Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 304 Lan Qi obviously has no ambitions

When the sound of conversation pauses, the thoughts that originally flowed between the words are sealed, giving people the illusion that time has stopped.

The only sounds left in the silent office were the slight ticking of the clock and the crisp sound of drizzle hitting the glass outside the window, which became particularly clear in the quiet principal's office.

The books on the desk seem to be immersed in this tranquility. The copper table lamp beside it trembles slightly, casting warm yellow light and shadow on the tabletop, which blends with the deep wood grain to create a tranquil color.

Cloris stared at Ranchi's desk and thought deeply.

"So, Croliss, is there something that's troubling you? Do you need my help?"

Lan Qi picked up the tea cup that was still a little warm, put it to his mouth and sipped slightly.

Crolis raised her head slightly.

"I want to form an alliance with Mr. Rocky McCarthy to stop this war in the Empire."

She answered bluntly.

"As far as I know, although Duke Morotian cannot be completely regarded as a war faction, your family should be more inclined to the war side, right?"

Lan Qi was willing to believe Xi Duo. After all, he didn't even have any ill intentions towards Zestila. More importantly, his disgust for war could be seen in his communication with him and between the lines of his works.

But as for the princess, Lan Qi is still not sure of her position.

"My father has actually disappeared a long time ago, and the Duke Morotian on the stage now is actually a medicine man controlled by me."

Cloris sighed and said.


Showdown with Cloris.

This time even Lan Qi was stunned, the tea cup hanging in the air.

He was not just shocked that Princess Cloris made such a shocking statement and directly revealed this kind of thing to him, but that she dared to do this thing itself.

No wonder that when Zestila and Zestila first came to the imperial capital of Herrom, they had already heard that Duke Morodian was now refusing any visits from the [Original Slate - Undead], relying on credits from Protos Royal Academy of Magic. Points can only be found to find the [Original Slate-Light] of the great sage Isis of the empire.

It turns out that the [Original Slate-Undead] no longer exists at all.

"You are calmer than I thought. Don't you question how the Duke, the holder of the tablet, could disappear?"

Cloris observed Lan Qi's reaction, laughed, and asked.

In fact, she didn't need to joke at all. As for the authenticity, she could easily show it to Lan Qi as long as she went to the Duke's Palace with her.

"For a girl whose father is missing, I would choose to believe her first instead of questioning her. After all, she is the one who bears the most."

Lan Qi put down the teacup, regained his composure, and spoke with conviction.


Cloris looked at Lanqi and was silent for a moment.

This conversation with Lan Qi seemed to be the most surprising one for her.

"Do you have any clues about the mystery of the Duke's disappearance?"

Ranch asked.

"No, except that I am convinced that he lost contact with me in the north. The clues are so clean that it is incredible. This is also the reason why I was able to conceal the fact that the Duke was missing."

Cloris shook her head.

Lan Qi nodded upon hearing this.

In fact, theoretically speaking, Hyperion could have done this when Duke Milaya disappeared. If he made a wrong move, he would be doomed, and Hyperion could not do such a thing at all.

She didn't even mourn her father's disappearance for a moment, and took control of all the power of the family immediately. It can only be said that Cloris is much more ruthless than Hyperion, and she has a kind of courage that ordinary people don't have.

If you think about it carefully, Princess Cloris's step may have directly changed the current structure of the Protos Empire.

If Duke Morotian disappears at a very bad time, people will rely more on the Church of Resurrection, and the panic will be even greater, which is extremely easy to explode.

Although it seems that Duke Morotian is one of the pillars supporting the main war faction, in fact he is also a key pillar in maintaining the current balance of the Protos Empire.

The trigger for the war in the Protos Empire was originally caused by fear and resentment, but Duke Molotian, as a being who could suppress fear, could not disappear.

"What are you going to do next?"

Lan Qi looked at Cloris again and asked.

Her position is very clear, it can even be said that it cannot be clearer. She must oppose the war.

Paper can't contain the fire. Once war really comes, the Duke's affairs will be exposed, and Crolis's behavior will be burdened with serious crimes and irreparable public backlash, and she will be beyond redemption.

She chose to temporarily deceive the empire to take over this power, which would bring her great initiative, but she also had to bet that winning this initiative would give her a chance to overthrow the person behind the scenes.

Naturally, the person behind the scenes will not expose her. If the person behind the scenes tries to expose her in any way, there is a risk of being caught and exposed. Going from darkness to light too early is the last thing that those who spend great efforts to control the situation want to see. .

Cloris calculated all this correctly, it was both a game and a huge gamble.

I'm afraid even the person behind the scenes didn't expect that she would dare to play like this.

"Maybe I can keep dragging it on, but I believe someone won't let me drag it on. I guess it will take more than a month at most. When the cooperation between the Church of Resurrection and the Empire is completely completed, even if Duke Morodian is missing, The backbone will also be filled in, and an evenly matched war can begin."

Chloris said with the same careless look. Even though she was the one in the most danger, she still looked like it had nothing to do with her.

"So what do you want me to do to help you?"

Lanci is convinced that Cloris is an excellent partner.

At this point, if their positions are consistent and mutually beneficial, then the deal is likely to be concluded.

The good news is that her power is far greater than he imagined. She controls the entire Duke's family. The bad news is that if you cooperate with her, you have to accompany her to make a desperate move.

Either lose and be a sinner for the rest of your life, or win and be a light for all eternity.

"There are not many directions for investigation at the moment... But since you firmly believe that those guys are not demons, I would like to ask you to go to the north to investigate. Although the hope is slim, as long as you can catch any evidence and bring it back, I and I Associate Professor Xi Duo can use all the channels of the Duke’s family to expose it, and accordingly, our Duke’s family will also be your backing in the future.”

Chloris spoke slowly.

"The difficulty is that you need to find a way to get a pass to the northern defense line. The north is not only blocked in communications, but also needs a pass issued by the Imperial Defense Department."

Then she added.

Obviously, this was the only thing she couldn't do to help Lan Qi. If he had been connected with the Duke's family when he set out, it would have been quite dangerous to go north.

In the imperial capital of Herrom, the great sage Isis of the empire and the eighth-level powerhouses are stationed. Even if the enemy wants to mess around, they will only face greater risks, but it is different in the north.

"I have a pass, no problem. I just have official business to go to the north to do."

Lan Qi leaned back on the chair calmly and said.

There is quite a calmness and dignity of a principal.

Despite this, Xi Duo, who was sitting next to the sofa, still had his eyes twitching.

Because Lan Qi gave him the feeling of "having all kinds of documents on him" at this moment, often such overly reliable people would make people think that they are not doing serious work.

"Then please, Principal Rocky."

Crolis stood up, smiled and saluted Lanqi again.

Although she didn't have much expectation that Lan Qi would be able to dig out any big materials when he went north.

However, if he can really bring something back, he may soon be on the cover of "Empire Weekly", there will be many interviews and speeches, and even the countries far north will pay attention to Rocky Macca. This person in the west.

It's a pity that these reputations don't mean much to him.

He seemed too wishless, or without any ambition.

Maybe this is the loneliness in him. Even if he has accomplished great achievements, no one can share this joy with him.

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