But Wei Lanlan grabbed her and stuffed the things she was carrying into Shen Tianxing's hands. She glanced at the five-star luxury car not far away, and said to Shen Tianxing hurriedly. "Little Royal Academy, we are really happy for you, really..."

Speaking of the latter, Wei Lanlan's eyes were already red.

She was thinking, if they had not abandoned this smart child back then, would she be able to share this joy and happiness with her now?

Seeing Wei Lanlan missing her but not daring to drag her down, and Ning Ziyi looking at her with admiration and wanting to be with her, Shen Tianxing suddenly felt a pang in his heart.

She knew that Wei Lanlan had a soft temper, so she didn't discuss it with her. She simply took Ning Ziyi's hand and said to Wei Lanlan, "Mom, please stop talking. Since you are all here, Just come with us for dinner. As you know, my parents are very good people. Let’s go! Don’t worry, they will welcome you!”

"small star……"

Wei Lanlan still wanted to persuade, but Xiaoxing quickly interrupted her, "Let's go, let's go, if you keep talking, I'll be angry!"

Hearing what Shen Tianxing said, Wei Lanlan quickly shut her mouth.

She followed Shen Tianxing step by step, with an expression on her face that showed the excitement and excitement of being with her daughter, but also the worry and uneasiness of being afraid of dragging her daughter down.

Facts have proved that she was indeed overthinking.

Shen Wenru and Li Xiuxia welcomed her very warmly.

Even Dugu Zixi loved Wujiwu and nodded good-naturedly towards Wei Lanlan and Ning Ziyi.

Wei Lanlan and Ning Ziyi felt relieved when they saw everyone welcoming their mother and daughter.

Although Ning Ziyi is only ten years old now, what she has experienced in the past few years has made this child grow up, become more sensible and considerate, and work harder in studies.

He has always regarded his sister Shen Tianxing as his goal and idol, and hopes that through his own efforts, he can be on par with this powerful sister.

Even if he can't be on par with his sister, his younger brother's grades can at least not be too far behind her sister's.

A group of six people entered the gate of the Royal Academy in a five-star luxury car driven by Dugu Zixi.

Dugu Zixi's five-star luxury car and his face are equivalent to a passport.

As soon as the Royal Academy gate guard saw his person and car, he opened the door for him early and stood there respectfully. He smiled ingratiatingly at them, then nodded and bowed to welcome them in.

Dugu Zixi's five-star luxury car had just stopped at the door of Shen Tianxing's dormitory and villa when he saw Sun Daheng, the old dean of the Royal Academy, leading a group of people hurriedly towards them.

The old director Sun Daheng is also the younger brother of the old Chinese doctor Sun Datong who previously treated Dugu Zixi.

Sun Daheng, the old dean, had long heard many stories about the little miracle doctor Shen Tianxing from his elder brother. He also knew that his elder brother had always hoped to have the opportunity to discuss medical matters with the little miracle doctor Shen Tianxing.

When he heard that Shen Tianxing would attend university in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Royal Academy, Sun Datong, a Chinese medicine doctor, excitedly approached his younger brother and asked him to arrange a professor position for him in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Royal Academy.

As a Chinese medicine doctor, Sun Datong must have no problem at all as an old professor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Royal Academy.

But he is already seventy years old now, and even the Royal Health Care Team has asked him to retire. They dare not allow him to visit doctors casually anymore, not to mention that he wants to work as a professor in a school.

If something happened, it would be hard for his younger brother to explain it to his family.

Therefore, the old dean Sun Daheng never agreed with Big Brother's nonsense.

But since Sun Datong cured Shen Tianxing and Dugu Zixi, he also cured General Li, and also cured Old Man Ruan. In the past two years, he has also cured many important figures in the capital who were terminally ill. His old man was very interested in Shen. Tianxing's medical skills are absolutely something to be admired.

Now that he finally had this opportunity to get close to and discuss with Shen Tianxing, how could he, a medical idiot, miss it?

The old dean, Sun Daheng, couldn't resist Big Brother's persistence, and his family members couldn't persuade him. In the end, they had no choice but to let the old man do whatever he wanted.

Sun Datong has been staying here at the Royal Academy for the past two days, waiting for Shen Tianxing to report to the academy.

The old dean, Sun Daheng, had no choice but to stay with his elder brother.

This time, as soon as they heard the notification call from the school gate guard, the two brothers came over quickly.

There were originally not so many people, but the school's senior officials who also had a keen sense of smell had been waiting for this opportunity to make friends with Dugu Zixi and Shen Tianxing.

They also arranged spies for the school gate guards, and immediately knew that Dugu Zixi and Shen Tianxing had finally arrived at the college. Then they quickly followed the old dean and rushed over to greet Dugu Zixi and Shen Tianxing. Shen Tianxing.

When Dugu Zixi and Shen Tianxing saw so many people coming, they looked at each other and felt helpless.

They didn't want to alarm anyone, so they came over quietly to take a look.

But it just so happens that these people are more sophisticated than ghosts, and they can't avoid them even if they want to.

Faced with the warm and smiling faces of the old dean Sun Daheng, the Chinese doctor Sun Datong, and other college leaders, Dugu Zixi and Shen Tianxing felt helpless, but they could only go up and greet them.

Sun Datong had been responsible for treating Dugu Zixi and recuperating before Shen Tianxing appeared.

He and Dugu Zixi were also very familiar with each other.

In order to establish a relationship with Shen Tianxing, this time, he didn't even need his old face and directly relied on them.

The other college leaders finished greetings with Dugu Zixi and Shen Tianxing, showed their faces in front of them, handed over their business cards, and found excuses to leave under Dugu Zixi's hint.

But Sun Datong was better. No matter what Dugu Zixi said or hinted, he just refused to leave, which made the old dean Sun Daheng look apologetic. In the end, he didn't bother to care about his eldest brother, so he excused himself and left in embarrassment.

Shen Tianxing was also dumbfounded by this old Chinese doctor, so she had no choice but to promise the old Chinese doctor that she would discuss medical skills with him in the future. As long as he was willing to learn, she would never hide anything.

Sun Datong got her promise and left with satisfaction.

Dugu Zixi took Shen Tianxing, Shen Wenru, Li Xiuxia, Wei Lanlan and Ning Ziyi to look upstairs and downstairs before taking them out of the academy and preparing to go back to Dugu's house for lunch.

When Wei Lanlan heard that she was going back to Dugu's house for lunch, she was a little timid and didn't want to go.

PS: The third update is completed. Dear friends who have recommended monthly tickets, please help vote, okay~

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