Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 260 Principal Lanqi is in high spirits again

On the late night road leading to Protos Royal Academy of Magic.

Zestila simply told Lan Qi one of her secrets.

A small number of demons with outstanding talents do not need to be promoted to a high level, and they are born with a weak level of innate magic.

Zestila's talent not only allows her to avoid some dangers, but also allows her to withstand more negative emotions.

In the past ten years, she had seen people who were more or less kind and malicious to her, but she had never seen a pure and flawless guy like Lan Qi.

Between the tall buildings, a hanging garden supported by transparent magic barriers was suspended in the air. There were singing plants and glowing ghosts planted in it. The two of them passed under it without any worry that they would fall.

This city-state is psychedelic but never loses its eerie tone.

"Go that way."

Zestila pointed to the intersection on the left, signaling Lan Qi not to go straight to an old neighborhood in front.

This is an old neighborhood with a slightly distorted shape. Its spatial structure is actually different from the outside world. It is like a multi-dimensional intersection. If you step in, you may reach any location in the imperial capital at any time.

"By the way, do you also want to enter the Shadow World?"

Lan Qi asked slightly curiously.

There is no Artificial Shadow World Activation Terminal on the Northern Continent, a large magical device that can be called the pinnacle of modern human magic engineering.

So there is no "practice mode" accordingly.

Death in the artificial shadow world does not really lead to death, but in the real shadow world, once you die, you lose your life.

A preparatory student like Zestila, who had not even reached the first grade, had to face the real world of shadows when she came up.

However, according to Lanqi’s understanding from the Silver Armor Priest, the coursework rewards at Protos Royal Academy of Magic are also very generous and direct. For example, as long as they pay enough credits, most of the resources that students may need can be exchanged.

The school can even arrange for students to observe the [Original Slate-Light] of the Great Sage of the Empire.

As for the holder of the other [Original Slate - Undead], Duke Morodian currently refuses any request to observe.

The poet Da Ai once told Lan Qi that if he collected more of his "Fake Slates" series, he might be able to get some changes when he puts them together later.

Because the [original stone slabs] are originally fragments of murals that can be put together, but they have been isolated, and there is absolute mutual repulsion between the two [original stone slabs].

But the [fake slate] made by the poet of great love does not have this kind of exclusion, and one person can tie up multiple pieces.

Just looking at the records of the complete territory, it seems that [Original Slate - Light] and [Original Slate - Wind] are two adjacent pieces.

If it was possible to observe the [original slate - light], Lan Qi would like to try putting the [fake slate - light] and [fake slate - wind] together.

"I chose the "Shadow World Practical Skills" course. It is a course that can be taken by preparatory students and first-year students. The credits are very high, and if you want to become stronger, challenging the Shadow World will speed up the process."

Zestila may disappear from school for half a day to several days. She will tell Lan Qi in advance so that he does not have to worry and not to run around in the school.

"Have you studied the shadow world in the Southern Continent?"

She heard that people from the Southern Continent were more accustomed to using mechanisms and wisdom to pass the Shadow World than relying on their own strength. They also had a comprehensive system, teaching, and intelligence knowledge sharing, which greatly increased the overall success rate of the Shadow World.

"I've fought twice and done some research."

Lan Qi nodded.

"Then tell me a little bit about the key points of our challenge to the Shadow World from the Southern Continent."

Zestila said.

This shadow world will be observed by professors and the senior students with the highest credits. In addition to the credits awarded based on evaluation, it will largely determine whether any teacher is willing to select her and bring her into the Upper House.

"No problem, but if you don't know anything about the shadow world, you can just take me with you."

Lan Qi knew that Zestila was only at the second level.

It stands to reason that there is no problem in playing the second-level shadow world, but after listening to Viscount Francis once told him about Zestila's experience in the entrance examination, it may be that the real danger is not the shadow world, but her classmates.

"No need."

Zestila flatly refused.

She wouldn't take him into such a dangerous place.

The two fell into a natural silence again. Most of the time, Zestila had no words at all, walking along the river of energy.

There is a river in the city of Herrom. It is not an ordinary river, but an unprocessed natural magic core liquid mineral spring. From time to time, psychedelic ripples will appear on the river, which is highly poisonous to people who are not strong enough in magic power.

Across the river, the Helrom Zoo is an iconic institutional building that houses many transformed creatures and alchemy creatures from the demon world. However, visitors are required to sign a statement acknowledging that the park is not responsible if they are swallowed or deformed.

Continuing forward, past the Endless Library and the Starry Sky Theater, you will reach Protos Royal Academy of Magic.

