Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 702 The future has long been determined

It can be said that as long as her elder sister can agree to her request, Shirai Kuroko is really willing to do anything and can do anything. Although, in such a process, she may indeed suffer many times the "lash of love" from her elder sister. However, for Shirai Kuroko, that is really nothing.

Or it can be said that the more her older sister treats her like this, the more excited Shirai Kuroko will be. Perhaps, fundamentally speaking, Kuroko Shirai is a "pervert" who shakes her pussy. However, if it were simpler, using "shaking~M~change~state" to describe Shirai Kuroko would actually be a very appropriate way of calling him. If you look at it this way, what Misaka Mikoto thought about before is really necessary.

After all, if Shirai Kuroko is such a "shaky~M~perverted~lily~girl", then if Misaka Mikoto can come up with some ways that won't make Shirai Kuroko feel comfortable or excited at all, If you come to "educate" her, it may really be possible to achieve some different results.

Of course, you can think about those things later. Now, Misaka Mikoto still really needs to move the elementary school girl in front of her, who was electrocuted to the point of fainting, to a safe place again. Fortunately, now, the two of them have arrived and have chosen a place to stay in advance. In this case, she only needs to move her elementary school girl there.

No matter what she said, she couldn't let her elementary school girl lie down on the street until she woke up. After all, even if she wanted to "educate" her elementary school girl, Misaka Mikoto would shock her elementary school girl until she fainted in the street. However, Misaka Mikoto could only watch Shirai Kuroko helplessly. , lying down on the street until she wakes up, Misaka Mikoto would never be able to do such a thing.

"Oh~~~ Heizi, you really want me to treat you how you want... It would be great if your character was not so special... In that case, I can really relax That's a lot..." Looking at Shirai Kuroko who was unconscious on the street, Misaka Mikoto finally expressed her feelings helplessly.

No matter how you put it, in Misaka Mikoto's opinion, as long as this elementary school girl of hers can slightly change her bad character, then she will really be much more relaxed than she is now. No matter what you say, don't forget that she, Misaka Mikoto, is very fond of this elementary school girl of hers.

Of course, there is a big gap between the kind of love Misaka Mikoto has and the kind of love Shirai Kuroko thinks. In other words, these are two completely different emotions. However, it is a pity that Shirai Kuroko never realized this.

In other words, Kuroko Shirai never realized how heavy her love for her sister was for Misaka Mikoto. No matter what, judging from Misaka Mikoto's character, it is absolutely impossible for her to choose to accept the very heavy love from her elementary school girl.

In other words, something that is completely shocking to the world is definitely something that Misaka Mikoto cannot touch. From this point of view, the things Shirai Kuroko thinks about are definitely the kind of things that are impossible to succeed at all. Anyway, if you want to change Misaka Mikoto's mind, you have to rely solely on Shirai Kuroko's own strength.

That is absolutely impossible.

Don't forget one very important thing, that is, Shirai Kuroko is already being targeted by Yubi Danxi. As for being targeted by Yubi Danxi, if we put it more strictly, there is no difference at all from being targeted by Shokuhou Caoqi. In this case, just because Shokuhou Misaki did not come to settle accounts with Shirai Kuroko, all the past events will not be forgotten.

Moreover, Shokuhou Misaki's memory is absolutely very good. It is impossible for him to forget that Shirai Kuroko betrayed him just because he did not go to trouble Shirai Kuroko. It can be said that Shokuhou Caoqi's words were just considering the impact, so he did not end up directly and go to trouble Shirai Kuroko.

After all, Shokuhou Misaki will become the manager of this world in the future. If after becoming the manager of this world, Shokuhou Misaki will go out to deal with such a trivial matter personally, That would be too humiliating. Therefore, for small things like this, it is enough to leave it to Jiebiao Danxi.

Or to put it a bit too much, if Yuubiao Danxi, who is deeply trusted by Shokuhou Caoqi, is allowed to handle such a thing, it actually has a sense of "killing a chicken with a bull's knife". What's more, if Shokuhou Misaki didn't know about Shirai Kuroko being targeted by Yubi Tamaki, it would be impossible.

Therefore, from this point of view, it can be seen that Shokuhou Misaki must have decided to completely let go of Shirai Kuroko's matter and let Yubi Tanki handle it. Anyway, Shokuhou Caoqi now fully trusts Yubi Danki. In this case, letting Yubio Danki handle this matter, there will naturally be no problems. Anyway, there will be no difference in the final result. Isn't it a good thing to just follow Jie Biao Danxi's wishes?

