"Haha... it feels disgusting! Despicable!"

"A black sheep like this should be eliminated as soon as possible!"

"The leader of Fang Fan advocates the formation of the Thousand Nations Alliance, and I, Xu, is the first to agree! The leader of the Xu State, Xu Zheng, is willing to support the leader of Lifang Fan as the leader of the Thousand Nations Alliance!

"I Xunguo also supports..."

"My Koala Country also supports..."



"Haha... what Thousand Nations Alliance, in the end, is it not his own family to keep his own home? It's useless? Fang Fan only cares about his own one-third of acres of land. He is up to the sky. By the way, he will help Huajing. You think he will be far away. Cross the ocean to help other countries? Thinking too much! He wants you all to be killed!"

"Anyway, my big cherry blossom country will not join any **** Thousand Nations Alliance! We are surrounded by oceans on all sides, and we are safe!"


"Unless we people in Country M become the leaders of the Thousand Nations Alliance, we will not join!"

"This is a conspiracy! Fang Fan's ambition has been completely exposed, and he wants to take this opportunity to dominate the world! The shameless side is completely revealed!"

"Reconsideration! It's the same in our country..."

"Well...Fang Fan is the descendant of my great high country blood. All of us in the great high country firmly support Fang Fan to become the leader of the alliance!"


Fang Fan advocates the formation of the Thousand Nations Alliance. Those who support it will naturally oppose it, and some will maintain a neutral posture.

From the current point of view, the opposition plus the neutral accounted for 70%.

Only about 30% of the country's leaders are willing to stick to Fang Fan's side, and are willing to join the Thousand Nations Alliance and support Fang Fan as the leader of this alliance.

Seeing this result, Fang Fan was not discouraged.

From his perspective, he had already anticipated this situation.

It was beyond Fang Fan's expectation that even 30% of the country could support it.

"Willing to join the Thousand Nations Alliance...I welcome!"

"If you don't want to join, I won't force it!"

"But I want to make a point in advance! After joining the Thousand Nations Alliance, from now on, all countries in this alliance are not allowed to attack each other! When necessary, they must support each other!"

"In addition... if anyone dares to attack a member of the Thousand Nations Alliance at this critical time, our Fang Fan will completely kill you even if we attack for thousands of miles!"

"I do what I say!"

"To borrow a word, anyone who violates our Thousand Nations Alliance will be punishable even though it is far away!"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually condensed. At this moment, he must come out of this state!

"World Notice!"

"The battle of the planes has been open for more than three hours, now the plane killing list is announced!"

"Plane kills the list!"

"First place: Gillet, 54 points, orcs!"

"Second place: Elton, 37 o'clock, Orcs!"

"Third place: Alexis, 35 points, orcs!"

"Fourth place: Elmer, 34 points, orcs!"

"Fifth place: Buddy, 29 o'clock, orcs!"

"Sixth place: Milosi, 20 o'clock, Orcs!"

"Seventh place: Kabbah, 12 o'clock, Orcs!"

"Eighth place: Augustus, 10 o'clock, orcs!"

"Ninth place: Maxine, 8 o'clock, orcs!"

"Tenth place: Jeffrey, 5 o'clock, orcs!"

"Eleventh... Orcs..."


"Forty-seventh, Zhao Qun, one point, Terran!"

Shocking list...

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