numb from the cold in the snow, or because he was weakened by fear. He could hardly hold on any longer.

There were several unfortunate things.

His name is Char, and he is the eldest son of the Earl Candace family in the south of the Protos Empire. His ancestors had outstanding military exploits in the Protos Empire. However, because of two generations of prodigal family heads, he is now heavily in debt and almost unable to untie the pot.

So now I can only come to the north to get married.

To a certain extent, there is an element of the family selling him, but essentially this is a mutually beneficial transaction in which everyone gets what they need.

The Kingston family he wanted to marry into were not bad.

The lord of Kingston City, Viscount Levine Kingston, is a well-known businessman in the imperial capital in recent years. With his personal talent, the size of the chamber of commerce accumulated by his family over the years, and his own outstanding military force, he is able to gain a foothold in the north. Gradually, this northern city-state and their family gradually gained an unstoppable rise.

But as a family of merchants, the only problem with the Kingston family is that they have always been ridiculed as shoddy nobles who paid their way into the business.

It is also for this reason that Viscount Levin Kingston is not well received by some big nobles whenever he goes to the imperial capital. It may be that he simply looks down on him, or it may be out of jealousy. There are even many nobles in the north. Run him.

Even though Char was worthless, he was an orthodox ancient nobleman with indelible military exploits. He happened to have this noble bloodline, and his family had already left its name in the history of the Protos Empire before the start of the Holy War.

This is exactly what the Kingston family saw.

It is said that his fiancée is a very outstanding and proud person. She has reached the third level at the age of 17. She will go directly to the imperial capital to enter the first grade of Protos Royal Academy in the early summer of this year and become a promising aristocratic student.

And his family couldn't even help him pay his tuition.

If you want to be a special admissions student and enroll without paying any fees, you need to be quite talented.

Due to his strength, he had difficulty even taking the preparatory exam and had already failed once. He didn't want to fight with others, let alone hurt others, and he had no confidence in surviving in that harsh school.

The most promising way to enroll is to become a follower of Miss Kingston's fiancé and be taken to enroll by her.

But this kind of behavior is a bit like a pretty boy.

Her family could afford to hire a powerful entourage for her.

This time, I don’t know if she will break the marriage and let herself go home.

Everything was unknown. He didn't even know whether his fiancée was beautiful or not, or what her personality was like. Although there were some very dangerous and strange rumors circulating in the north, he still came all the way to change his life.

Theoretically speaking, if he could make a comeback from a desperate situation and restore the family's glory in his own hands, he would not only have a place in the Imperial House of Lords, but also regain the respectable appearance of his family in the aristocratic circle of the Protos Empire.


First of all, the railway was broken, and the weather was bad and it was difficult to repair. It could have been safer to go directly to Kingston City on the magic rail train protected by the imperial army.

Now in order to keep the appointment on time, I have to brave the wind and snow to cross the wilderness and rush to the city.

As a result, I encountered gangsters on the road.

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