At the very least, to Shokuhou Misaki, this was nothing at all. In other words, as for this matter, if it hadn't been for some interactions with Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki probably wouldn't have paid much attention to it. After all, the current structure of Shokuhou Misaki is completely different from before.

In the past, Shokuhou Misaki would not have to deal with Shirai Kuroko's matter personally. So, at this time, Shokuhou Misaki will not spend all his energy on it. , put it on Shirai Kuroko's body. It can be said that for Shokuhou Misaki, the current Shirai Kuroko is actually no different from the ants on the roadside.

Therefore, she would naturally not waste her precious energy on Shirai Kuroko. Or it can be said that what Shirai Kuroko said was actually because of Misaka Mikoto's influence, which made Shokuhou Soki notice her, and she was ready to let Yubi Adanki go and deal with her.

Otherwise, if Shirai Kuroko can stay in this matter without doing anything and just stay there, she may not be noticed by Yubi Danxi. In that case, her The future may be much better.

Of course, these things are now a thing of the past. For things like this that have already happened, there are naturally no other possibilities. In other words, this matter may be inevitable for Shirai Kuroko.

After all, don't forget, with Shirai Kuroko's special concern for Misaka Mikoto, how could she not react at all in this matter? It can be said that if Shirai Kuroko is not involved in this incident at all, then it is simply impossible to happen.

Therefore, from this point of view, Shirai Kuroko's fate can actually be said to have been doomed from the moment she chose to betray Shokuhou Misaki. Especially after Li Xing came to this world, Shokuhou Misaki became a member of this family, and Misaka Mikoto was abandoned by Li Xing, Shirai Kuroko's fate can be said to be even more impossible to change. .

So, if it looks like this, all the treatment Shirai Kuroko will receive in the future can actually be regarded as her "self-inflicted". If you think about it this way, it seems that it is not impossible to accept Shirai Kuroko's future fate. Of course, Shirai Kuroko herself does not know what will happen in the future, and Misaka Mikoto, who is carrying Shirai Kuroko at this time, naturally does not know either.

However, at this time, we should not hesitate to imagine that if Misaka Mikoto found out that her elementary school girl betrayed Shokuhou Misaki entirely because of her own reasons, which led to her being... An incident occurred, and a rift was formed between Shokuhou Caoqi, which led to her being targeted by Yubi Danki in this incident. This led to her being involved and hooking up with her. If she lost two friends and had to suffer a bad fate in the future because of this incident, what would Misaka Mikoto think?

Perhaps, at that time, Misaka Mikoto herself would have found it difficult to accept this reality. However, in reality, it has always been magical, and anything can happen. Things like this, which at first glance may not seem like a big deal at all, may eventually lead to consequences that may be unbearable for life. If things like these happen, Kuroko Shirai, and those who are currently... Misaka Mikoto, who was carrying Shirai Kuroko, naturally didn't understand.

Of course, at this time, I have to mention that fortunately Misaka Mikoto is a level 5 electrician. She can use her own abilities to stimulate her muscles, thereby achieving the purpose of increasing her strength. Otherwise, if Misaka Mikoto is really just an ordinary middle school student, or not an ability user who can enhance her own power at all, she may not be able to move her elementary school girl.

Although Shirai Kuroko's figure can be said to be quite slender, don't forget that Misaka Mikoto is actually a person with a good figure, even a little too slender. It can be said that in terms of weight, there is actually not much difference between Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko. Needless to say, in order to maintain her figure, Misaka Mikoto has actually been using her ability to burn off excess fat.

In this case, if Misaka Mikoto was not the current level 5 of the electricity department, she might really have to watch her elementary school girl lying on the street like this. Of course, if Misaka Mikoto is not a level 5 electrician at all, there is actually no need to worry about this.

Because, if Misaka Mikoto was not a level 5 electrician, then Shirai Kuroko would not have been electrocuted to the point of fainting, and then he would not be like now, fainting directly on the street, and could only let Misaka Mikoto moved her to a safe place. From this point of view, Shirai Kuroko's current situation is really miserable.

However, once one considers that Shirai Kuroko's current situation is actually her own fault, then she may not have much sympathy for Shirai Kuroko. Although it sounds very realistic, this is the reality.

In this way, after moving her elementary school girl to the place they had chosen, Misaka Mikoto did not leave. After all, she would have to wait until her elementary school girl wakes up before leaving. No matter how you put it, the current situation of her elementary school girl is much worse than hers.

Although her elementary school girl did not encounter such a disgusting plan, now, her elementary school girl is already wanted by the entire Academy City. In this regard, compared with her, who can still enjoy the aura of level 5 under the sun, there is really a big difference.

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