There is a library in Herom City with an uncountable number of books, and the administrator is a seventh-level automaton.

Not far above the library, at the end of the hundreds of meters high suspended steps is a theater. It is said that sitting in it will feel like the night sky is the canopy, and the stars are within reach, but it is not suitable for audiences with acrophobia and heart disease.

Lanci has already done tourism surveys on these places.

This is an extraordinary city-state, and it would be a shame not to have fun there.

It didn't take long.

The two of them came to a building on the outer edge of the college to complete the formalities before entering the inner area of ​​the school.

It is similar to the Student Service Center of Icerita College, the only difference is that the service is maintained 24 hours a day.

Quickly processed by night shift staff.

After Lanqi filled out some forms, he successfully got a bracelet similar to Zestila's.


He turned his head and looked at the bracelet on Zestila's hand, and saw the changing dim crimson glossy text on it showing [150 (+0)].

Lan Qi's own bracelet is [0].

"Can I also earn points as a tutor?"

Lan Qi probably guessed the meaning of the numbers.

If he were a follower, the number on his bracelet would be the number in brackets on Zestila's bracelet.

"All the points you earn will belong to me, but I don't need you to take risks to gain points for me."

Zestila said calmly.

"Don't the expenses in school also cost credits?"

Lan Qi noticed a few things when filling out the form just now. For example, when entering the school, there is no transaction channel using imperial currency. Students' living expenses will be deducted from the credits, so if no credits are recorded, there will be less and less. Yes, this is somewhat similar to the model of Purgatory Corridor Academy.

Theoretically, the school will not be audited by trading credits through imperial currency, but as long as a buyer or seller makes a report, the accused party will most likely have credits deducted, be expelled from school, and be recorded in the file. This seems to be deliberately retained. It is difficult to say whether the loopholes in the system are designed to provoke students' trust and examine their minds.

"Don't worry."

Zestila's voice was still so calm,

"It would be a better choice for a tutor-type follower to stay outside the school most of the time, but I would like to ask you to help me on the monthly assessment day."

Zestila frankly told Lanqi the help she needed.

Lan Qi was willing to stay in school every day to teach her during the weekdays, or he could only come to tutor her on weekends.

"Monthly assessment day?"

Lan Qi rarely heard Zestila ask him for help.

He had previously heard that Zestila would have a big assessment at the end of the month, and then there would be a Shadow World challenge, both of which were very important to her.

"The last day of each month is the assessment day. Closed assessments will be conducted. At the same time, the whole school will become a semi-restricted area. The danger level of the classrooms will be graded. You must enter at least three classrooms that day, but it is impossible to distinguish the students in each classroom. You can help me with whatever the subjects are, such as some magic engineering and magic genealogy exams. This is also an opportunity to get a lot of credit points."

Zestila said, "But I will protect you."

Hearing this, Lan Qi frowned slightly and began to think deeply.

He always thought this pattern sounded familiar.

Isn't this the normalized pattern of his Purgatory Corridor Academy?


Zestila glanced at Lanqi.

She has very few requirements for Lanqi's responsibilities, but this is quite difficult. It is normal for him to be a little stressed, but if he is not willing, Zestila will not force him.

Most of the time, Lan Qi will be able to move around freely in the Imperial Capital.

It's safer than staying in school.

This harmless young man, Zestila just hopes that he will live happily and comfortably in the Imperial City. If he wants to settle down, he can take care of himself in old age. He doesn't seem to be someone who likes to worry about big things.

"Don't worry, even if it's a part-time tutoring job, I will do my best."

Lan Qi said confidently.

Since she can bring a tutor to help during the exam, Lan Qi will definitely live up to Zestila's expectations and let her classmates see what it means to be personally punished by the principal.

Since there is no burden on him in his own job, he can focus wholeheartedly on developing new business.

Boss Cat asked him before if he wanted to be the principal again this time, and he said no.

We agreed to give Hyperion a little surprise when we meet her.

Lan Qi always pays attention to what he says.

Because he had already been the principal once, so becoming the principal this time might not have a strong enough impact on her. He wanted to come up with something new.

Having already initially penetrated the Southwest Province through the Resurrection Church, he not only gained the admiration of Archbishop Kane, but his implementation policy was also recognized by the conservatives headed by the administrator of the Southwest Province. His highly spread image of a pioneer is being Gradually became the respected leader of a new faction.

With some more support, as a pioneer, he might be able to start breaking into imperial politics, starting with the House of Commons.

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